Chapter 238 - Rules

Say what? I suddenly feel like kicking myself. Here I am, acting like a little school girl, fangirling over everything when I should be running away. Uh... swimming away. I shake my head and try again "Look... I'm sure you're a really nice person... merman but I can't stay here. Did you hear what I said back there? I have a family and a home waiting for me."

He watches me with a blank look before saying "Now you have a new home. This is where you'll live from now on and I'm now your Master. Stay in this room or there will be consequences. I will have someone help you with your... clothes." 

He quickly swims past me, leaving me biting my lip in frustration. I swim over to the opening to the room but pause... maybe I should wait and think this through a little better. Even if I were to swim away... I'm slow compared to them and I have no idea where to go. 

I need to familiarize myself with this... palace before I have any chances of escaping. I push away from the opening and swim back over to the large looking clam. As I reach the clam, I find myself already growing tired. 

Swimming is so much harder than walking... I'd definitely die trying to swim away! "You must be the new pet I was told about." I suddenly hear behind me. I turn around and I see a very pretty mermaid. Nothing like the females that had solid black eyes. 

Her eyes were bubblegum pink in color and it matched her hair perfectly. Her fin was a mix of pink, orange, and yellow. She reminds me of starburst candy. She swims over with ease and frowns at my white silver dress. 

It keeps trying to float up around me like a cloud but I've done a good job at keeping it down thus far. She swims around me and says "I can work with this. Hmmm, I'll be right back." She then swims out of the room, leaving a small trail of tiny bubbles. 

I turn back around and look at the clam bed again. This has been bothering me since I first saw it... I need to know if it's still alive because it really does look like it. I inch closer to the clam and flap my arms to lower myself. "This... is harder... than I thought," I say between flaps. 

Once I'm close enough, I slowly reach out a poke the fleshy looking inside. Nothing happens... I poke it a little harder but still, nothing happens. I take my whole hand and place it down onto the fleshy looking inside and immediately pull my hand back. 

It's alive!! I swim back and look at it with large eyes. Maybe I've made a mistake and it's not a bed at all. There aren't any pillows or blankets... maybe it's a large air purifier or something... uh, water purifier. 

"Okay! This should do it!" The mermaid says upon returning. I turn back around to see her holding up pieces of clothes. They were white, kinda. They looked like they were made with pearls and when it moves, it looked like rainbows. It was beautiful but... there wasn't a lot of fabric.  

She swims over with ease and hands it to me with a smile. I reach out and say "Thank you... this is all there is to it?" She looks at me with confusion before giggling and saying "We normally don't need the bottoms, see?" She lifts her beautiful tail to make her point before pointing back to me.

"You can't wear anything long so I made you a short skirt." She says with a smile. Unlike the Little Mermaid, they didn't wear seashells over their brėȧsts. They wore beautiful but skin-tight tops. I'm gonna look like a hoochie momma or like I should be working a corner... 

I give her an awkward smile when she continues to stare at me. "Go on, go ahead and change." She says with a kind smile. "Right..." I say looking around the room but there's nowhere to hide so I sigh and begin stripping. We're both chicks, right?

I quickly strip down and try to ignore the way she watches me with curiosity. Especially when it came to my lower half. I quickly shimmy on the skin-tight outfit and feel nȧkėd. I've gotten so used to the long dresses... I feel bȧrė. 

Suddenly, I feel her touching my stomach. I jump and she quickly pulls her hands back saying "Sorry! I just saw a pretty gem hanging." I glance down to my belly buŧŧon ring and slightly smile. "It's okay. It's called a belly buŧŧon ring." 

She nods her head and says "I really like it! My name is Tua. What name has My Lord given you?" I try not to take offense as I say "My name is Nova. It's nice to meet you Tua. Is there any way you could show me around a little?" 

She frowns a little and shakes her head no as she says "Your Master will be back soon and he gave me strict instructions. You are not to leave this room without his permission." I sigh and say "Very well." 

I look back to the clam and ask "Is that... is that a bed?" Tua giggles and says "Of course, silly. What did you think it was?" I swallow hard and shake my head. "Leave," The Deity suddenly comes back and says. 

Tua grabs my dress and bows before leaving. The Deity's purple eyes look me over once before nodding and saying "Much better. You'll eat dinner with me tonight. You didn't eat your food yesterday so tonight, you'll eat." 

I cringe at him as he says "Follow me." I try to do just that but I really can't swim as fast and now I feel like my ȧss is hanging out!! He comes back with a sigh and grabs my wrist, dragging me through the tunnels again until we come to a large table looking thing. 

I think it's made of stone... I'm not sure. The same large gems hanging down in his room, hangs from the ceiling above the table, basking everything in a soft glow. He leaves me by a seat and says "Sit" I try to pull the chair out but the thing is entirely too heavy. 

Every time I try to lift it, I float up instead! Suddenly, a strong arm wraps around my waist as another pulls out the chair. He plops me down into it, then pushes the chair back into the table before giving me a 'look'.

I grit my teeth as I say "It's not my fault! I have legs. Legs!! I'm meant to walk on land." He sits in his chair and glares at me before saying "You'll learn and you'll adapt." I want to tell him exactly what I think about that but suddenly two male mermen come out with trays of food. 

How does everything stay without floating away? They place a tray in front of the Deity before placing one in front of me. They both stare at me a little too long, causing the Deity to clear his throat. They quickly apologize before swimming away.

I look down at the slime and something that looks like sliced up seaweed, cringing. I look up to see him watching me. I grit my teeth and pick up the strange fork/spoon... a spork. I place it into the slime before looking up to him and asking "What's your name?"

He looks a little surprised before he says "Shui... and yours?" Strange... Tua said he would name me... "My name is Nova," I say watching him closely. He nods his head and says "Then eat your food, Nova." I slowly nod my head and scoop up a sporkful. 

He watches me closely as I slowly lift it to my mouth. I'm cringing so hard thinking about how nasty the stuff is when suddenly, a merman swims in. Shui looks to the merman with irritation as he asks "What is it?" The merman looks over to me before looking back at Shui.

Shui gets the drift and says "I'll be right back. I want to see it all gone when I come back." I nod and watch as the two quickly swim out of the large room. I quickly look around and when I find something helpful, I quickly grab my food and swim over. 

A medium-sized clam sits off to the side, wide open. I pour the seaweed looking food into the slime bowl and quickly dump in all into the clam. "Sorry!" I say as the clam snaps shut. I grab my bowls and quickly swim back to the chair.

I wiggle back into the chair and try to catch my... breath? I don't know and I give up trying to figure out what to call things. I turn to look for them but when I still don't see any signs of them, I call forth a peach and quickly bite into it. 

I inhale the peach and throw the seed back into my space. I turn to look again but when I still don't see them, I call another peach to me. I inhale the second one, just in time for Shui to swim back in. I throw the seed back into my space and chew the remaining peach quickly. 

He looks to me as he sits back in his seat. I swallow hard, making my face twist in pain. He misreads my misery and thinks it's because of the slime. He nods in approval and begins eating himself. Once done, he looks back to me and says "See, it wasn't so bad."