Gu nianan's face remained unchanged. "The overlords of the abyss have a legal identity in the Empire. In view of their contributions to the Empire, the overlords enjoy certain privileges.

You know what that means?

It means that as long as the overlords do not kill and set fire to do things endangering national security, it is a small thing to do such things as fighting in daily life.

But the fight hurt people and smashed other people's stores. Whether they pay attention or not, the impact is really too bad.

But they also enjoy privileges. The people of the division bureau face them like a hot potato, so they can only find the guardian of Jian Yan. "

In short, I understand.

This is the typical reason why I can't take a bear child and settle accounts with the bear child's parents.

In the eyes of the people in the District Bureau, father rabbit is equivalent to the bear child who made trouble, and she, the legal guardian, naturally has to take responsibility.

She has lived so many years that she went to the registered residence office of the police station only when she was handling her ID card. She did not pass by the police station on the usual road, let alone the law enforcement department with the Bureau as the unit.

Now, she has to go to the bureau to bail out a nest of elders. Oh, she has to be educated once. This experience···

That's amazing.


"Miss Jane, this is the victim, boss Chen." The division boss raised his hand slightly.

Jane glanced at her black and blue boss and hurriedly saluted each other.

The other party also reciprocates.

It's just that they didn't communicate with each other except to see the ceremony. Obviously, they didn't know what to say.

In short, the course of this incident has been clearly understood by the staff of the regional branch in charge of this matter.

This is a brawl case.

As one of the parties, the rabbit father did have a mistake. The mistake was that they shouldn't move their claws to hit people and smash the store.

However, the cause of the matter can not be blamed on the rabbit father.

And the boss Chen was beaten, not innocent.

If he didn't play tricks and provoke the hairy rabbit father, and drank some wine, he wouldn't know who he was to provoke the rabbit father, and the subsequent things wouldn't happen.

Just, just compensate. It's impossible to apologize.

After opening the light brain, in short, the quick compensation was transferred to the other party's account.

Hearing the transfer information reported by the light brain elf, the other party just looked at her and continued to stare at her.

In short, he looked at the nearby Miss Ann and motioned him with his eyes: what does this man mean? Didn't you pay the compensation?

Gu nian'an gave her a reassuring look. She came up to boss Chen and whispered a few words. Boss Chen replied a few words. In short, she saw Gu nian'an look at herself endlessly. She was a little puzzled.

"Why, what's the matter?"

"Sister in law, boss Chen said that the store was smashed and he didn't want to open it. Do you want to take his apprentice“

In short, "...."

Just, just bald.

She was about to speak, and the rabbit dad, who was hiding at the door, couldn't wait to jump in, "I don't agree."

Mother rabbit, "I don't agree."

Xiong Pangpang said, "you killed our cubs so badly. Now you still want to be our cubs' apprentice. How dare you think."

Felida, "that is, you have to pay attention to life. You can't pick up the bowl to eat and put down the bowl to scold your mother!"

The good tempered silver moon also shook the tip of her tail angrily and said, "shameless."

"Yes, shameless!" Grandpa rabbit grandma rabbit grandpa rabbit grandma rabbit Quartet harmony.