Yue'er is scared to hide behind mu Luochen by his sudden irritability.

Mu Luochen worried that she would leave a psychological shadow when she saw Rong Ziche again, so he handed her over to the housekeeper.

The housekeeper went down with the moon.

Rong Ziche has no scruples. He takes the things in the living room and smashes them on the ground like crazy.

For a moment, the only sound left in the living room was Ping Ping.

Mu Luochen waited for Rong Ziche to vent and said, "I've asked people to check who helped Ruyi go."

"Isn't there anyone to track down Ruyi?"

Rong Ziche's hand was too hard, and the wound on the back of his hand cracked, and the blood trickled down on the white floor.

Red and white form a sharp contrast, dazzling to the extreme.

"No, Chen Yifeng used the public security system to investigate the passenger information about Ruyi's certificate, and there was no trace. Now Jiangcheng has lost all contact and can only start from a city. "

"Does my sister-in-law know about it?" Rong Ziche asked suddenly.

Mu Luochen was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "Jianxi doesn't know, but I'm sure she didn't help Ruyi leave. Ruyi has taken a great risk in this trip. Jianxi won't make fun of her life. "

Rong Ziche knows that everything Ye Jianxi does is for Wen Ruyi's good. Just now, when he asked casually, he just thought of this possibility.

Rong Ziche was silent for a while, and his eyes suddenly burst out: "since it's not sister-in-law, there's only one possibility left. You call all the people back, and I'll go directly to the people of the Tang family."

He said, going out.

Mu Luochen blocked Rong Ziche's way: "if you run there without evidence, the people of the Tang family will not recognize you."

From the accident of Wen Ruyi, he thought that it might be the people of the Tang family. Because among the people Wen Ruyi knew, only Jianxi and Tang family could send people out of a city quietly.

But it's impossible for Jianxi. The only people left are the Tang family.

Tang Nan Shi's interest in Ruyi can be seen by everyone. Taking the opportunity of the Rong family crisis, Tang Nan Shi takes Ruyi away, and then slowly draws a picture... Everything has a reasonable explanation, including the Tang family's helping hand for no reason, but it is one of the reasons why he asks Ruyi to leave.

But guessing is always guessing.

Tang Nan Shi spent so much time to take people away. They rushed to find him. How could Tang Nan Shi tell Ruyi's whereabouts so easily?

The reason why he transferred all the people back to a city to investigate the clues about Wen Ruyi is: first, he wanted to find the information as soon as possible and find the evidence related to the Tang family; Second, even if no evidence can be found, he can monitor Tang Nan Shi. If Tang Nan Shi really did this, he will definitely contact Ruyi or go to see Ruyi.

Mu Luochen made it clear: "we are in a hurry about this matter. Don't forget that there are still people from the Gu family and the Wang family. You are helping the Gu family and the Wang family by attacking Tang Nanshi."

Rong Ziche's pupil dilated to the extreme. Everything in front of him became nothingness in his eyes.

He shook his fist.

Moreover, his voice is hoarse, like a beast that has been trapped for a long time. He has tried his best, but he can't get out of the cage.

"Is that the only way? Ah Chen, I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled... "

I know who took his favorite away.

He can't even go to the door to confront him and ask people back.

There is a beast in the heart of the collision desperately.

It makes him crazy.

Mu Luochen raised his hand and held Rong Ziche's shoulder tightly: "you're not willing to bear it, Ziche. You're not strong enough to fight against everyone. If you want to be no longer constrained by others, and no longer let today's things repeat the same mistakes, you can only make yourself stronger and stronger to the day when all people bow to you, and you can protect all the people you care about. "

Mu Luochen's voice is not high, but every word is enlightening.

Rong Ziche's unwillingness in his eyes gradually turns to the desire of forbearance and Madness - he wants to become stronger, so strong that no one can take Ruyi away from him!

Whether it's the Tang family or the Wang family, he will step on them all!


Kunming, Yunnan.

Outside the airport, the sky is completely dark. In the huge waiting hall, only a few travelers come and go.

With her luggage in her arms, Wen Ruyi pressed her hat to the bottom, and her head went to the limit of her clothes. It looked like the whole person was huddled together.

A Liang, sitting beside him, never said a word.

Let her have the illusion that she is alone in the world.

Now, Rong Ziche should go home.

And the moon

She promised to cook her dinner and go back, but she broke her promise.

There is a kind of indescribable tiredness in her heart. She doesn't want to go any more. She wants to stay in a certain place and spend the rest of her life quietly.

Eyes gradually closed, darkness swept.

When she was about to lose consciousness, a Liang suddenly grabbed her arm and said, "Miss Wen, you can board the plane."

Wen Ruyi slowly opens her eyes. On the screen of the airport, it shows that the flight from Kunming to Lhasa has started to check and board. At the same time, the announcer begins to broadcast the flight information in a sweet voice. tqR1

"Let's go." A Liang picked up the bag and took Wen Ruyi to walk.

Wen Ruyi was pulled by her to walk two steps, suddenly resisted the smooth marble floor under her feet, and refused to take another step forward.

A Liang looked back, calm eyes mixed with a cold: "Miss Wen, it's time for us to get on the plane, don't you want to go back?"

In the last sentence, the threat is revealed.

Wen Ruyi's hand trembled and begged in a low voice: "a Liang, I don't want to go to Lhasa. Can I stay in Kunming? I will be here obediently, and I won't let Ziche find out... "

Lhasa - it gives her a bad feeling.

She wants to stay in Kunming, maybe she can survive until then, when the problems in city a are solved and all the troubles subside.

Back to city A.

"I'm sorry, Miss Wen. I only listen to Miss Tang's orders. If Miss Tang asks you to go to Lhasa, you must go to Lhasa. "

A Liang looks cold.

Wen Ruyi's courage is smashed in her cruel words.

A Liang grabs Wen Ruyi's hand and takes Wen Ruyi to the gate.

At the gate, a Liang handed the two tickets to the conductor.

The conductor yawned and returned the ticket to them.

With a cold face, a Liang takes Wen Ruyi to the plane.

Wen Ruyi looked at the long gate, feeling engulfed. She looked back at the airport, where there was no one.

Finally, the line of sight is cut off at the corner.


At ten o'clock in the evening, the plane from Kunming to Lhasa officially took off.

At the same time, Rong Ziche receives a text message sent by Wen Ruyi. Looking at the content of the message, Rong Ziche is trapped in the car, roaring and kicking everything in the car.

Hit his black and blue, he lay on the steering wheel, severe breathing, called out her name.

Ruyi, Ruyi

Every time, tender hearted, pain through the heart.


As soon as Wen Ruyi got on the plane, he felt uncomfortable.

Afraid of the drug addiction, she took out sleeping pills and took three tablets in cold water.

After eating, close your eyes, not long, drowsy sleep.

In a dream——

In front of my eyes, there was a bright red, blood all over the world, and even the sky became bloody.

She stood in the bright red world, her ears came one after another scream.

The screams, like a hand holding her heart, made her unable to breathe.

She covered her ears and ran as fast as she could.

I want to get rid of all this.

But no matter how you run, the world in front of you is always the same.

Ran to the end, the foot more heavy, until can't lift a step.

She watched her feet, her body fall into the concrete road

Until the moment when the concrete was toppling, the feeling of suffocation made her wake up from the nightmare.

Wen Ruyi covers his chest and gasps desperately.

The air conditioner was on in the plane, and the temperature was the most suitable, but she was in a cold sweat. The cold sweat covered her face and rolled down her chin.

"Miss Wen! Miss Wen

Ah Liang saw her as if she was in a nightmare and cried twice.

Wen Ruyi turns her head slowly and looks at her with confused eyes. Her eyes are full of fear.

She heard a Liang's voice.

But the sound is floating, far away, near, clear and fuzzy

"Miss Wen!"

A Liang raised his hand and pinched her.

Sharp pain like a flash of lightning, suddenly hit Wen Ruyi, her body a shock, lax pupil finally recovered.

After two long breaths, she whispered, "I'm sorry, I had a nightmare."

A Liang twisted his brows, and on his cold face, he could not say what he looked like.

Wen Ruyi unscrewed the bottle of mineral water that she had just taken for medicine and gulped it down. The cold liquid went down along the hot and dry intestines, which made her irritable heart gradually comfortable.

Turn to look out of the window, surrounded by dark fog, the field of vision is dark.

Wen Ruyi has the illusion that she is still in a nightmare.

****At one o'clock in the morning, the plane arriving in Lhasa slowly landed at Lhasa airport. Coming out of the airport, a Liang didn't mean to have a rest. He found a car and asked the driver to take them to Bangor county. The driver, a genuine Tibetan, took a look at them and said in nonstandard Mandarin, "are you two little girls going to travel? Bangor is not very peaceful recently. If you want to travel, you'd better stay in Lhasa and see the Potala Palace. It's safer. "“ We only go to Bangor. How much will it cost you to leave? " A Liang insisted on the past. The driver saw that she didn't know the good and the bad, and said, "two thousand five. Bangor is far away. It takes a long time to take the train. Recently, there is chaos there, and drivers are reluctant to run. Now it's night again. It's dangerous to rush to night. If you want to go, the minimum is two thousand five. It's not negotiable. " A Liang took out a thousand and handed it to the driver: "this is the deposit. I'll give you the rest in Bangor."