Rong yue'er can't make up her mind, but time goes by little It's more than three in the afternoon. Rong yue'er makes a phone call to her father and borrows a hand from him. Rong Ziche felt a little strange and asked, "why do you borrow so many people for no reason?"“ I'll tell you when it's done. " Out of the trust of his daughter, Rong Ziche agreed, but still told her, "things that violate the law and discipline can't be done. If you are in danger, remember to tell your family, don't carry them by yourself."“ I see, Dad Rong yue'er hangs up and takes a deep breath. She can't disturb the family, or the admirers. It has to be settled quietly. Isn't it just a million? She can come up with the money. As for borrowing from her father, it is to protect the safety of her and Qiao Zheng More than five o'clock in the evening, the sky appeared burning clouds. The whole neon sea of city a lights up in turn. Rong yue'er pushes a thin metal box to her car, and then puts a million gold bars into the trunk. It's too late to prepare paper money. And the amount of paper money is huge, the weight is heavy, it is easy to attract the attention of others. She took the gold bar out of the bank's private vault. It's easy to carry. It's not easy to track down afterwards. This is her sincerity to the kidnapper. I hope the other party can release the kidnapper in good faith. If they go back, don't blame her for not giving each other a chance. Bang! Closed the trunk door. Rong yue'er comes to the driver's seat. Mobile phone Ding Dong sound, once again came the news sent by the kidnappers—— Come to Fenghuangshan reservoir alone. There is a boat beside the reservoir. Take a boat to the center of the lake and throw the box with money into it. Throw money straight into the reservoir? How do they get the money? Moreover, given the money to them, how can they guarantee Qiao Zheng's safety? Rong yue'er replied: money, I can give it to you, but I need to see people first, and then give you money, otherwise, this business will not be discussed—— Impossible... Rong yue'er saw the beginning, but didn't see the rest. I just threw my cell phone away. She's really worried about Qiao Zheng's safety, but it's just like this that she can't be led by the nose. There's always going to be a bit of home back. As time goes by... The phone rings. Rong yue'er's tight string loosens for a while, but she is still in no hurry. Waiting for the other party to dial for a full minute, it took no time to pick up the mobile phone and gave a hello“ I can send you Qiao Zheng's video to ensure his safety. "“ Oh, when I'm an idiot, are you cheating me? Only send video, can prove that he is alive, but how to prove, you took the money, will give him 100% to me? Let's hand in money and hand in people. I went to the lake center of the reservoir alone. You also sent someone to take Qiao Zheng there. Fifty meters apart, do not disturb each other. " Rong yue'er calmly said, "don't worry, this million is a small thing for me, and I will never default."... " There was silence on the other end of the phone. Rong yue'er is not in a hurry to force him to agree. Too much anxiety will only make the other party hold her by the handle. About ten minutes later - the other end of the phone rings again, "OK, I promise you. Don't play any tricks, otherwise, not only master Qiao is in danger, but you will also be in danger, understand? "“ I understand