"Thank you, in return. These are for you. "

Mu Luochen's voice falls, the person under his hand is holding a box of dollars, walked forward, handed over to the old man. The old man opened the box, looked at it and said, "Mr. and Mrs. mu, can I make a request?"

"What requirements?"

"I want to settle down in Fengmo city. As an old man, I am helpless and wandering around. It's said that the public security of Fengmo city is relatively stable, so I want to take root here. Can you help me find a place to live in the city? "

"Such a simple request, of course, no problem." Mu Luochen agreed.

The old man said gratefully, "thank you, Mr. mu."

Mu Luochen turned his head and told his own people to take the old man to Ayla's side and let her settle down well. After the old man left, he went up to Ye Jianxi, touched ah Cha's head and said, "ah Cha, I'm Jian Xi's husband, and I'll be your family in the future."

Ah Cha stares at him with tears in her eyes.

Ye Jianxi took out a paper towel, wiped the tears from the corner of ah Cha's eyes, and said to Mu Luochen, "ah Cha is a little afraid of strangers. Let's go back first and let ah Cha have a good rest. Let's talk about other things."

"Not bad." Mu Luochen nodded.


Back in FengMo City, ye Jianxi let people burn a bucket of water and gave a cha a hot bath. Then, she asked for some clothes suitable for ah Cha, combed her hair and took her to the bedroom to have a rest. Maybe a cha was really tired, or maybe she was wandering outside. She couldn't rest at ease, so she went back to sleep.

This sleep, has been sleeping until the evening.

Ye Jianxi wakes up a-cha who is sleepy and calls her to eat.

A cha saw the food on the table and asked, "can I eat all these?"

"Of course, I can. I specially prepared them for you." Ye Jianxi hands chopsticks to a cha.

The little girl began to wolf down her food.

Ye Jianxi worried that she ate too fast, choked, and kept persuading her to eat slowly.

After more than half an hour, a Cha's stomach became round. Ye Jianxi estimates that she has already had enough to eat, and doesn't let her eat any more. He orders people to take away the food.

A Cha's eyes chased the food in the servant's hand until the door.

Ye Jianxi sits in front of the bed and asks a cha carefully about her disappearance that day and where she went later.

A teabag burst into tears and said, "that day, after you left, the tent was cut from the outside. It was a man who forced me to leave... Later, I met some soldiers and they killed him. I followed the escape team by myself. Later, the old man recognized me and said that you were looking for me. Let me follow him to Fengmo city. Sister ye... Are you not angry with me

Although he doubts about the abduction of ah Cha, ye Jianxi doesn't care so much. As long as a Cha is willing to stay with her and let her make good compensation, that's enough.

"How could I be angry with you?" Ye Jianxi hugged ah Cha's thin body and said, "I'm sorry, ah cha. I promised to take you and your grandmother to FengMo City, but as a result... "With a deep breath, ye Jianxi said," ah Cha, I don't expect you to forget grandma's death, and you don't have to forgive me. I just hope you can stay by my side, give me the chance to take good care of you, and fulfill grandma Keshan's last wish. That's enough. "

Hearing the word "Granny Keshan", a trace of hatred flashed through her eyes. But she bowed her head and buried it in yejianxi's chest, so yejianxi couldn't see it.

"Sister ye, I don't hate you any more. I know you can't do that. "

"Thank you, tea."

Ye Jianxi tears excitedly and kisses a Cha's head.

A cha smiles and helps her wipe the tears from her face.

Accompany a cha to stay late into the night, ye Jianxi just gets up and goes back to the bedroom next door.

Mu Luochen lifted the quilt, hugged her cold body and asked, "is the little girl asleep?"

"Well, I've suffered a lot outside." Ye Jianxi can't help feeling distressed.

Mu Luochen thought about it and said, "only after suffering can we grow up faster and understand the hardship of beating people better."

Ye Jianxi sighed and said, "I'd rather these children don't know the sufferings of the world so early."

"Don't think about it. Go to sleep."



When the light is off, ye Jianxi nestles in Mu Luochen's arms and falls asleep for the first time.


The next morning, ye Jianxi gets up, cooks himself, and makes three snacks. One is given to a Cha, and the other two are packed in a food box to bring to Jingjing and Jennie.

A Cha's face was covered with cream and asked, "sister ye, who are those snacks for?"

Ye Jianxi replied with a smile: "for two children."

"Are there any children here?" A cha clapped her hands, jumped out of the chair and said, "where is it? Can I go and play with them? "

"Of course." Ye Jianxi has no defenses. A cha jumped with joy. Ye Jianxi took a towel to wipe the crumbs and cream off her face. With a smile in his eyes, he took her hand and said, "let's go. Don't let them wait for a long time."“ Well Out of the door, ye Jianxi takes a cha to find Jennie and Jingjing. The two kids played too late yesterday and didn't get up in the morning. When ye Jianxi came, they had just been dragged out of the bed by Jennie's mother. They washed their faces, wiped their hands and began to eat. Seeing that ye Jianxi brings a little sister over, Jennie and Jingjing look at ah Cha curiously. Ye Jianxi put the food box on the table and took the initiative to introduce the identity of a-cha: "this is a-cha, bigger than you. You can call her sister to play together in the future." A cha said with a smile, "hello." Jennie and Jingjing look at each other, but they don't pay attention to ah cha. It's mainly the first time that they see each other. They are a little stiff. A cha didn't care. She sat opposite them. Ye Jianxi takes out the snack for Jennie and Jingjing. Jeanie cheered, Jingjing was always cold. Jenny's mother said, "Mrs. mu, you spoil them all day long. You're going to make them fat chicks."“ The child is fatter and better looking. "“ What Mrs. Mook said is Jennie's mother agreed After breakfast, the three children have made a ball. Jennie takes them to swing under the tree in the yard, while ye Jianxi helps Jennie's mother pack up. In the yard, a cha takes advantage of the adult's inattention to take out the things Yanyi gave her and show them to Jingjing. Jingjing recognized that it was Yanyi's and grabbed it: "how can you have this thing?" Jennie asked curiously, "what is it? Jingjing, let me see. " Jingjing ignores Jennie and looks at a cha. Jennie is in a bit of a hurry. What treasures she has on weekdays is shown to Jingjing for the first time. Why did Jingjing grab the new tea and ignore her? This guy, he's not so righteous! A cha said, "your brother asked me to give it. He asked me to tell you that he is still alive."