Chapter 220 - News

As Bai Lei and I are about to make our way out, Bolin suddenly appears with news. "Something about it feels off... I don't know how to explain it." Bolin says after telling us everything. I frown at his words and say "You said it was the Beast Realm right? Let's go check it out." 

Suddenly Guozhi shows up and says "If you're going to my hometown, then I'm coming as well." I shrug and say "Suit yourself. Let's go." Thirty minutes later, all four of us stand in the spot where the town once was. 

I look down at the ground then to the surrounding trees with a knowing look. Bai Lei, Bolin, and Guozhi all look around with confusion. "What the hell happened here?" Guozhi says with a growl. Bolin sighs and says "You haven't seen everything yet... follow me." 

We all walk behind him in silence, each one of us has different things going through our heads about the destroyed town but when we reach the hole, Guozhi looks five shades whiter. I reach out and touch his shoulder in a comforting way as I say "I'm sorry..."

Guozhi continues to stare down at the hole with a mixture of horror and disbelief as he shakes his head saying "This... this can't be. What could have been powerful enough to unleash them?" His words cause me to frown as I glance down at the hole with a bad feeling.  

"What... what was unleashed, Guozhi?" I ask in a soft voice as Bai lei steps up next to us. Guozhi lifts a shaky hand to his face as he says "The unspeakables... they were sealed away many, many years ago by some of our strongest in history. Some even lost their lives in order to seal them away..."

I narrow my eyes and say "You still didn't answer me... what was unleashed?" Guozhi falls to his knees and says "Death... death was unleashed. What could have been strong enough to unleash them? What could have done this? I don't even feel anyone's lingering power left behind." 

I nervously lick my lips as I say "This wasn't done with someone's power... This was done using something from my world. Something called a bomb." Guozhi, Bolin and Bai Lei all turn to look at me with slight shock and amazement as Bai Lei asks "What is a bomb? What does it do?"

I look down at the hole and say "It destroys... everything and everyone. It doesn't care who's innocent, it doesn't care if you're a child or even an infant still in the mother's wȯmb. It kills and destroys everything it touches."

Guozhi collapses to his knees as he says "So they've both be unleashed?" I grit my teeth and say "It's not a living thing. It's something people from my old world created... I don't know if this will be the only one or if there will be more." Bolin looks around at everything before saying "I need to report this... I will be back." Before any of us can say anything, he disappears. 

Bai Lei places his hand on my lower back as he asks "Is there any way to stop this thing from your old world?" I grit my teeth and say "Yes, we have to stop the person making them. This has Eli written all over it... I think he's calling me out."

Bai Lei's hand goes to my hip and pulls my close to his side as he says "Don't go running after him blindly... we need to focus on what he's released first. I've seen the dead bodies and if we don't put an end to them, they will bring death and destruction to the entire Lower Realm."

Guozhi suddenly turns around and quickly stands up as he says "There's a temple in the East, the Beast Temple. It has scrolls on the time these monsters were sealed. Maybe we can find something in the scrolls or someone there who might know something to help us. These creatures are dangerous."

Bai Lei and I glance at each other before slightly nodding. I turn back to Guozhi and say "Okay, better to be safe than sorry." Guozhi quickly leads the way and Bai Lei and I silently follow. Off into the distance, too far to actually detect or sense anything, stands a man in black. He watches our every move before disappearing.

When the man reappears, he kneels before Eli saying "Master, she came. She showed up with two other males before heading East.." Eli slowly turns to the man kneeling with a large creepy smile before saying "Good, follow her closely but don't let them find you." The man bows before disappearing once again. 

Eli slowly turns around and opens his mouth, blood drips down his entire frame as he slowly devours the woman hanging from the ceiling in front of him. When you look further into the dark room, hundreds of bodies hang from the ceiling, either drained already or waiting to be drained.

It's the fastest and easiest way to become more powerful plus, he gets off on their pain and suffering. He doesn't devour them all at once though, no, he likes to drink from them slowly, sometimes over the course of days, enjoying their cries of pain and pleas for mercy. It makes them taste so much better...

He loves this world so much more than his original. He would always have to pay loads of money to kill someone and have it disposed of so he wouldn't be caught but not here... no. Here he can kill anyone and anything however he wants, as many times as he wants. 

He's walked out, nȧkėd and covered in blood before but the others just bow before him in fear. The others that followed him here think he's hiding the vials somewhere but he destroyed them a long time ago. Who would want to go back when they could have all this?

When the woman above him starts to dry up, he tugs on the metal hooks in her skin. She cries out weakly as the blood starts to flow again. Every time he absorbs the blood of other powerful cultivators, he gets an ultimate high as his strength grows by leaps and bounds.

He's gorging himself at the moment but he needs to be ready. Be ready to take back what was his and what would always be his. He can't wait to see her and taste her and her fear again... she had always been special. Now he was going to enjoy her all over again.

As we arrive in front of a large but old Temple, an old man with a bald head comes out to glare at us. Guozhi bows and says "Temple Master, there has been a disaster and we need help to fix it." The old man lifts a single bushy eyebrow as he says "What have the idiots done this time?"

I try to hide my smirk but it still manages to slip through as Guozhi says "Someone has unleashed the Unspeakables..." The old man's face crumbles into a look of shock and horror as he says "Impossible... that can't be." 

Bai Lei steps forward and says "It has indeed happened. We need to track them down and kill them but Guozhi said there were scrolls that may be able to help us with that." The old man lifts a shaky hand to his bald head as he softly says "No..."

Bai Lei and I frown at each other before the old man continues "No, you can't kill them. No one can! That's why the elders sealed them away! How were they unleashed? What idiot unleashed them!?" I frown with guilt as I say "That's not what's important right now. If we can't kill them, we need to find out how to seal them away again. Can we take a look at the scrolls?"

The old man stands frozen before quickly nodding his head and says "Follow me! There's no time to waste." We all quickly follow behind the old man and for someone so old and small, he sure was fast! He kinda reminds me of a hamster... 

He quickly bypasses all the books and other things before going to a painting on a wall. The painting was of a tree with large roots. He places his hand on the painting and pushes. The wall slides back with a grinding noise that gives me the chills. 

"Quickly, stay close and follow me. I won't go looking for you if you get lost." The old man says before walking in so we quickly follow. Guozhi up front, me in the middle, and Bai Lei taking up the back. The old man flies past several tunnels before making several turns, confusing all of us. 

I've lost count... It's like a maze down here! We keep following him until he reaches a long and narrow staircase leading down. He doesn't pause or explain before quickly taking the stairs. Guozhi and Bai Lei both have to turn sideways to walk down the narrow staircase but the old man and I were just the right size.