He also hoped that Nie Jingjing could think about it well. After all, it was a great event in her life.

"I came here to study. Now that I have learned well, I will go back. Yuhua, I've been thinking about it for a long time. Really, it doesn't matter if there is no magazine to ask me to go back, because I didn't want to go to the magazine at all. "

Nie Jingjing is very proud of an idea in her heart. As long as she realizes it, who cares about the editor of a magazine.

"If you don't want to go to a magazine, what do you want to do when you go back to China?" Fang Lancang is suddenly very curious about what Nie Jingjing wants to do, and feels that Nie Jingjing seems to want to do something big.

Although she doesn't want Nie Jingjing to return home, she still wants to know what she wants to do.

"For me, I want to go back to China and directly open an online entity company. I write and publish by myself. I don't have to be nagged by the editor. It's almost solved one of my major problems."

This was something she had wanted to do for a long time, but her ability at that time was so poor that she had no special ability in this aspect, so she had to give up for a while.

Now she, after all, has been here for many years, and I believe that she will do it more smoothly than before.

"This idea is very good, but in this case, I have to go back home, then I..." Fang Lancang suddenly didn't know what to do. It is reasonable to say that the work here is very good, which is not necessarily what everyone wants.

If he just gives up, is it a pity? He is very tangled and doesn't know what to do.

"Yuhua, you'd better stay here. After all, you've lived here for so long, and I'm afraid you have feelings for it. And the most important point is your work, you see how many people can't get the envy of your work! You can't give up. "

"I just couldn't develop here, and I was homesick." Nie Jingjing knows that as long as she tells Fang Lancang, Fang Lancang is absolutely in a dilemma.

But there is no way. She has to go back to this country. Naturally, Fang Lancang hopes to continue her work.

"When you go back to China, I can't follow you. Don't forget what our relationship is now. How can I leave you? What's more, if we are a country, what can we do in the future

"So I thought, if you go back, I'll go back with you." Fang Lancang is also very reluctant to make this decision. After all, he has worked for such a long time, but he can't do without resigning.

He has heard of this long-distance love, but he has never heard that foreign love can come together in the end. Always can't see the person, gather little leave many of who still can insist of live.

In order to tie Nie Jingjing all the time, he doesn't care about anything.

"How can you do that, your job..." Nie Jingjing was interrupted by Fang Lancang before she finished. To be honest, she was very moved by Fang Lancang's words.

But moving is moving, and she can't delay other people's future. If it is said that other people may develop into a heavyweight here, they must start from the lower class and come back to China step by step, which is bound to waste a lot of Fang Lancang's time.

She didn't want to delay Fang Lancang, and didn't want to be an obstacle to his success.

"My job doesn't matter. As long as there is a hospital, you are afraid that I can't find a job!" Fang Lancang is full of confidence and doesn't let Nie Jingjing feel so incompetent.

Unexpectedly, Nie Jingjing wants to go back. As Nie Jingjing's boyfriend, there is a reason why he doesn't follow. This return to China is really a great threat to him. After all, there is a man who is always looking for trouble with Nie Jingjing.

If he doesn't go back, what can the man do if he is in trouble with Nie Jingjing? He must protect Nie Jingjing, or he won't be at ease.

"I think it's a very important thing. I hope you can think it over before you make a decision. I have no problem. After all, it doesn't matter where the job is, but what about yours! Your present job is really hard to find. Even if you regret it later and want to come back, I'm afraid it's impossible. "

Nie Jingjing, for example, has to struggle with Lancang. After all, she said that she wanted to go back to China. Fang Lancang didn't agree. Why is she so embarrassed!

Lancang is abroad, but she can't meet at home. There are still opportunities for her to meet in the future.

"Don't think about it. I've made up my mind. I'll come back with you. I can't regret it. You can rest assured. "

Fang Lancang's resolute attitude has made Nie Jingjing unable to refuse.

"Well, I think I'll leave next month, but what about your job?" Fang Lancang's unrepentant attitude moved her, so she would not refuse.

But she was all ready. After all, she had long thought that she was going back, but Fang Lancang was not easy. After all, she had to go to the hospital to resign. The president of the hospital agreed or disagreed.

"I'm going to quit my job now, but I may be a few days late. After all, there is a shortage of doctors in our hospital. Now when I leave suddenly, I have to prepare for them to find a suitable replacement."Fang Lancang knows his hospital very well. After all, he has worked in that hospital for many years and has devoted a lot of effort to that hospital.

Now such a sudden departure, he needs to adapt well, not to mention the hospital.

"Do what you want! We'll leave when we've dealt with it. " Nie Jingjing feels that it doesn't matter. As long as the hospital agrees, she doesn't matter.

Now she only thinks about how to prepare her own entity company after returning home. After all, it's not easy to start a company. She needs not only thinking, but also some people.

It's a problem to recruit people. If you can't recruit people, it's useless.

The day after Fang Lancang talked to Nie Jingjing, he went to the boss of his hospital and said that he wanted to resign.

"Boss, this..." Fang Lancang put his resignation, which he had spent a lot of time to write last night, in front of his boss, hoping that the boss could take time to have a look.

"What, you put it here first. I'll see it when I have time." The boss of the hospital has been looking through the documents in his hand, and he doesn't even look at the people who come in.

Especially when you hear the other person talking, you don't have to raise your head.

"Boss, it won't waste you a lot of time. I hope you can approve my resignation as soon as possible. Then I'll go down first. "

Fang Lancang thinks that the boss's attitude is very wrong. He understands very much that he is busy, but he feels that the other party is really impolite.