Qinghuan also Rooney really no impression, listen to what she said, some embarrassed.

When Rooney saw her reply, he didn't seem to believe her. He said faintly, "you study very well, you often communicate with Rachel, and you are also a handsome, invincible and sunny brother..."

Balabala said a few words, Rooney stopped and asked: "what I said is wrong?"


It's true, but Rachel's gone.

Qing Huan's eyes flashed a touch of sadness, and then recovered calm.

It's not that she wants to distance herself from Rachel, it's that she let her down.

To bury her is the last thing I do for this friend.

"What's the matter with you?"

Rooney was very sensitive to her depression and asked casually.

"Nothing... You're all right. I just don't understand why so many adjectives should be added when it comes to Qingcheng." Qingcheng is very attractive, but it's not so exaggerated, is it?

"Green city?" Rooney frowned and thought for a moment, "are you talking about the prince?"

"Well, otherwise."

She's in Sweden. She's in contact with Qingcheng.

So naturally I thought of him.

But Rooney shook his head. "It's not him, it's another one, like you, with black hair and black eyes..."


A question mark appeared on Qinghuan's head: "who are you talking about?"

God bless? Tianbao?

They are both children. How can they be called handsome?

Cute at best

However, in addition to the two of them, I have no other brother.

The more Qinghuan thinks about it, the more confused he is.

It's about to turn into a mass of hemp thread that can't be removed.

Rooney danced and described for a long time. Seeing that she still didn't remember, he took out his cell phone and took out a picture to show her: "here, this is the man. The last time he came to school, I saw him following you not far or near. I thought it was your brother. "


Fu Jing'an.

Qinghuan knows who her so-called amazing brother is.

"He's not my brother."

"Who is that, your lover?"

Rooney was a bit down in the dumps.

I thought it was Qinghuan's younger brother. I still had a chance to chase him.

But if she is Qinghuan's lover, she also disdains to be a third party.

"Just an old acquaintance."

"Don't lie to me. There is a pure friendship between men and women. If you look like this, you probably like him." Rooney soon put down his heart and made a joke of Qinghuan.

"Not really." Qinghuan straightened out her posture.

"I don't believe it."


Forget it. Let's clean up the Qing Dynasty.

Qinghuan didn't want to waste more words. She turned to the topic and said, "who are you going to live in a tent with tonight? Otherwise, make do with me. "

"Ah? Really? Can I live with you? "

Rooney is a bit flattered.

Qinghuan nodded solemnly, "well, live with me. I sleep alone, a little scared. "

"Yes, yes, it's a great honor!"

Rooney happily agreed.

Qinghuan looks at her bright smile and feels guilty.

Such a simple girl, it's too guilty to cheat her.

But I have to do so, otherwise, I will never be able to figure out what happened to Qiao Zheng.


After playing all day, the night is getting dark.

To disturb the rest of the animals in the National Park, after eight o'clock, all but a few necessary lights went out. The whole camp is dark.

Rooney also arrived at Qinghuan's camp on time.

Drilling inside, he said with emotion, "your family really loves you. Everything is ready. It's OK to move out for a month. "

Qing Huan listened and pursed her lips. Instead of denying, she acquiesced.

Uncle Charlie and aunt Luna did treat her like their parents.

"Do you have your pajamas? I can lend you one. "

"Well, thank you very much."

Rooney actually brought his pajamas, but he didn't bring them just now.

I wanted to go back.

But Qinghuan offered to lend it to her, so it was unnecessary.

Qinghuan took out a set of pajamas and handed it to her.

Rooney turned his back, took off his clothes, put on her pajamas and asked, "where do I sleep tonight?"

"Over there."

Qinghuan pointed to the sleeping shop opposite him.

Rooney lay on it and rolled happily.

Ah, it's so comfortable

Qinghuan quickly changed her clothes and lay down.

Because sleep is not very strong, the two began to chat muttering. Rooney endured for a long time and whispered, "Qinghuan, what happened to you and Rachel? Why doesn't she come to school all of a sudden? I heard other students say that she had an accident... "In her impression, Qinghuan and Rachel are always inseparable good friends, envious of others. But suddenly one day, Rachel won't come to school. Many people say that Rachel has offended Qinghuan and has been dealt with by the king. She is dead. But Rooney didn't believe it. Even ordinary friends will not kill each other just because of a little offence. They all know how good Qinghuan and Rachel are“ Forget it, you don't have to answer me if you don't want to. I'll go to bed first Rooney is aware of his blunder, afraid of stabbing Qinghuan's heart, pull up the quilt, cover his head, escape from reality. Qinghuan was silent for a moment and said in a low voice: "she fell in love with someone she shouldn't like and was sent far away by her family. In the future, I may never go back to Sweden. "“ Ah? Who does she like? " Rooney's fire of gossip is burning up“ I'm not very clear, but I've heard it mentioned several times by adults. " Qinghuan buried her face in the quilt and said, "I'm sleepy."“ Oh, go to bed first Rooney nodded. Anyway, it doesn't have much to do with her. That's enough for her to know. Later, some people will talk nonsense and slander Qinghuan about how he is with others. She will clarify for Qinghuan There was no one talking in the tent and peace was restored. Rooney soon fell into a deep sleep. Qinghuan estimates that time is almost up, and slowly opens his eyes“ Rooney? Rooney Even called several times, did not get a response. Qinghuan knew that the girl was asleep, so she crept up, got Rooney's clothes and put them on herself. Then he sneaked up to the tent. The guard saw her come out and asked if she needed anything. Qinghuan lowered her head, deliberately lowered her voice and said, "I have the habit of snoring. I'm afraid I'll wake Qinghuan up. I don't want to stay here to sleep. Go back to your tent first. Tomorrow morning, when she wakes up, please tell her for me The guards listened and gave her a glance. However, I didn't see the difference. Because the lights in the camp are too dim. And Qinghuan and Rooney's body shape is not good, and wearing her clothes. It's hard to recognize“ OK, you go Security clearance. Qinghuan pressed the excitement in her heart and walked forward quickly About ten minutes later, she finally left the guard's sight, and she let out a deep breath. Now it's just the first step, and there's a lot to do. This is the National Forest Park. There are countless wild animals in it. She can't leave alone. So we have to wait until dawn. What did Qinghuan think of? She turned around and quickened her pace. Soon her figure melted into the darkness of the night The next day. Rooney is full of sleep. When he opens his eyes, he sees that Qinghuan's bed is empty. He thinks she got up early. Stretch a waist, head disorderly hair, get up, go out.