On the screen, when all the spotlights hit the mercenary Jill, a trance appeared on his face.

In the goblin hall, the energy readings began to rise sharply

"The mood of mice changed from jealousy and anger to joy and joy, and the jealousy of adventurers around them began to rise gradually... These people looked like fools..."

Goblins are playing and communicating while operating the instruments.

The mercenary on the screen desperately pushed past the adventurer standing in front of him. When he finally got to the high stage, the host gave him a gift box and said, "let's see what this lucky guy can get."

The gift box opened, and a card with a faint red light floated on it.

"Ooh, class R rare card is a wonderful frog seed. Let's give our warm applause to this lucky mercenary!"


Everyone looked at Jill on the stage with a smile on their face and said something like congratulations.

"Jealousy is at its peak! My God, the average is 25, almost catching up with the main mood

Goblins look at the numbers on the screen in shock, then look at the faces of the adventurers smiling and clapping, and finally turn to the far away energy storage 17800! Still rising!

"If we didn't have instruments to test, we really didn't know that human beings would be so duplicative." The goblins in front of the operating platform communicated happily.

While Lott, sitting on the king's chair, tilted his head on the chair, yawned and looked at the adventurers scattered on the screen

"In the final analysis, S-level can only be regarded as advanced material. Only rare level can have more growth attributes than other elves when upgrading."

"My Lord, I don't understand one thing very well." The goblin next to him asked respectfully, "why did you set the winning rate at 5%

"The rarity is the most important thing, and the people we face are different. The color roll room is for almost everyone, suitable for all ages. The card room is mainly for adventurers. "

Lott explained lazily, "in the future, with the increase of people flow, there are bound to be two kinds of people in the underground city: one is of course the mainstream adventurers, and the second is the ordinary people who come to visit."

The energy source in the city is emotion. Ordinary people and adventurers have emotions, but with the upgrading of the level, the gap between senior adventurers and ordinary people will be bigger and bigger.

Ordinary people only have level 1-2, even if they are extremely happy, they can only provide about 5 points of energy at most, while level 15 adventurers, such as Jill, currently provide 30 points of energy at a time! With the improvement of the level, this amount will continue to expand!

The higher the level, the greater the energy!

Only the adventurer will go to the lottery in order to enhance more help. After many failures, more and more emotions will be generated. When a certain amount of negative emotions are reached, once a rare card is obtained, all the overstocked emotions will leak out crazily. At that time, the energy will be quite terrible.

Although ordinary people will smoke, but it is only a small number after all, and even if they get elves, they will not take risks.

Dungeons need high-level people.

"That's why you use elves to help them upgrade?" Asked Maria, next to him.

Lott tilted his head and looked at her, nodded slightly with a smile, pointed to the screen and said:

"The average level of adventurers in this city is only about level 10, and there are less than 100 adventurers in level 20. It's too low! If you want to make money, you have to let customers experience the fun of making money. Win win is the ultimate mystery of business

"Oh, that's great." Maria clapped her hands, and the goblin next to her clapped in a confused way.

Lott waved his hand to shut the two guys up.

The number of adventurers on the monitors is increasing, from 600 to 1000.

But Lott's eyebrows were still locked. He leaned on the edge of the chair with one elbow, stretched out his index finger, middle finger and thumb to fix his side face, and whispered quietly:

"Now the passenger flow is still too little, so little that even the competitors are dismissive." He knows very well that there is another monster labyrinth outside his underground city, about 3 kilometers away from here, not only there, but also in other directions. Although he doesn't know what the situation of those monster families is, he thinks it will only be more lively than here.

"Let's see what can be developed next. At least we have to have a certain amount of capital to take advantage of before competitors can detect the situation here."The worst case is that the monster over there will send troops to attack in the name of territory grabbing, so this side has to have enough energy to make a large number of death knights and other defense facilities to resist, and energy is the key to victory or defeat.

In any case, the first priority now is to attract human beings, and then try to extract energy from them.

Lott quietly looks at the mercenary in the picture, and new ideas begin to emerge in his heart


Jill Hsing hurried out of the card house, then looked around like a thief, and at the same time, quickly shuttled through the increasingly dense flow of people - it's still early, and most of the adventurers eat, recruit and supply here, After all the adjustments are completed, we will start to work in the lower area for a day.

"We have to kill more monsters when there is no one! If you're late, you'll be robbed! "

Now there are more and more people, and the increasing pressure of competition drives veteran players like Jill to move towards the second level.

When he passed through the large transmission array leading to the second floor of the underground area, there were a group of guys standing on the other side who were chatting and farting, but more of them were the mercenary team leaders shouting at the door:

"Doraemon hunt! The spoils are guaranteed to be evenly distributed! It's two people short! Set out when you're ready! "

"Hunting scorpions! Hunting scorpions! Three level 10 archers are required! Only the archers

"We need five pig slaughterers! No less than level 10 required! Any occupation is OK! "

The teams shouting here are basically treasure hunting teams, which are the spoils demanded by purchasers: Ruby, Wild Boar Tusk, and scorpion tail hook.

Jill looked at them one by one and kept shaking her head.

Although he has not seen the other two new monsters, Dora x dream alone is hard enough. It is hard to kill the bomb throwing monster by one person without using some strategies, which makes more adventurers tend to fight together with the team, because the efficiency is not comparable to one person.

To make more money, team building is the key.

However, because there is no unified standard, the problem of field team formation will emerge one after another: many people will see money, often fight in the end, and then eat the spoils alone.

"If only there was a guild guarantee." Jill sighed.

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