A few days later.

Dark moon family.

"My Lord, housekeeper Chen, this is the case. We didn't expect that ye Xinghe's talent had reached such a level. Ye has been extremely dissatisfied with the dark moon family all the time. If this boy grows up, he will certainly be disadvantageous to the dark moon family. Please think twice! " Zhao Yang knelt down and said, trembling, but a ray of cold light passed in his eyes.

At this point, Zhao Xinghe didn't recall them.

The head of the dark moon family, Liang Xiang, is a seven strong man in the sky. In addition to the city Lord's house and Tianxing college, his strength is absolutely ranked in the top 20 in Tianzong city. Under his leadership, the dark moon family is thriving and thriving. Now it is the top three aristocratic family in Tianzong city.

After the five heavy days, the strength will be increased by dozens of times for each heavy day. At the same time, the difficulty of upgrading will be more than dozens of times.

There are many strong people who can only stay in the five fold heaven and the six fold heaven forever, and only a few of the tens of thousands of practitioners can reach the level of seven fold heaven.

From liuchongtian to qichongtian, Liangxiang practiced for five years. After qichongtian, he practiced for six years, and then he became the head of the dark moon family.

"Chen Deng, listen to you, he has reached the peak of the five fold heaven in just a few months. He may already have the strength of the sixth heaven. Is this true or false?" Liang Xiang's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes swept over Chen Deng and Zhao Yang. How could he not know what ideas Chen Deng and Zhao Yang had made?

But if ye Xinghe's talent is really so amazing, it's worth noting.

Chen Deng, who was next to him, knelt down in a hurry and said, "tell the master that the news is true. Many people in Tianxing college know that he is a genius who has attracted six red spirit crystals. He was accepted as a disciple by Vice President Xu. He showed amazing strength in the place of trial. The previous martial arts competition defeated Lei Hong, the peak of the thunder family."

"If he had such a talent, why was he expelled from star college?" Liang Xiang's fingers gently tapped on the armrest of the seat and asked quietly.

Chen Deng replied in a hurry: "we are not very clear about this matter. At present, it is certain that this matter should have something to do with the Zhenbei palace. If the princess shows love to the boy, it must be because this matter has angered the Zhenbei palace!"

"Oh? Is there such a thing? " Beam eyebrows slightly pick.

"Yes." Chen Deng knelt down and replied, "I don't know what charm that boy has. He even makes the princess so determined."

"Since you say that the boy is the disciple of vice president Xu, and now the princess has a special affection for him, if we really want to deal with him, won't we offend many people? Whether it's vice president Xu or the princess, we can't afford it! " Liang Xiang said in a deep voice, fiddling with the trigger on his finger.

"But the owner of the family, Ye's family has been urged to pay taxes every year. Many old people in the family have died of starvation. Ye Xinghe's aunt also hanged herself because of our dark moon family. If ye Xinghe is allowed to continue to improve his strength and plump wings, he will surely take revenge. If so, it is better to kill the boy first, so as not to become a disaster in the future." Chen Deng's eyebrows flashed a ferocious color.

"There is a certain truth in what you say." Liang Xiang slightly pondered, "the boy's strength is estimated to be around six times. We'll send several people to solve him quietly. We can't suspect that it was made by our dark moon family!"

"Yes, master!" Chen Deng flashed a light of joy.

Zhao Yang can't help but be overjoyed. Since the dark moon family has decided to make a move, does Ye Xinghe still want to live?

"Chen Deng, over the years, you have secretly transferred Zhao's tax to Ye's, and there are some other things you have done. I don't want to investigate, and I'm too lazy to investigate. If you can't do this well, you know the consequences!" Liang Xiang said lightly.

Hearing Liang Xiang's words, Chen Deng's heart thumped for a moment and said in a hurry: "thank you for your kindness. I'll help you do it properly."

"Well!" Liang Xiang answered, then stood up and walked outside.

When he saw Liang Xiang leave, Chen Deng's forehead was already in a cold sweat. He thought that what he had done was perfect. The owner had already understood the meaning of the owner. If he couldn't do it, he would have died. No one dared to gossip about such a big dark moon family and killed several slaves.

Zhao Yang got up in a hurry and nodded to Chen Deng: "thank you for your help. We Zhao will have a lot of thanks after it is done."

Chen Deng took a look at Zhao Yang, snorted coldly, swung his sleeves and turned away.

Looking at Chen Deng's back leaving, Zhao Yang couldn't help cursing: "hum, isn't it a dog raised by the dark moon family? I really think he's so amazing!" But he did not dare to say it.

Thinking of Ye Xinghe, Zhao Yang is gnashing his teeth. He has been up all night for several days. If he doesn't get rid of Ye Xinghe, he can hardly sleep. After using so many means to operate, the dark moon family finally decides to take action, which makes him excited.Facing the huge dark moon family, ye Xinghe will surely die! He's just waiting for a good show!

On an island in the middle of blue Carp Lake.

Ye Xinghe is sitting and practicing. During this period of time, he has been practicing madly, almost without stopping for a moment. Ye Xinghe's accomplishments in this period of time have been improved rapidly, which has something to do with his talent, but it is also inseparable from his efforts.

It seems that because of the ancient monument in his body, ye Xinghe will not feel tired even if he does not sleep at all. Therefore, he seems to be crazy. Other people can practice five or six hours a day, while ye Xinghe spends nearly 20 hours every day.

If outsiders like Ye Xinghe practice so hard, it is estimated that they would have gone mad.

It's really beyond ordinary people's ability to practice 20 hours a day. Even if the physical strength can keep up with it, it's hard for anyone to have the perseverance to practice for such a long time every day.

Ye Xinghe has a strong sense of urgency all the time. He knows that if his strength is improved by one point, his family will have more security.

Not far from ye Xinghe, Xia Yuning also accompanied her to practice. However, she couldn't be as crazy as ye Xinghe. She had to rest after one or two hours of practice. Seeing ye Xinghe practicing so hard, Xia Yuning's heart was full of admiration.

It is not unreasonable that ye Xinghe's strength can be promoted so fast. Ye Xinghe has to work harder than anyone else!

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