When things were settled, a group of people went home.

Situ they are poorer than Sanjiao. Anyway, Sanjiao and they rented a suspension board. Situ and they are pure No. 11 road.

Cheap space is useless for them. The obtained ingredients need to be transported back in another way.

In short, I couldn't see it, so I asked San Qiao to help them pack their things and give them after entering the city.

Three Joe agreed, but situ and they were not happy. The main reason was that this was their ration for the next few days. They didn't look at it and felt uneasy.

The feeling of starvation is terrible.

Instead of having fish padded their stomachs to ease their burning hunger, they can eat raw plants that have been detoxified and irradiated.

It's impossible for Sanjiao to help them. It's impossible in this life.

Food must be put on your eyelids before you can rest assured.

"Is there something wrong with you?"

Big Joe jodenwell was furious. He looked at situ and sprayed them, "is there something wrong? A pile of rotten leaves and rotten roots, we don't look good, okay? I won't be greedy for you. Come on, tell me, will we be greedy? "

They are poor. They were poor before. Now they are rich. Are they rich?

Such a big box of energy stones, they don't have to worry for the rest of their life.

Greedy for such rotten leaves, they are out of their minds.

"We think you will be greedy. We have all seen that Miss Hu's food made of rotten leaves and roots is enjoyable. "

Xu Shi had a brief speech beside him. Situ and his colleagues had a lot of courage. They did not hide their worries at all. Zhang Qin said bluntly in the stunned expression of the three people, "seriously, your previous reputation was not good."

The implication is not to believe that they will not be greedy.

Three Joe suddenly stared big eyes, fog grass, this weak woman is really brave.

"So don't bother you. We'll find a way to get it back." Daniel, with a thick skeleton but thin face, answered with a simple smile.

Three Joe's lips wriggled and wanted to talk. Jane didn't give them this chance. She took two packets of compressed biscuits from the warehouse and handed them.

"These are compressed biscuits. They are rich in nutrition and have a strong sense of satiety. They can manage more than half a day. They taste better than your pile of ingredients that need to be cooked.

Take this back and share it with your family. Let Sanjiao put it back, will you? "

Four square compressed biscuits, one of which is as thick as an adult's two fingers wide and palm size, and a packet of ten.

The 3S strong people only need three pieces to maintain the nutrients needed by the body. Their physique is poor. They drink nutrient solution for a long time, and their internal organs are degraded and reduced. According to her estimation, it will be enough in half a minute.

This thing is very common in the Empire. It is sold offline. It is not a rare thing.

But in black star, it's definitely rare.

They dare not give too much. Just give them two bags to feed a group of people tonight. They can't protect them if they give too much.

Situ they didn't consider this aspect. It's just that this compressed biscuit is too rare. They don't know how to eat it.

Holding two packets of biscuits is like holding a baby. The surface is full of tangles.

Seeing the expressions on the faces of several people, he simply wondered, "what's the matter? Trust me, this cookie is delicious. "

Situ and them, "

I don't worry about whether it tastes good or not. Some people are happy if they are hungry. Taste is never something they should consider.

They don't know how to eat this.