"I'll do it, my Lord." Maria, who couldn't watch, said as she took off her mask.

When Gladys heard it, he turned to look at it and suddenly showed a look of surprise.

It was the first time for her to see a human whose beauty was much better than that of the elves. It was a bit incredible.

No ordinary person has ever seen Maria.

Lott doesn't want people to see her, because in his blueprint, Maria will appear in the future as the Dragon God of the dungeon, the guardian goddess.

Why design like this?

In the near future, Lott is sure that the outside church forces will eventually arrive here and begin to preach the followers.

Faith exists in every world, especially for the adventurers who are in trouble. As long as they have faith in their hearts, they can help them through all difficulties.

Equivalent to a spiritual sustenance.

Therefore, instead of letting foreign hostile forces draw in, it's better to create a sect called Bailong Sect on our side, so that everyone can believe in her.

In order to make people more convinced, Lott plans to make a film in the future, in which Maria will appear as the white dragon goddess, and the images of the positive protagonists fighting with the abyss dragon are all of the same, belonging to the white dragon sect.

This makes people form a subtle idea: this underground city is created by the protection of the white dragon goddess!

Therefore, the white dragon religion is unique here. It can go out to attract believers when necessary, so as to form a strong competitive relationship with foreign church forces and not fall into passivity like other novels.

Of course, the doctrine of Bailong religion is to teach people to be good, such as to obey the rules; Be a good citizen; When others hit you in the left face... You beat me back, that's it!

Let people establish an indomitable, progressive, positive and optimistic attitude!

This is the essence of the white dragon religion.

"Well..." Lott looked at Maria, thought about it for a long time, then said, "wait here, and then turned to Vickers, who was operating the camera and pretending to be a dwarf.

When the goblin found out that the LORD was coming, he quickly stopped his work.

"Vickers, if Maria is involved in the shooting, can you replace all her images with Gladys' in the post-processing?"

Image processing. The goblin nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

In that case, it's easy.

Lott plans to play the leading role in person, but let Vickers try not to take pictures of his head. After all, whether he is the devil or the chairman of blue fire group, he should never let the public know about his Viagra ads.

As for Gladys, other goblins lead us to shoot several sets of image templates in the studio, so that we can have an image reference in the post production.

When all was done, Lott came to the sprinkler with his bare upper body and said to the smart cameras floating on both sides, "make sure you get Maria's face, remember?"

Two hovering cameras, which are black, round and glowing light green like cat's eyes in the middle, nod their heads in mid air. When they receive commands, they are very similar to the probes in StarCraft, and they all emit the sound of "Niao ~" and "Gulu".

Maria, dressed in a pink nightgown with long silver hair, immediately raised her arm to her chin after seeing lottego's upper body exposed. She looked up and down lottego's strong back with a look of appreciating works of art, and sighed slightly

"Why is there such a perfect creation in this world? It's hard to stop. Just looking at me has already... "

"Let's shoot." Lott nodded to the camera next to him, against the wall.

"Kidney deficiency, sometimes after overwork, the waist and legs ache and feel depressed, as if the body is hollowed out..."

AI reads out the lines in a straight line, and the surrounding suspension cameras keep moving to find the shooting angle, What Lott thought at this time was: go back and see if you can find a voice over to change the voice again

At this time, it was Maria's turn to go on the stage. She came behind Lott, put her hand around his back waist, looked up at him, frowned and worried, and asked, "is her kidney overdrawn?"

That expression, that tone, it's just like a goblin hollowing out the other party's body!

The surrounding cameras rushed to Lott's back shoulder and made a close-up of Maria's expression.In Lott's opinion, there was a strong sense of seeing

Just when he thought about it, he found that longniang's hand seemed to be a little dishonest. There was a worried expression on one side, and there he began to rub with one hand on his back. How could he feel like being eaten tofu

"I must have been very thoughtful!" Lott throws these bad ideas out of her mind. Maria has always been a kind of gentle and elegant image. Even in the face of other people, she is basically an expression of no desire and no desire. At least the old driver should not have anything to do with her!

Lott kept hinting to himself in his mind, trying to make Maria set up a perfect housekeeper image in his mind instead of

The harsh lines of artificial intelligence continue: "want to make up for the kidney overdraft?"

"Try Shenbao tablets." Maria read this line with great familiarity, and her expression slowly changed from worry to joy. It felt like a soldier who had run out of ammunition finally saw the arrival of supplies.

It gives people a feeling that they can start again.

"Ka ~ ~" cried Vickers from behind.

The first scene is over. But

"Maria, let go. My kidney is fine. I don't have to rub it any more."

Even at the end of the shooting, long Niang's restless paw is still rubbing. At the same time, she has to change her direction and gradually explore the downward trend

Just as she was about to do it, Lott's voice woke her up.

Damn it!

Maria nodded to him with a smile, and finally took her paws away. After that, she turned and glared at Vickers: if you dare to disturb me next time, I'll burn you up now!


Goblins, trolls, puppets, death knights, and even the smart cameras floating nearby, all stepped back, then nodded their heads desperately to show that they understood, for fear that they would slow down and offend the big monster.

So next, the most critical scene of the second scene.

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