"My Lord! There's a situation! "

With a cry from the goblin, Lott in the field hall immediately looked up at the front picture. When he saw it, he was shocked and quickly controlled the image of the old lord on the holographic platform again through consciousness.

On the opposite side of the holographic platform, the two human lords are staring at the samurai in the screen of the platform at this time - is it appropriate for them to know the situation of the monster territory?

"Foreign body approaching." The AI of the Black Warrior's carrier reminds us.


As the voice of artificial intelligence falls, three spherical objects full of spikes quickly roll in the opposite direction. When they are about to collide with Vader's team, they stop immediately, and then the three spherical objects slowly spread out.

Three hedgehogs are 4 meters high with spines on their backs. Their upright image looks like a standing hedgehog. However, these hedgehogs are not good at stubble. Their faces are full of exposed tusks, scarlet eyes, ferocious faces, and they have a posture of choosing people to bite. More importantly, they also hold two machetes on their claws.

"Ah... How many years, finally come to the adventurer... No!" When one of them looked at the black knight and death knight, he suddenly realized that the knight had the same breath as them, belonging to the monster's exclusive breath!


The images on the holographic platform disappear - the moment the monsters are about to speak, they are cut off by Lott.

The two Lords on the opposite side just saw half of it and immediately yelled that there was no picture. Artificial intelligence indicated that there was a strong interference on the ground, which led to the signal interruption. Now they are in rush repair.

And the old lord image of Lott quickly disappeared.

Now, sitting in the field hall, Lott is leaning on the table with his hands crossed, looking at the picture coming from the camera in front of him with a solemn expression - the three giant hedgehogs are looking down at Vader and his party, a little stunned.

"Vader, find out who owns this territory. Be careful." Said Lott, with his hands crossed and his mouth lowered, in a tense tone. Be careful, anyway.

The Black Warrior in the camera nods, grabs at the void, releases the force, directly strangles the necks of the three guys in front of him, raises them, and begins to question, "where is this? Whose family are you from? Say

Lott "(⊙)_ ⊙)”

Nima, it's just for you to ask the way. What's the matter with pinching people's necks?! Do you know what asking for directions is?!

"Tell me!" The black samurai's attitude is tough, and he's going to turn his back.

The three monsters on the opposite side were strangled by their necks for a long time, until the black Samurai reached out and flew out. Then they kept rolling on the ground. While the black Samurai strode forward with a red lightsaber, it was just like a black bully with his little brother.

Seeing this, Lott suddenly found that it was naive to let the Knights of Thrones work as diplomats

The three big hedgehogs were a little confused by the sudden rise. Although it's normal for the adventurers to open their shelves as soon as they come, they are smelling of the same monster in front of them. It's not the same thing.

If you find monsters on your own territory that are different from those of your family members, it means three possibilities:

Envoys sent from other monster territories, or refugees who come to take refuge like Mrs. Niu.

Finally, the territory was invaded.

The monsters in the underground city usually don't give out any breath. When Vader takes the Knights into the territory, he turns on his breath immediately, which directly shows that he is looking for trouble.

"I don't know if it's recklessness or audacity..."

Looking at Vida's swaggering momentum, Lott felt a little relieved - whether he would offend the other side's forces or not. Lott didn't care. The main reason was whether his own knight on the throne was safe or not. That's the point.

With the nigger approaching, the front three hedgehogs with level 30 strength moved back in horror.

"What's the name of your territory? Say Vida further threatened. To deal with monsters, you have to show the most ruthless side. Only in this way can the other side be afraid and dare not act rashly. Otherwise, they will be eaten to the point where there are no bones left. As a king knight of the same kind, this is very clear.

As soon as the nearest hedgehog saw it, he suddenly exclaimed, "big... Big cemetery! The great underground cemetery of andrell

"The grand cemetery?" Vader stopped, then asked Lott in a low voice, "Lord?""The great underground cemetery of andlear..."

Lott sat on the sofa with his arms crossed and began to meditate in the expectant eyes of the two people around him.

In the underground city, knights have the inheritance of knights, housekeepers have the inheritance of housekeepers, and Lott, as a lord, can naturally find the memory inheritance left by successive lords in his mind. As long as he thinks deeply, all the information will automatically come to his mind.

Andrell's underground cemetery is owned by a vampire duchess. The first lord of the underground city once pursued her, but she was rejected, He just... Um... Fell in love with the former ancestor of the little witch - a middle-aged woman with elegant style and lingering charm - and at last, the first generation specially pulled her into their own underground city to be a golden house... This NIMA dog's blood

As for the information about the cemetery, most of them are all kinds of praise given by the early generations to its hostess, There's no other information about monsters and treasures... No, the hostess here likes glittering things, no more.

"Ms. Laura andrell Issa?" Lott opened his eyes and whispered the name of the Duchess - the same name as Maria's first ancestor. The only reason was that the old man gave his little white dragon the same name in memory of his dream lover, just like some people gave their daughter the name of their first lover.

But then again, the devil will not tell anyone his real name, because he will be hurt by the other party through his name, so as to achieve the purpose of further control.

Although high-level vampires do not belong to the devil, they will not easily reveal their full name to anyone.

Now, the name of the Duchess is known to Lott through the memory of the first lord. In other words, the first lord actually has a play? But he didn't insist further? Not so bloody, right?

Maria and Vickers were looking at Lott. When they heard him whisper something, Maria asked further, "what did you say? My lord

"Nothing." Lott shook his head, then looked at the big screen in front of him, just about to speak to Vader

Just then, the noise came from the front again