Professor della is not dissatisfied with this man. How to say, she is in a rather contradictory mood. She doesn't want her lover to find a good heart, but in her heart, song is the most satisfied person.

However, it's a good match to stand with Irene. Gao dajunmei's eyebrows are full of love for her After breaking up the couple, could Irene really like song? Professor della began to tangle.

"Well, I see. Maybe I'd like to borrow Irene from you and take her to meet some of my friends." Since professor della is interested in cultivating Ji Xiaochen, he will not mean to bring her to others. Only the more people who know her, the more opportunities she will have in the future.

She has already said so. Xu Shaobai can't refuse without a little gentlemanly manner.

"Of course, please."

After della called her lover to her side, she began to gossip secretly. She blinked her eyes and asked, "Irene, what's the matter with you and that Xu just now? Aren't you and song the same couple? He's so kind to you. Are you just friends?"

Song Ziyan? Ji Xiaochen scratched his hair, but he didn't hide anything. "Brother Ziyan and I grew up together. He was just like my big brother, but not a lover Teacher, I am very grateful to him and feel guilty, but sometimes I don't know how to make up for it. "

"It's not easy. Just stay with him!" Professor della blurted out without thinking.

Ji Xiaochen, "..."

"Well, I don't care about your private affairs. I'll take you to meet some people later. It's good for your future development." There are some big men in the medical field, and there are also some local aristocrats in France. If you want to be a leader, you must have certain contacts and circles.

Ji Xiaochen has also participated in many social activities in the past half year, and has been to many dinners. Although he is not very skillful, he has not been formal in the beginning. Today, he is wearing a set of champagne color off the shoulder dress, with his hair rolled up high, showing his clean forehead, which sets off a lot of spirit and temperament.

"Professor della, long time no see. Is this your master?" It's time-consuming to say hello to those big men in the medical field. When we socialize, we not only have to say some scene words, but also have to say some professional terms. Half an hour soon passes.

The big guys are also very satisfied with Ji Xiaochen. First, his foundation is fairly good. Second, Professor Della's prestige. Therefore, it's no big deal to help him.

After socializing with these people, there are also the local nobles. These people are not fuel-efficient lamps, so it takes a lot of effort to deal with them. Professor della is usually arrogant, and there are many people who want to be her apprentice, but few of them can take a fancy to anyone. So Ji Xiaochen became the target of public criticism for a moment, and many people's eyes fell on her I'm looking at something.

"Irene is my close disciple. She has been able to take charge of herself on the operating table. It's only a year. It's not easy to do that." Professor della seems to regard her as her own child. When a child has made achievements, parents can't help being proud and happy.

"Oh? So powerful, the future is limitless. Is Miss Irene still single? "

It's not easy to get Professor Della's approval. As long as the girl has been able to do this all the time, her future achievements may not be under Professor della's. If she can get married, it's obviously not a loss.

Professor della said with a smile, "Richard, what's your idea? Irene's still at school. You're almost forty. Don't think about her! "

"It's really sad to hear that. I'm only thirty-six years old, the best age for a man, and the older men are the most painful. If Miss Irene can marry me, I will treat her well."

Ji Xiaochen looked at the man's affectionate face. His goose bumps almost fell to the ground, but the man didn't notice.

"Don't even think about it! Richard, there are so many young models around you. Don't harass my precious apprentice, or I'll never end up with you! " Professor della finished scolding the man and took her to the other side.

"Stay back and have a sweet mouth. The lady in the red tuxedo standing next to the big cake is Mr. Leston's wife, and the one next to her is Mr. Leston. The Leston family is one of the nobles. Although you only stay in France for three years, you don't have much time to deal with these families, but it's best to make friends with them."

The leiston family is an old aristocrat, symbolizing wealth and status. If they can make friends, no one will say anything if they walk horizontally in the future.

Ji Xiaochen kept it in mind and nodded.

Mr. Leston is relatively humorous and can often make people laugh, while Mrs. Leston is relatively rigid and gives people the feeling that she is more severe.

"You are very well, Miss Irene." Although there was no smile on Mrs. Leston's face, it was very difficult to say this. Professor della didn't know why. However, she just thought that her precious apprentice was so powerful that she could conquer the dead fish faced lady. It was so powerful It's just that this is not the case.After communicating with Professor della for some time, Ji Xiaochen, who was finally released, breathed a long sigh of relief. He was about to go to find Xu Shaobai, but she was caught by Eliza in the same dormitory.

Eliza's boyfriend is also a local nobleman, but although she is a nobleman, she is far from the leiston family. At most, she can be regarded as a nouveau riche. It's only luck to be invited to such a dinner party.

Eliza is a woman. She puts her arm around her roommate's shoulder and says, "little Irene, I saw you coming with your boyfriend just now? Just now professor della helped you to sell everywhere. Be careful. Your boyfriend should be worried. "

"You know that's bullshit, Professor della is not like that, and I'm not the kind of person to change my mind!" Ji Xiaochen pats the hand of these two goods and stares at her angrily.

"Well, I just came to say hello to you, you guy Eh, your boyfriend really doesn't want to wait for a minute. He has come to see you, so I'll go first. "

Like a mermaid, Eliza flits by and away in the blink of an eye. She turns her head and only sees the figure of this guy leaving.

There were not many Chinese people at the dinner party. Xu Shaobai was tall and in good shape. He had been exercising all the year round. He wasn't very thin, but he was quite strong. He had a typical inverted triangle figure. He was wearing a silver gray suit, but he had a clear view of his figure.

Ji Xiaochen is leaning on one side to enjoy. The distance between them is only about 50 meters. Xu Shaobai shakes his goblet meaningfully, puts it on his lips and takes a sip. Then he gets bored

She is the one who knows this person best. In front of everyone, she is an upright gentleman, even an elegant gentleman, but in her heart, she is a ruffian, not so serious, and even some hooligans And that action just now, if she did not guess wrong, should be provocative!

This kind of aboveboard provocation, how to see how strange, she is biting her teeth, want to scold this guy, there Xu Shaobai has been stopped by two blonde beauty.

"Handsome, may I have a dance with you? Your figure is really wonderful, and, eh, your chest muscles are so beautiful! " Oriental people are more reserved, but in the west, it's just like a floating cloud. Women don't have any reserve. It's all men's work.

Xu Shao was so confused to eat bean curd, there is no way, Xu Shaobai is too conspicuous, a very short black short hair has been very two eyes, plus in the barracks for so long, has long been refined into a military temperament, go anywhere can not change, such a man even if it is introverted, but also the most attractive man, the most attractive.

"I'm sorry, I've got a date." A trace of impatience flashed quickly in Xu Da Shao's eyes. Although he didn't show it on his face, it was obvious that he would not accept it.

"But your girlfriend is not with you, and it's just a dance, handsome man. You shouldn't be so mean?" The blonde blinked, shook her curly blonde hair with her hands, and pasted her hot body neatly.

Xu Shaobai, "..."

He has always been the only one who is domineering to others. How could it be the other way around tonight He frowned, moved away quietly, and said in a deep voice, "my girlfriend is Miss Irene. She's waiting for me there. I'm sure both of them can understand."

Miss Irene? The two blondes turned their heads to see which woman had such good luck, but Ji Xiaochen was accosted.

Just now, she was still laughing at Xu Shaobai's good luck, but now it was her turn. She saw the blonde man coming towards her and said, "Klein, why are you here?"

Klein pretended to be romantic and natural and unrestrained. He came over with a smile and said, "maybe this is fate. Don't you Chinese like to say that?"

Klein recently fell in love with Chinese literature and studied at home all day, just to get close to Ji Xiaochen and chat up with him with ulterior motives.


"Irene, can I invite you to the first dance later? You didn't agree to my proposal last time, but dancing is nothing. You can't refuse me this time

Ji Xiaochen pauses, points to the person not far away who is still entangled, and says, "my boyfriend is also here. Isn't that good? And last time he said that he would beat you once every time he saw you..."

You weak chicken, can you stand it? It's not enough for a fist.

But Klein gave a hard breath and snorted, "I'm not afraid of him. If he dares to hit me today, I'll call him ancestor! Irene, I know you are afraid that he will bully you, so you dare not promise me. I will protect you when I am here tonight! "

It doesn't seem to be the truth, OK.

"I'm not afraid of him, Klein. You misunderstood me. You really don't have to..." Before she finished speaking, Xu Shaobai had already left the two girls and walked over angrily.

"Gorgon, you're really brave enough to show up in front of her? Look for a fight Xu Shaobai never needs to know what detour is. He only knows that violence can solve all problems.As soon as he reached for his hand, he took Klein's collar and flashed cold electricity into his eyes. At this moment, the leistons, with a slight look on their face, came to this side.