Chapter 208 - Working With The Traitor

Bai Lei paces back and forth, waiting for Nova and Hundun to return but the longer it takes, the more he worries. He comes to a stop where Nova disappeared and says "Something's not right..." Zhen stands by the side, staring at the spot Nova disappeared at with a deep frown.

"We don't know who's behind it... Hundun said he would follow her shadow but even he hasn't returned. Do you know where Jiang or Eli is?" Zhen asks with a sliver of hope. Bai Lei growls and says "If I knew, I would have killed them both, fox."

Bai Lei suddenly looks up at Zhen and says "Stay here in case they come back. I'm going back to the Realm of the Dead to see if there are any signs of Jiang." Zhen quickly reaches out and grabs Bai Lei's arm as he says "Don't be foolish Deity! You have still not fully recovered from the last time you went down. You're asking for trouble." 

Bai Lei looks at Zhen with red glowing eyes as he says "I can't just sit here and wait. I need to find her..." Zhen and Bai Lei stand side by side, looking like day and night as the two stare at each other in silence. Zhen slowly releases Bai Lei's arm while saying "Just promise to be careful. You won't be able to save her or help her if you get yourself hurt or killed."

Bai Lei gives him a knowing smile and says "I got it, old fox. Watch over the rest while I'm gone." Zhen nods his head once as Bai Lei disappears with black mist. Zhen sighs and looks back down at the spot Nova disappeared and mumbles "I really will grow old at this rate..." 

Bai Lei appears before the same gate made with bones and waits. Soon, they open and reveal Mogui standing on the other side. Bai Lei nods out of courtesy and says "I know you said you would send word but my woman has gone missing. Have you found Jiang?" 

Mogui bows back and says "Actually, I just did. I was about to send word to you and let you know. I sealed him away and added extra security but your woman isn't here with me." Bai Lei clenches his fists as his thoughts go to the man named Eli. 

Did he really have her? Bai Lei reaches out with his powers to feel for Nova, just in case but he doesn't sense her. He sighs with worry and nods his head saying "Thank you. I won't keep you." Mogui nods and says "Of course. Let me know if I can help you in any way." Bai Lei turns around and quickly disappears without another word.


I cross my arms and wait for the traitor to collect himself. Once he's able to walk again, he watches me with a weary look as he says "Your worse than any Demon I know... Let's go." I sneer at him and follow behind him.

He keeps looking back at me, clearly uncomfortable with me walking behind him but I refuse to walk next to him. After a while, with no changes to the black cave/tunnel, I sigh and ask "So what am I getting?"

Hundun rubs the sides of his head as he says "I'll tell you when we get there. Until then, stay close and keep your voice low." Both my eyebrows shoot up as I say "You were just screaming like a little girl and you're telling me to keep my voice low?"  

He turns and glares at me and says "Truly worse than a Demon!" He turns back around and storms off so I slowly follow behind him with a small smirk. I'm not through with him yet... he screwed up when he decided to cross me...  

As I walk behind him, I suddenly think about the water in my space. Would that be able to purge Mogui's blood? It was able to save me from the nasty Jiang thing... I cup my hands and with just a thought, they fill with the water.

It immediately starts steaming so I quickly drink the warming liquid before calling another handful. When I take another few sips, I hear Hundun come to a stop. I quickly look up to see him watching me with confusion. 

"What?" I ask lowering my hands. He looks to my hands before looking back to me with a frown and asking "What were you just drinking?" I shrug and say "Water, want some?" Hundun narrows his eyes on me and shakes his head saying "No, just keep up."

I smirk and quickly catch up, suddenly feeling much better but when the cave suddenly opens up, Hundun puts his arm out to stop me. The glowing orb continues to float out into the open before coming to a sudden stop over a large, dark pit.

I pucker my lips together as I stare at the pit with a bad feeling. Was this.... was this the pit from my dreams? Hundun looks around before slowly walking towards the pit in the middle. I quietly follow him and look around with worried eyes. 

It's a pit but it's not the same one... at least I don't think so. I was in a dungeon or something last time but this is in the middle of a large cave. I walk over to the pit to see that it's actually more of a large hole than a pit. 

The other one from my dream was lined with bricks, clearly, man-made but this looks like it was made from the very cave itself. I relax a little as the orb hovers over the hole but it's so dark down in the hole, the orb's light does little to it. 

Hundun releases a large breath as he says "Okay, now we go down." My head wipes over to him as I stare at him with large eyes. "We go down? Are you insane? Have you never watched horror movies?? This is how you die!" 

Hundun looks at me with confusion causing me to sigh. "Can you at least tell me what we're going for?" Hundun clenches his teeth and shakes his head saying "You'll know when you see it. When we get down there, I need you to stay close to me and not wander off, no matter who you see down there." 

I start to become extremely uneasy as I say "No matter who I see? What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Hundun pulls out a black cloth and begins tying it around his eyes, blindfolding himself as he says "No matter who you see, it isn't really them. Nothing down there is what it seems... it's all an illusion, Nova."

My heart beats hard against my ċhėst as I say "Then where the hell is my blindfold?" Hundun gets finished tying his as he says "You don't have one. You need to be able to see. You won't be affected as I would... You'll have to be my eyes down there." 

"You have got to be kidding me... you say all that creepy shit and then expect me to go down there without a blindfold!?" I hiss in anger but Hundun doesn't seem to care or notice as he says "I'm male Nova... everything down there is female and if I accidentally look at one of them... neither one of us will be leaving."

"Of course... shit.. shit shit. Ugh! I don't like this... anything else I should know?" I ask with a nervous twitch. He tilts his head to the side in thought before saying "Try not to make any noise... they're drawn to it." 

I lift my head up to the dark cave ceiling with a look of despair... Someone must have a sick, cruel sense of humor to keep doing this to me. I lower my head and shake out my hands before saying "Okay... let's do this." 

Hundun gives me a strained smile and lifts his hand out. I look to his blindfold before placing my hand in his. He pulls me to his side and says "Remember to stay quiet. When we talk, we need to whisper." I nod my head and say "Got it" 

He tightens his hand around my waist and if I'm not mistaken, his hand is slightly shaking. He takes a deep breath and jumps. I clench my teeth and hold on for dear life as I try with everything in me not to scream.