Several people changed places again, stopped and looked left and right. After confirming that no one was aware of it, they all looked at Lott.

But at this time, Lott frowned and quietly thought about a problem: the number of elves to choose from is too small!

"What are you thinking? Big brother Several people beside him looked at him with smile.

As soon as Lott looked up and found out what these people looked like, he felt a chill in his heart and waved his hand and said, "I've run out of luck! I just smoked a few times on the way, and now it's all ABC. " This sentence is for Vickers, which means that he should give the ordinary one next.

They didn't believe it until Lott took out the class B gain card several times.

"Let's go out into the wild and see how powerful the new spirit is! By the way, let's determine the location of the guild! "

"Oh, yes! I almost forgot about the guild. "

A few people then remembered that they still had something to do. They excitedly left the card room and turned to walk towards the second layer of transmission array.

Midway through a few parked in the roadside of the large carriage, the party stopped.

Lott, Jill, and the swordsman, Aaron, stopped to watch the young ladies dressed up and soliciting business beside the carriage.

Three people looked at each other, suddenly showed a pair of smile you know.


A few people in the back waited for a long time. They thought that the three people in front of them stopped to do what they wanted, but they didn't expect to stand there and brag at the young lady.

"Ah... Man..." Miss Archer sighed helplessly, reached out and pulled the silver hair hanging from her ears. Combined with the unique beauty of the half elf blood, she looked very flattering.

"Have you seen enough of it!"

Miranda, the female crazy warrior, carrying an axe, roared in the back. It's getting late now, and it's going to be night. It's said that once it's night in the dungeon, many monsters won't come out, and the buyers will stop buying things. It looks like the next shift, so we have to finish everything today anyway, Then tomorrow is the day to make money.

"If you want to find a young lady, at least you have to wait until you go home in the evening. It's important to do business now." "I want to try my frog seed quickly," urged the youngest spell apprentice, frowning and licking the lollipop

Maria stood aside and did not speak.

When Jill and the swordsman heard this, they turned their heads bitterly. Before they left, they were still reluctant to look at the young ladies in the front motorcade waving to them.

Lott naturally had other ideas, but when he turned to see Maria's resentful eyes, he immediately scratched his head.

The team continues to walk slowly towards the second floor underground. Now Jill and Allen are at the front, discussing "philosophy and posture of life."

The other three followed them and looked at them as if they were fools. Lott and Maria were at the back and kept a distance from the team.

"Jealous?" Asked Lott with a smile.

Maria turned to look at him, confused.

Well, she doesn't understand the word. She can't make fun of it.

Lott coughed and said, "don't get me wrong. I'm just observing the planning of the facilities in the city."


Maria looked at him and said nothing.

Lott knew she didn't understand, but she said to herself, "Vickers, if you're looking, write down what I'm going to say next."

After a pause, he continued

"On the opposite side of our main facilities, we will set up a row of shops, and then send representatives to contact with those dealers in medicine, equipment, materials, vegetables and fruits, so that they can rent these shops. The specific price will be discussed again, so that every dealer can have a front room as far as possible."

"We must let them know that this block called Central Avenue will become the center of the whole underground city in the future, so the things sold must be the best, and there must be no false elements in it, or they will be disqualified from operating here."

"Behind the shops, that is, on the right side of the whole Central Avenue, two rows of large buildings similar to other halls are made to form another street."

"This new street is called happy street. That is to say, it is a place for young ladies to do business. The rental price should not be too high, which is lower than that of Central Avenue. There are also some building facilities around it, such as bathhouses, safety pubs, dining halls, food houses, song and dance clubs, which are convenient for young ladies to live and live. ""By the way, the facilities in the bathhouse must, of course, contain healing springs to relieve all the negative effects of similar diseases."

"There's more death knights patrolling that block. I don't want to see scum making trouble there."

"Every month, we have to send someone to investigate whether everyone is voluntary. If not, we will get her out. If we want to leave, we will let her leave. The homeless will be arranged to work in our main facilities. At the same time, we will kill all those who can threaten her life."

"In addition, not all the young ladies come out to do it. There are also a large number of those who are similar to those who are performing arts but not selling themselves. What's more, they have to communicate well with the busts at that time."

"Other related entertainment facilities on the street should be ready, such as chess room, game hall and so on."

"The above is the arrangement of happy street. I want to make it the most prosperous Kabuki town in the world! It's the key to getting people to stop and live here, and it's also a place to ease the tension of adventurers. "

"By the way, in the middle of Central Avenue and happy street, there was a row of hotels. It's not too much. We can't leave too many adventurers here - we have to rely on them to help us to take the pet elves outside for publicity."

"The scale of the block is too large. Don't worry too much. If the energy is not enough or there are other problems, wait until I go back."

Lott slowly gave the order. Maria followed him quietly. After listening to the overall plan, she suddenly widened her eyes. As soon as the order was over, she couldn't wait to ask, "have you been thinking about this?"

Lott looked at her with a smile and wanted to say, "no, it's just a temporary thought. I really want to go there just now." of course, these words can't be said.

"Yes Lott nodded heavily.

Maria said with pride

"Hum, I know you are different from those insects who only think with their lower body."

'sorry, your leader is one of those bugs, probably the biggest one. '

Lott nodded with a smile: "yes, I'm different from those worms!"

The party soon came to the second floor area. In a place where they didn't see half an adventurer, the monster appeared.

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