After seeing off the recorded video and leaving with her chocolate products, Jane Yan stretched her waist and came to the lounge to wake up Papa rabbit.

"Dad, we should go home!"

"Erniz, are they gone?" Father rabbit got up from the bed bleary eyed and sat on the bed for a while. Then he slowly stood up and stroked the sleeping hair with his claws.

Jian Yan took his paw and walked to the door, "let's go."

Father rabbit suddenly came to his senses. During this time, he didn't come to the store very much. He mixed with Dudu every day to make efforts to give birth to cubs, and didn't care much about cubs.

Zizai doesn't know what she's busy with. She goes back to her room early every day. It's impossible to say a few more words with her.

It's rare for them to be father and daughter today, but we have to take good care of them.

"Cub, what have you been doing all this time?" He couldn't wait to ask his doubts.

In short, "busy learning."

She is also busy refining her body and spiritual strength. Let alone, the divine domain is worthy of being a higher civilization. The cultivation method is called a cow. Her mimicry has grown into a little tiger.

There is also a golden Wang character on his forehead, which is also very wonderful.

Of course, body art has also increased significantly. She doesn't know the specific level, but it's certain that the strength has increased several times.

As for the positive reason, it's very simple. The kitchen utensils she used to use are no different from the leaves. They are light and have no weight at all.

Every time she bumped the pot, she worried that the pot would fly out if it was too light.

However, body training is very painful. Every time you bend your body into an arc that the human body can't bear, the pain that the bones of the whole body seem to be misplaced and broken is called a pain.

That is, the sound insulation of the room at home was good, and she secretly installed a noise removal system, so that the rabbit father didn't hear her cry every night.

In short, she didn't intend to say these things, mainly because she couldn't explain the origin of the inheritance of the divine domain.

Therefore, the unsuspecting father rabbit thought she was learning the knowledge of the Empire and said curiously, "make mecha."

"Dad, you look too high at me."

In short, set the car to automatic driving, then sat next to the rabbit father and said with a smile, "your daughter, I'm still in the progress of making circuit boards. I want to make a mecha independently, and the lifetime series is complete!"

Father rabbit, "my baby can. My father has confidence in you."

However, Jane didn't have confidence in herself. She rubbed the rabbit father's belly, took a chocolate lava cake from the system warehouse and handed it to him, "Dad, how are you and my mother's baby industry?

Is mom pregnant? "

Father rabbit took a sip of chocolate lava cake and sprayed it out. This topic···

Putting the cake on the small table, he turned his head and looked at Jian Yan. He was expressionless and bitter and said, "think too much. The abyss bully is mainly so good at having babies, and the high-end orcs have been flooded for a long time.

Do you know how many years you have struggled to have me? "

Without a brief answer, he gave the answer, "one hundred and seventy-four years and five months and twelve days."


In short, he was stunned and thought it was wrong, "Dad, how long after you and mom got pregnant with their first cub?"

"Only one cub?"

How long was he pregnant? He needs to think about it.

Scratching his stomach, he said, "just one cub, ordinary rabbits live in a nest. High-end orcs live one by one, and some can't give birth in their whole life.