When Lin Luoluo's mother calls Nie Jingjing, Nie Jingjing is busy seeing a strange number that she didn't want to answer, but the other party keeps calling, which annoys her and she picks it up.

"Hello, I'm Nie Jingjing. Who is calling, please Although she is in a bad mood now, she still says hello politely.

"I'm Lin Luoluo's mother. I want to tell you something. Can you come out easily?"

This let Nie Jing Jing Leng for a while, very quick reaction came over. This matter must have something to do with Nie Xuanyi. Lolo's mother must have come to him now to talk about it. Asked the address and hung up.

His mood is very complicated. He thinks that when he calls himself and asks him out, it must be about Nie Xuanyi. Even if he didn't say it, he would have guessed it.

"You must know what I asked you out for this time. I'm beating around the bush with you. Let's just say what we have to do. "

Mother is very simple, Nie Jingjing also nodded.

"You know what your identity is now, Nie Xuanyi. I don't agree that he is with my daughter, so. I hope you can cooperate with me. Otherwise, their future results will be very ugly. "

What Nie Jingjing expected. So I'm not very surprised. He didn't say a lot to fight for it, because he knew that no matter how much he said, it's useless. Now he has made a decision, and it's meaningless to say more. It's just a nod.

"Even if you nod, I hope you can take Nie Xuanyi away as soon as possible. Don't show up in front of my daughter. "

Lin Luoluo's mother turns around and leaves directly. Nie Jingjing sits there for a while and leaves. He makes a phone call to Nie Xuanyi. Then he knows that they went to Lin Luoluo's house just now, but they broke up in discord.

Lin Luoluo's parents don't like Nie Xuanyi. You fall also for Nie Xuanyi do good words, but it is useless. No way out. Nie Xuanyi was very embarrassed there. He had no choice but to come back first.

Nie Jingjing didn't speak after she learned. This is the concept of family, and we can't change it ourselves.

"Don't worry too much about you two now. I'm sure there will be a solution in the future. You go home and have a rest Looking at Nie Xuanyi's eyebrows, he was also very sad. But now he can't help at all. His parents have already said that. They have to wait for them to change their mind.

In Nie Jingjing's heart, he has always understood that this kind of family concept is very strong now, but there is a big difference between Lin Luoluo's identity and Nie Xuanyi's.

"But I don't want to be separated from Lolo now. But I can't change the present situation. What do you think I should do? "

Nie Xuanyi is very decadent. He doesn't know what to do. The two of them had a hard time to prepare for the future. They wanted to face everything. They didn't expect that they had just entered the bottleneck period. What should they do next? He thought of the miserable appearance of linluoluo when he left. He didn't know how she was now.

"Don't think so much about these things. When things develop slowly, we can think about the future. I believe Lolo has his own plan. Let's talk about it every day. But don't act rashly at this time, or it will be difficult to change in the future. "

Nie Jingjing is still very sober now. He doesn't want to give you too much impulse and make this thing too bad. Otherwise, even if he and Lin Luoluo are in love, they can't change. After all. Family is more important than love.

It's been like this for a long time, right and wrong just look at it. He saw a lot of things like this. There's no ability to change him. Just want to have better results in the future.

"Well, that's all I can do now. I can't do anything."

Nie Xuanyi has accepted the present ending. He decadent went to his room, closed the door and lay on the bed. She can't imagine what the situation is now, but calling her now will only make her more worried, so he didn't call. She thought that the future things would be decided by tomorrow.

Here Nie Xuanyi is not worried, and Mu Luoluo's family directly locked Mu Luoluo up. Keep her out of touch with the outside world.

"Why are you locking me up? I'm going out! What do you mean? Come on, let me out Lin Luoluo was very surprised. As soon as he sent Nie Xuanyi away, his parents locked him up. Although he saw that his parents didn't like Nie Xuanyi, he knew that he was ready. Even if his family didn't agree, he would not change his mind. But he didn't expect that his parents would lock him up. In this way, he couldn't get in touch with Nie Xuanyi, Nie Xuanyi can't get in touch with himself. He will be worried. He thought a lot, the more he thought, the more upset he was, so he spoke out loud. Ah?

But no matter how loud he was asked, no one paid any attention to him. His parents had already thought about it. If he didn't understand, he would not be released. With his present status, how can he go like Nie Xuanyi.

"Look at you now. I don't know why I locked you up. You can think about it for me. Who are you bringing back? I think since you can bring him back, you must want to be with her forever, but I tell you it's impossible. You can't be together.""Why, what time is it now? You still care so much. Don't you think my happiness is the most important thing?"

Lin Luoluo is very depressed. If she goes on like this, she will be crazy. Nie Xuanyi has done so much for herself, which is enough to make her not think so much. Anyway, the future is their own life. She can make her own decisions. The way her parents are now will only make her more disgusted.

"Well, you don't have to say so much. Now you will never understand our hard work. When you grow up, you will understand that all we are doing is for you. But before that, I must watch you carefully, lest you do something that you regret later. "

The parents slammed the door. Fall in the house to cry without tears. He didn't know how to get out, but she knew that his parents' temper had locked him up, so she wouldn't let him out. Now Nie Xuanyi doesn't know what happened. She was so sad when she left just now. She must have been hurt by her parents.

He wanted to comfort her well, but now he could not protect himself. Her parents asked her to reflect on what she had done wrong. But now she had no idea what she had done wrong.