"My name is Ayla, a female team leader under the name of general Cycas. What's your name?"

"... ah cha."

"What about her?" Ayla pointed to Jianxi.

Ah Cha sipped her lips and refused to speak.

AIIRA touched her head and said, "come on, if you don't say it, I won't force you. But can you tell me, where are you from? Do you have any relatives? "

When she heard the word "relatives", her eyes were full of tears.

Ayla wants to continue her routine, but she suddenly jumps out of bed crying and runs out.

Ailalian grabbed her and asked, "where are you going?"

"I'm going back to lanca. My grandmother's over there." A cha struggles desperately, but she has small arms and legs, and is sick. Where is the opponent of a la who has been training all the year round?

"You're a child. How do you get to lanca? On the way, he was stopped Aira directly picked up ah Cha, looked at her and said, "be obedient and take good care of yourself. After a few days, when you get better, I'll take you to lanca city to find your grandmother, OK

"Will you really take me? Didn't you lie to me? " Ah Cha can't believe it.

"Allah will not allow me to cheat a child." AIIRA said with a smile.

Ah Cha is willing to believe it.

Ayla took her back to bed, brought some more things and said, "you can eat something. Don't be hungry."


Ah Cha nodded.

Pick up the Nang on the plate and eat it slowly.

Little children eat less. After a while, a Cha is full. Because she could go back to her grandmother, her hostility to Ye Jianxi was slightly reduced, and she hesitated and asked, "AIIRA, will she die?"

A la Leng a few seconds, just understand what she said is Ye Jianxi, shook his head and said: "I can't be sure, she will die."

Ye Jianxi's fever is the second, and wound infection is the most fatal. Many soldiers on the battlefield will die without effective treatment.

A Cha's eyes widened and she didn't speak for a long time.

Ayla touched her head and said, "don't be too sad."

Life, old age, illness and death have long been routine for those of them who are in the midst of war. Therefore, Ayla's sympathy for ye Jianxi's possible death is just a little weak.

Ah Cha didn't say much when she heard the speech.



There was a knock on the door. Ayla let go of ah Cha, got up and went to the door. Open the door, see is under hand Dorf, ask: "what's the matter?"

Dorf said with an urgent face: "Samba suddenly surrounded the city of lanca. Shacao and Mr. Mu are trapped in the city. General Su is calling for people to attack the city of Ranka. "

"In such a hurry?"

"Well, get ready. We have to leave Fengmo city."


Dorf informs Ayla, turns and leaves in a hurry.

Ayla went back to her room and looked at the sick one and the other. She couldn't help but feel a little difficult. No one can take care of them when they leave. One of them is in a coma, the other is ill. It's almost like waiting to die in the city. Take them with you. Maybe you can find the military doctor in the team to see the big one. As for the small one, she said before that grandma is in lanca city. When we get there, we should be able to find a way to get in touch, right?


Take them with you. When the general of Cycas sees them, he will definitely reprimand her.

Ayla thought for a moment, turned and ran out of the room. After a while, when she came back again, she took a fat woman, pointed to Ye Jianxi and a Cha and said, "these two please. When it comes to lanca, I won't trouble you. "

The fat woman said, "AIIRA, why do you always pick up people in the city? What if it's a spy? "

"If Samba or the regular army send unconscious women and young children as spies, then they are not justified." Ayla said, went to ah Cha and said, "ah Cha, don't you want to go to lanca city to find your grandmother?"

"Well." Ah Cha nodded.

"Then follow her later, and take care of your friends."

"Shall we go to lanca now?" Asked a cha.


"Then I know how to do it."

"Good boy." AIIRA smiles happily.

"Well, you go quickly. The general of Cycas is going to leave. If you don't go, you will be scolded." Fat women talk.

AIIRA said, "don't rush. I'm leaving now."

Turn Mou again to a tea, waved a hand, gentle say: "orchid card city sees."



After Ayla left, the fat woman came up to ah Cha and said, "pack up, wait, let's go with the reserve."

As a cook, she usually cooks for the soldiers, so there's no need to rush there so quickly. In addition, there are vehicles for pulling kitchen utensils, vegetables and grain. Just stuff Ye Jianxi and a cha in. Ah Cha was a little afraid of her and nodded. The fat woman ignored her, turned and walked out of the room. More than ten minutes later - she went back to her room, took Ye Jianxi down from the bed and said to a Cha, "take things with you and follow me." Ah Cha followed her obediently. Outside, there was a military open top truck waiting for them. The truck was full of grain, leaving only a small gap to accommodate people. The fat woman put Ye Jianxi in, and then went up with a tea, pointing to the innermost position, "you go to sit inside." Tea carefully over the leaf Jianxi, sat inside. The fat woman closed the car door and yelled to the front, "OK, let's go!" The car wobbled forward towards the city of lanca Arriving in the city of lanca, it was dark. The advance troops had set up the camp and looked at the nearby city of lanca from afar. Since the car stopped, the fat woman has been busy cooking dinner and packing things, ignoring Ye Jianxi and a cha. AIIRA didn't come, either. A cha stood by Ye Jianxi for a while, listening to what she was shouting. It took a long time to understand that she was talking about water. A cha sipped her dry lips. She's thirsty, too. When she hesitated to ask the busy fat aunt for some water, she caught a glimpse of Ayla coming. A cha immediately ran to meet her. Ayla was hit by a small figure on her leg and lowered her head. Seeing that it was ah Cha, she said with a smile, "have you been waiting for a long time? I'm sorry. There are so many things to do A cha shook her head to show that she didn't mind. AIIRA picked her up, looked at the people around her and said, "this is military doctor midar, who helped your family see a doctor." Ah Cha looked at midar and did not speak. Instead of forcing her, Ayla said to midar, "let's go."