That's a good answer. It's what she can do. That's right.

As for the rabbit father, this is a hen pecked rabbit. What his daughter-in-law says is what she says. She has no status.

At this moment, Jian Yan finally understood why the mother rabbit didn't have a birth inspection until now. She trusted the mother rabbit too much and the father rabbit didn't strongly ask to see the birth inspection report. One reason is that the husband and wife fooled her on the same front.

So, who can blame?

I can only blame her for not doing well enough.

When I thought about it like this, I sighed briefly, "the production inspection still needs to be done. If we know the due date, we can make preparations in advance."

In other words, does the orc need to prepare baby milk powder, diapers and birth gift bags?

"It's better to prepare!" Granny, answer.

In short, she also thought so. While urging the rabbit father and mother to do the birth inspection, she opened the guangnaojinxing online mall and ordered a lot of baby products.

Here's the order. The packed rabbit mom and rabbit dad can also start.

Grandpa, they also wanted to know about the cub, and followed up.

Therefore, the cold maternity center became lively because of the emergence of a large group of people.

The medical workers in charge of receiving them were deeply impressed by rabbit mother and rabbit father, and the first sentence was——

"Rabbit overlord, you won't have anything to leave suddenly later?"

When she went to the bathroom, two big furry rabbits disappeared when she came back.

I looked around but couldn't find it. I still called them and asked them that there was something urgent to deal with. The birth inspection would be done later.

It's too late.

Also very busy.

Rabbit father and rabbit mother looked at her and said in brief. Seeing her cold face, they were immediately frightened all over. Feeling guilty, they took back their eyes and smiled at the staff, "no, no, it's really nothing today. They won't leave suddenly."

The staff who saw this scene didn't say much, but smiled gently and said, "OK, please go with me to re verify your identity!"


Rabbit father and rabbit mother nodded hurriedly, and then said to Jane, "cub, let's verify our identity!"

In short, his face slowly hum. Rabbit father and rabbit mother sighed with relief and finally didn't get angry.

Seriously, the angry cub scared the rabbit a little.

The rabbit father and mother, who followed the staff, felt that the footsteps were a little wrong. Looking back, they found that Jian Yan was slowly following them, and old man Lu and they followed behind Jian Yan. The husband and wife rabbit wriggled their lips and thought that they didn't have to stare at the rabbit so urgently. They really wouldn't run away again.

However, when the words came to their lips, the couple swallowed them back in Jane's clear eyes.

Just, just follow!

Now the birth check-up is fast and convenient. It only needs the person in the birth check-up to walk through the pregnancy and childbirth steps received on the optical brain after verifying his identity.

For the health of pregnant women and infants, just look at the health indicator on the instrument.

You don't need to read the report.

The holographic projection that appeared during the prenatal examination is really like what mother rabbit and granny said, which will make people have a strong sense of shame.

It's too clear. The whole body is clear at a glance.

Fortunately, all the women present were women, and Jian Yan comforted them with a warm voice. Only then did the rabbit mother endure the shame of bursting out and finish the whole birth inspection.

The mother rabbit is in good health, and the cub is in good health.

Looking at the green indicator light on the detector, which represents good health, in short, they breathe a sigh of relief, their health is good, and the rest is waiting for production.