After hearing the news of Nie Qingqing's death, Fang Lancang's heart actually collapsed. He even watched his beloved woman die in the cold bed. His heart was like a piece of meat gouged out with a knife, which made Fang Lancang feel pain. Such as chronic poison, want to die and not so fast, that kind of torture is really to let Fang Lancang crazy.

Fang Lancang thought of the medical definition of death as grasping the doctor's white robe like the last straw. "It's impossible. Qingqing won't die. You see, there are fluctuations on the life monitor."

The doctor's face changed slightly. "It's just a temporary sign. According to our test, her brain cells are dying. There's no hope."

"I don't care so much. Anyway, you must save Qingqing." Fang Lancang only echoed this idea in his mind.

Looking at this situation, the police patted Fang Lancang on the shoulder, "Mr. Fang, please be patient. Now the most important thing is to catch the murderer."

Fang Lancang nodded slightly, clenched his fists tightly, turned his head and looked at Nie Qingqing reluctantly. Now he can only cooperate with the police investigation, find out the murderer and avenge Nie Qingqing. Only in this way can Fang Lancang feel at ease.

Fang Lancang and the police came to the hut together to search for the traces left by the murderer. We are very careful to find, do not let go of any clues, they look at the cabin inch by inch. No trace was found. Fang Lancang is very anxious, because this small room is the only clue to find the murderer.

Finally, after about half an hour of searching, Fang Lancang seems to see something in the dark corner of the room.

"Yes, there is a woman's hair. I don't know if it belongs to the murderer." It turns out that Fang Lancang saw a few strands of hair in the corner of the room, and he said excitedly.

"OK, go and collect it." With a smile, the police quickly used tweezers to pick up the hair and put it into a transparent closed bag. We'll take it back for testing.

Fang Lancang looks at the police and smiles. For this clue, he is so happy. He watched the transparent closed bag glowing in the sunlight. It was the light called hope.

But at the thought of the dead Nie Qingqing, Fang Lancang clenched his fist and bit his lower lip. On the one hand, he wanted to tear the murderer to pieces. On the other hand, he felt very sorry for Nie Qingqing because he failed to protect his lover.

"Du Du... " The mobile phone vibrated, Fang Lancang quickly took out the mobile phone from his pocket, saw that the luminous screen showed the doctor's phone, and quickly connected the phone.

"Hello Hello, is this Nie Qingqing, the family member of Ms. Nie? " The doctor's serious voice came. Let Fang Lancang heart jump, he obviously felt that there must be something bad to happen.

"Yes I'm her husband, Fang Lancang. " Fang Lancang replied nervously, even his voice was shaking.

"Well Well, I'm calling to inform you that Ms. Nie's brain cells have died and are considered hopeless. Then we found an unknown virus on him. In order to prevent infection, we decided to bury her at sea after discussion. " There was not a trace of intolerance in the doctor's tone, as if he had no feeling at all about Nie Qingqing's death, which made Fang Lancang a little difficult to accept. His beloved woman could not keep a whole body after her death.

"No! may not! If anyone dares to bury her at sea I'll tear him to pieces. " Fang Lancang almost roared out all his strength. He hoped that this would stop their behavior.

"I'm sorry, sir. We've cremated your wife's body and now it's a pile of ashes. I hope you can come to Jinghai as soon as possible. We are here to wait for you to complete the ceremony. After all, it's your wife. I believe you prefer to complete the ceremony yourself?" The doctor's words were like a bolt from the blue, which made Fang Lancang deeply realize that his wife, Nie Qingqing, had died It's dead! Thinking, tears will not consciously fall, across his high nose, across his cheeks, to his mouth, but the salty tears, actually let him taste the bitter taste.

Fang Lancang quickly kicks open the door of the cabin. Under the strange and shocked eyes of the people, he drives the red Lamborghini out of here and drives to Jinghai.

Along the way, the scenery outside the window moves backward like an accelerating movie, while Fang Lancang's eyes are always looking ahead. He hopes to at least help her complete the final ceremony. Thinking of this, he stepped on the accelerator and even ran through several red lights. His car is like a red fire, driving fast on the road.

After the doctor on the other side hung up, the serious expression on his face turned to panic. He quickly held Nie Qingqing, put her in his car and rushed to Gu mani.

"Ding Dong..." The door bell rang, and Gu Manni, who was applying a mask, quickly opened the door, but the door was a doctor, holding the dead Nie Qingqing.

The doctor said in a hurry: "I have told Fang Lancang that we have cremated Nie Qingqing. Now let him go to Jinghai to complete the sea burial." He stares at gumani and smiles.Gu Manni also smiles, and finally she can successfully drive Nie Qingqing away from Fang Lancang. She has been planning for such a long time, but it's just for today that she has an evil smile on her lips. She waved to the doctor to bring Nie Qingqing in.

After the doctor put Nie Qingqing down, he quickly left, took out the urn he had prepared from the trunk, poured all the lime he had bought before, clapped his hands, and finished. I drove to Jinghai in a hurry.

Just five minutes before Fang Lancang arrived, the doctor arrived at Jinghai. He held the box and stood by the lake, pretending to be sad and melancholy.

When Fang Lancang arrived in his car, he saw the doctor with a sad face and hurried over. He snatched the urn from the doctor's hand and looked at the photos on the urn. He remembered Nie Qingqing's lovely and moving past. His tears could not stop flowing. The impulse to tear the doctor to pieces also became less important at this moment.

Fang Lancang's eyes are full of tears, tears hit the urn, he has long been ignored the image.

And the doctor looked at this scene, his heart also has a little touch, he patted Fang Lancang's shoulder, said: "I'm sorry, people die can't come back to life, but, the living people must be happy, just won't let her down sad." With that, the doctor turned and left, started the car, and saw Fang Lancang's painful look through the window. His guilty look came out of his eyes. But I bit my teeth and left.

When Fang Lancang finished crying, he calmed down, opened the urn with a smile, and scattered the ashes to the sea. But when he touched the ashes, his eyes flashed, as if he felt something was wrong. However, this thought flashed by, and he continued to scatter ashes with a smile. He hoped that Nie Qingqing could see his happy appearance and rest underground.

"Rest in peace Qingqing, no matter who hurt you, I will break it to pieces. " "Ashes" flying in the wind, the sun, this picture even has a different kind of beauty.

Nie Qingqing, who was sent to Gu mani's home, moved her fingers, and her consciousness also recovered. Even she could feel her regular heartbeat.