The seven spaceships full of science fiction flew into the sky under the eyes of Jian Yan. It took only a few seconds to completely disappear in her field of vision.

Jane Yanding stared at the direction where the ship disappeared and left for a long time, until the rabbit father began to move his ears uneasily, and then she sighed with melancholy.

Admit your fate. She crossed here to live with father rabbit.

This is the fate of dog blood···

Really let her have nothing to say.

In short, she is not a sentimental person. The departure of the spacecraft does make her feel disappointed and regretful, but it is only limited to disappointment and regret.

To say how desperate and sad, not.

Because she can't find a reason for despair and sadness.

At that time, she was sad and desperate. She might as well think about how to live in the future.

Father rabbit's thigh must be held.

Not only to hold, but also to hold.

Or she's worried that she won't live for three hours.

She thought so and said so.

"Dad, I'll rely on you to protect me in the future."

"Oh, my God, are you... Are you accepting me? Will you never go back... Will you not go back to human society? "

The rabbit father was so excited that he almost burst into tears. "Don't worry, my father will protect you and never let you get any harm again."

At the thought of living with his cub in the future, and the happy time when he took his cub in the abyss without (horizontal) worry (line) and (bully) worry (Road), the rabbit father wanted to laugh like a silly rabbit.

He's so happy!

In short, I understand father rabbit's happiness, but her client is not happy.

As long as she thought that she had no house to live in, no soft big bed to sleep, bathing and going to the bathroom, she wanted to cry.

I didn't expect that her life after crossing would be so exciting.

But life goes on.

So she decided to turn discomfort into appetite.

"Dad, you put me down."

Pat daddy rabbit's furry paws and say in short, "I'll cook a big meal for you."


Father rabbit answered happily.

I can't expect the so-called big meal in short.

The viewing angle turned and watched the spaceship leave. The audience in the live studio worried and sad for Jane fell into silence. At this moment, an idea came out of their minds at the same time——

If they exchange positions with the dizong's younger sister (student) today, can they be as calm as her and have a big meal?

The answer is No.

Egret is a primitive star, a planet not suitable for human survival, full of harmful radiation and mutant organisms.

Without optical brain, we can't send help and positioning information, and we don't have supplies and medical materials on hand. Even the only set of field survival protective clothing has lost its original protective ability.

This start directly into hell mode, can only wait to die feeling too desperate.

They are so desperate that they can't accept this reality at all.

[Luke is a handsome girl: dizong's younger sister... I'm willing to give in to her psychological quality that she can face death so calmly without crying!]

[youYou Qingcao: I can't do this anyway. I'm really curious. Why are the students of dizong left alone?]

[Asha from Bertha: it's not surprising to be alone. Egret's environment is too complex and there are too many mutated creatures. It's easy to have an accident if there is a slight error in the actual combat class.

The only thing that surprised me was that the accompanying instructors left without looking for anyone after they found that there were few students