"Arthur is in the lead! Arthur is in the lead! It's very fast! "

In front of the virtual screen, 15 racing horses were running forward, while the audience stood up from their seats to cheer for the horses they had bet on.

"Come on, Lancelot!"

"Galahad! Give it to me! Come on, come on

"Go, Arthur! It's up to you! "

In the black shop, several people on the sofa all stood up, waving fists and ale, while hissing at the virtual big screen.

While the owner of the black shop was shouting, he was also shaking his built-in bracelet.

When the assassin saw this, he just wanted to snatch it. At this time, he found that all the elves lying on the sofa craned their necks and looked at him - these ferocious little monsters are all about level 15 or 6. If they fight, gunner, who has no weapons in hand, has no chance of winning.


"Lancelot's up! Lancelot's up there. " The big screen is still live with the horse racing information, "now Lancelot is the first, he will Modred and others far behind, if there is no accident, he will be this time... No! wait! What's that? It's Napoleon! Napoleon is catching up! He easily overtook Arthur! More than Lancelot! "



Watching Napoleon run to the finish line, the strong men in the black shop threw the beer bottles on the ground one after another, and the owner of the black shop also subconsciously smashed the built-in bracelet of Magna on the ground.

At that moment, despite the glass slag on the ground, Gerner quickly caught his property. At the same time, several bloody wounds were scraped out of his chest again


In the hall of the realm, Lott leaned on the throne with his legs crossed, and paddled with a tablet in his hand, It shows the scene that the assassin is surrounded by the big man and the elves after receiving the built-in bracelet.

However, the spy in his medical suit curls up and sticks to his hands, which makes people look at him directly.

"I'm drunk when I'm a spy." Lott could not help sighing, and then thought that the trump spies sent out by his family would not be bullied like this by a group of local ruffians, a Pikachu and a lot of pet elves, right?



"Where is Arman now?"

"Lord Hui, the intelligence officer has just finished the intelligence collection in Sara city and is now on his way to sumir city."

Spy swap?

Lott looks down at the ace spy in the picture who is knocked unconscious again, but drags the built-in Bracelet in his hand. Finally, the boy is dragged to the door and left on the street.

Lott is a little worried now. What should we do if our spies are also in this tragic situation?

"If you can get in touch with him, let him know and tell him to be careful. If you can get the best information, you can't forget it. Safety comes first."

"Yes, my Lord."

"Wiki." Cried Lott, looking up ahead.

"Yes, my Lord." AI responds softly.

"How many spies have you caught?"

"Lord Hui, a total of 61 intelligence agents were found. After the trial of the magicians, they came from three forces, namely, the city of sumir, the Duchy of Doras and the city-state of ogris."

There were a lot of enemies invading, which surprised Lott.

He put his tablet aside, leaned his elbow on the table in front of him, folded his hands into fists to cover his mouth and asked, "anything else?"

"After interrogation, we learned from several of the agents that sumir city and the Duchy of Doras are attacking Sara city one after another."

Once Sara city falls, Kane city will be next, and then the underground city 150 km away from Kane city.

The situation is getting less and less optimistic. No wonder these guys sent spies in advance. I think they must have known all about Kane city.


Lott looked at the assassin who fainted in the street on the big screen, and gradually fell into meditation.

The world is far more complicated than he expected. It's like a pot of porridge. Those forces far away from the war-torn areas, such as Kane City, can grow land and do business with ease, while those cities in the center of the war can't be spared.Sara city is the gateway of Kane city. It has been in front of the enemy, which is the reason why the ancestors of Kane city signed the alliance contract with them.

But now, the form is so complicated that it's not just to hide behind. The warlords think that they will soon run out of money, so they focus on the rich Kane City, and then they learn from the businessmen that the underground city is richer than Kane city.

"If you leave the cake on the ground for a long time, the ants will eventually appear."

Lott murmured and turned to look at the nearby energy storage, which showed that the total energy was 3.68 million.

Among them, 10000 ordinary people in the racecourse stimulate 8 points of energy per person on average, accumulating 30 points per person now, totaling 300000.

The adventurers didn't take part in this time. Most of them were chopping monsters in the wild. Some of them were just like those in the clinic of the black shop. They were able to stimulate their emotions by broadcasting bets, with an average of 25 points per person. Up to 50 points now, more than 8000 adventurers gave out about 400000 energy in total.

The remaining 160000 are ordinary people. Some of them watch the live broadcast and bet, some go shopping and sweep goods. Their mood is stable at about 20 o'clock on average, and the energy given to the underground city is more than 320000.

So far, the energy generated by this racing event is a little more than 1 million. Combined with the 260 energy last night, it is now 3.7 million.

"3.7 million, a long way from 6 million." Lott thought in silence.

Scarab doesn't just need one. All kinds of weapons and ammunition she carries are burning all the time. Therefore, she must be well prepared. In other words, the minimum energy must be 8 million!

Most of all, one is not enough.

"One is expeditionary, one is at home, to rescue other allies and to deter all forces. In other words, we'd better prepare three."

On hearing this, Maria leaned over and asked, "in that case, it's almost 10 million. Will it make the adventurers too anxious?"

"So we have to take advantage of now to adjust their mood to the best and most relaxed state, so as to prepare for large-scale stimulation the day after tomorrow."

Maria nodded. Then Vickers asked, "my Lord, the spy is awake. What are you going to do with him next?"