The concert lasted until more than 11 p.m., and everyone was excited. Even if the singer bowed repeatedly and said it was over, the fans were not willing to leave Qinghuan, Suliang and Qingcheng move out slowly along with the crowd. When we were about to leave the stadium, there was a sudden explosion behind us. There was a moment of silence in the crowd, and then everyone screamed and ran out. Qinghuan was pushed about by the crowd. Suliang and Qingcheng are no exception“ Hold on to my hand Qingcheng shouts. Su Liang's eyes are filled with tears, and she hugs Qinghuan's waist in fear“ Sister, I'm so scared. "“ Don't be afraid. I won't let anything happen to you. " Qinghuan firmly holds Qingcheng's hand and tries to get together with him. Qingcheng tried to pull them in their own direction. But just as the three of them were about to get together, a mother with a baby suddenly rushed out and fell down in front of Qinghuan's heel. People from behind trampled on the bodies of mother and son and ran out. The child was in her mother's arms, crying loudly. Qinghuan hesitated for two seconds and finally let go of Qingcheng's hand and pulled up the fallen mother“ Thank you. Thank you The mother of the child thanks again and again. Qinghuan said, "you're welcome." then he turned around and looked in the direction of Qingcheng. Where else could he be“ My brother was washed away. " Su Liang said anxiously. Qinghuan took a deep breath and said, "don't worry, your brother will be waiting for us outside. Let's send the mother and son out first. "“ Well, I'll listen to you. " Su Liang regards Qinghuan as his own backbone and follows his advice. Two people left and right to protect the mother and son, carefully out. The stadium is big and there are eight exits. Outside 20000 people, as well as to hear the news came to the crowd, bustling in the door. At a glance, it's all people. I can't tell which one is Qingcheng. Qinghuan subconsciously takes out his mobile phone and wants to call Qingcheng and ask him the specific location. You can feel the empty pocket. She found out that she lost her mobile phone at some time“ Have you got your cell phone? " Qinghuan turns to ask Su Liang. Su Liang shook his head. She's wearing a dress. She doesn't have a pocket. How can she have a cell phone“ Let's look for Qingcheng everywhere. " Qinghuan sighed. Su Liang holds her arm and looks around for her brother like a frightened rabbit Two people looked for a long time, did not find the figure of Qingcheng. The crowd was gradually evacuated by firefighters, and it was already more than one o'clock in the morning. If you delay any longer, I'm afraid you won't be able to explain to Charlie and Luna. So Qinghuan said, "let's go back first."“ What about my brother? "“ If he can't wait for us, he will go back. He can't. He can also find friends. " Qingcheng ran out of the palace many times, and there must be more ways than them. Qinghuan is not worried about his safety at all. Su Liang said a good word. Hand in hand, they walked towards the palace. It's past green Fifth Avenue. Several people in yellow waistcoats stopped them, "two little beauties, where are you going so late. Why don't you play with us? "“ You, who are you? Don't come here. If you come here again, I'll call someone Su Liang stammered“ Ha ha, calling people? Shout and see who dares to come out. " The fat man at the head laughed wildly.