"What about us, my lord?"

On the other hand, the puppets were dressed, and Lott nodded with satisfaction.

At least the male side is much more normal, such as suits, shirts, casual clothes, sportswear, etc.

"Well, let's start."

Lott asked Maria to be the first to walk into the room with green cloth in the middle.

The next second, the environment around her changes. It's a stage full of spotlights, with a lot of light spots flashing back and forth like fluorescent sticks.

"Maria, put one hand on your waist, make a handsome gesture, and remember to smile."

"Is that so?"

Maria held her waist in one hand, her shoulders slanting toward Lott's side, her other hand holding a big red fan under her chin, half covering her face. Her eyes and body movements looked very charming.

"Ha ha, that's it. Turn around, walk with your back to this side for two steps, then turn around and face this side again, and put on a handsome posture."

The surrounding floating cameras are constantly moving back and forth in order to change the better angle of Photography - the dynamic pictures projected by the instruments next to Lott are the visual images they take.

After changing Maria's background several times in a row, her part is finished. The next step is to take a picture of the cover poster.

"Perfect, next."

Lott is quite satisfied with Maria's performance, and after shooting, she comes to Lott in her coat like a famous female star, bending over to watch the pictures taken by the camera.

The second one is leisure clothes. The background is clean and tidy streets. It seems that after seeing Maria's performance, the illusions also make some gestures that they think are very handsome. However, because this kind of clothes is a leisure type, Lott only asks her to put on ordinary movements and postures.

The third one is a professional suit. The location is the office. The props are some folders on the hand and a pair of rimless glasses on the bridge of the nose... HMM... how do you feel like av

In a word, the girls were stiff at the beginning, and then they crowded together in front of the camera to watch their performance. If they thought it was bad, they asked to make it up again, Until you are satisfied.

For men, it's much easier. Let the magic couple turn around a few times, and then stand there and put a few poss.

Because the phantoms regard this as an entertainment project, the whole shooting process lasts for quite a long time until the trolls have finished all the work of the sewage system.

After that, the monsters also said that they wanted to take a group of photos. Lott had no choice but to let them go to the audition. These guys put their hands under the camera all the time, showing their muscles like a group of fags. Mrs. Niu also mixed in. I don't know what old Niu would think when he knew.

These things naturally can't be seen by human beings. When other monsters come over one day, they can be used as communication projects to publicize them.

A group of monsters finally got together and put all kinds of POSS in front of the camera, but Lott finished the picture he wanted ahead of time, so it was up to them.

"It's done... I mean, it's done." Lott stood up and looked at the guys in front who were enjoying themselves in the green screen.

All the monsters raised their heads to look at it, and then they ran excitedly to show that they wanted to see the sample.

Finally, in a noisy sound, the goblins used projectors to broadcast the picture.

When they see their own images appear in the picture, they immediately express their great satisfaction, and then they can't help nodding how beautiful and handsome they are.

Looking at the monsters with their backs to him, Lott turned to the goblin and asked:

"How's the airship?"

"Lord Hui, all three ships have been made. This is their data."

With that, Vickers reached out and took out a disk, which projected a virtual model of a small airship.

Like Lott's imagination, the overall shape is elliptical, which looks like the Kirov airship in the game. However, the color painting of the head is the head of miaowa seed and other royal family.

"We have installed three main cannons on both sides to launch leaflets. There are projectors under them to mount the propaganda images captured this time."

Vickers talked on and on. All the functions on the airship are specially designed for publicity. Once it is put into use, and merchants have been sent to preheat it in advance, the number of people pouring into the underground city will be unimaginable!If you can think of such an efficient and violent drainage method, the wisdom of the Lord in front of you is really not comparable to that of any previous ruler!

Lott looked at the goblins around him and looked up at him. His eyes were full of stars. He immediately said with a smile:

"Don't be happy too early. If we bring other people's residents here for consumption, their capital reserves will be greatly reduced. When the senior management over there finds out, they will come to discuss it in a fierce manner."

Goblins looked at each other, and finally firmly said that the death knights here are not afraid of any threat!

"Of course I know that." Lott shook his head. "But once the war happens, the flow here will be interrupted, our energy reserves will be insufficient, and finally we will have to go back to the days when we couldn't open the pot."

When the goblins heard this, they all showed a panic expression - they really don't want to go back to the past.

"Don't be afraid." Lott saw that he had sold out, and finally comforted him: "I need a weapon, a decisive weapon that can frighten the other side into not having the courage to go to war. As long as I have this thing in my hand, I will have nothing to worry about."

The goblins looked up at him stupidly. Then they came back to their senses. Isn't the LORD their support? As long as he is there, no problem is a problem!

Lott continued: "I'll give you a sketch of that weapon when I go back. Then I'll give you a brief introduction to its principle of action and function. It's up to you to make it later."

After listening to the goblins' high spirited expressions, it's hard to say anything else. But as long as it's about making things, they've never been bothered. They only have the concept of graphics, and the Lord can make anything he wants. Vickers and his people have full confidence in this!

"That's fine." Lott nodded with satisfaction: "those troublesome things are now put aside. Now that the first task of the day has been completed, we should work harder on the other piecemeal ones. After that, we'll have a good celebration! "

"Oh ~ ~"

Looking at the cheerfulness around him, Lott thought quietly

So what's the next step?

There should be a lot of people coming here tomorrow. There are only 400 death knights here. The security force is seriously insufficient... If there is Pikachu

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