When Zhang Mingjia heard Gu Manni's narration of this series of things, she suddenly realized, but she didn't know how to comment. She just didn't know what she was thinking

she didn't believe that gumani would make such a crazy move to hurt Fang Lancang? How is that possible? Isn't Gu Manni always in love with Fang Lancang? How could you want him to die

but after hearing Gu mani's confession, Zhang Mingjia's heart wavered again. There is no doubt that Gu mani's practice is wrong, but she seems to understand this kind of love

but understanding is understanding, but she doesn't do that. She kills Nie Qingqing, and then she monopolizes Fang Lancang. This is Zhang Mingjia's real idea

just as Zhang Mingjia was daydreaming, a sound of falling water came to her ears. She couldn't help but smell it and saw that Gu Manni had already jumped into the water

but at this time, she didn't have time to think about it. Zhang mingjiawei bent down and jumped down. At this time, she had no other idea in her mind, just hoping to save Gu mani

although she said that, her eyes were not the same at all. She still wanted to live in her heart, and after seeing Zhang Mingjia diving, her eyes flashed the light of winning

just now when she saw Zhang Mingjia's expression, she knew that she had believed what she said, so what she had to do now was to make her sympathize with herself

are Lancang together

that's what Gu Manni thought a long time ago, and she always despises Zhang Mingjia. She thinks that Zhang Mingjia has developed limbs and simple mind. It's OK to be a stepping stone for the upper position, but when she really uses strategies, Zhang Mingjia is not good enough

didn't you see that she already believed in herself at this time

just as gumani was talking, her body sank down uncontrollably. There was no hard place for her to step on, and there was no focus. She couldn't control the changes under the water, and even drank a lot of water

"hold on! Wait for me! Soon

it's not easy to talk in the water. As soon as Zhang Mingjia opens her mouth, she even drinks a few water like Gu mani. However, looking at Gu mani's appearance, she seems determined to commit suicide

when she said this, Gu Manni despised herself in her heart, but looking at Zhang Mingjia's expression, she knew that this sentence was still useful

looking at it, Gu mani fainted in the water

Zhang Mingjia could not see the top of Gu mani's head here, which made Zhang Mingjia flustered

at this time, it's already the speed of life and death. If Zhang Mingjia touches Gu mani's arm a few minutes later, Gu mani will sink completely

it's definitely not a good job to save people in the water. Even though Zhang Mingjia's water quality is good, he took Gu mani as an adult and choked a few saliva uncontrollably. Finally, he dragged Gu mani ashore

only when Zhang Mingjia steps on the thick land can he feel alive. This feeling of survival is something that Zhang Mingjia doesn't want to experience in his whole life

after breathing well, Zhang Mingjia quickly observed Gu mani's reaction

however, while observing Gu's face at close range, Zhang Mingjia suddenly remembers that Gu had hurt Fang Lancang. Now she has no idea about Fang Lancang. Suddenly, Zhang Mingjia has no intention of saving GuFresh air was slowly poured into the lungs of Gu Mani, but Gu mani did not want to wake up.

Zhang Mingjia looked up at the calm coast, and then at the sleepy gumani, only to feel that she had done her duty.

"Gu Mani, the things you do are very angry. Although I can understand your idea, I can't forgive you. That's it. The outcome depends on your life."

After that, Zhang Mingjia slowly spits out the depression in her heart. What she can do has already been done. Even if she can understand it, she still can't completely agree with what she has done when she meets Gu mani. That's Fang Lancang. How can she have the heart to do it?

After that, Zhang Mingjia ignored it and left here.

Fang Lancang is still in the hospital. She doesn't know what the current situation is. She has to go and have a look

After Zhang Mingjia left, Gu mani unconsciously spat out a few saliva and then fell asleep again.

Until some fishermen in the past saw her in a coma and rescued her.

When gumani woke up, she saw the dark room. Looking at the light in the room, she thought it would be late outside.

After lying in bed for a while, she heard someone pushing the door in.

"Are you awake?"

The speaker has a unique tone of voice that often lives by the river. Gu mani just woke up, her brain was still a little dizzy. She just nodded her head, as if she didn't know where she was.

The fisherman brought a cup of green tea and motioned to Gu Manni to drink it. After drinking the tea, Gu Manni slowly regained some consciousness, and then wondered why she was here.

According to her expectation, shouldn't it be Zhang Mingjia who saved her?