When ye Jianxi heard her last words, he knew that Ruyi really moved her mind.

Wen's father has never given Ruyi family warmth since childhood, so Ruyi cares about everyone close to her, such as her, Peina, and Ruyi goes through fire and water for them.

Rong's father and Rong Ziche's parents are so kind to Ruyi that it's easy for Ruyi to treat them as his family.

And their good to Ruyi turns into a burden when Ruyi can't accept Ziche.

Over time, Ruyi's last defense line will be crushed.

Even if the Rong family can accept Ruyi, Ruyi can't accept the fact that she owes the Rong family.

Ye Jianxi holds Wen Ruyi's hand. "Ruyi, think about it again. It's not easy for you to get together with Ziche. Du Fangming's business... You really can't accept it. You can move out with Ziche, or when Ziche is promoted, you can move to another place. In five years, many things can be changed."

"I'll think it over before I decide what to do. I'm much more comfortable to say it now."

Wen Ruyi gathered the sadness on her face and drank the coffee that had cooled off in her hand.

"Well, I'm a little hungry. Let's go to dinner."


An Yishu gets out of the car. Someone with an umbrella leads her to the hotel.

In the hotel, an Yishu finds a Japanese restaurant on the third floor. The woman in kimono puts a pair of clogs under her feet.

An Yishu put on his clogs and asked, "where is Mr. Bai?"

"In the Sakura garden, there are several Swedish officials together. It seems that they are discussing things. Mr. Bo told them to go to see him directly when you come." The woman answers with a low brow.

Ann is also comfortable. Recently, Sweden is not very stable. The old king first announced the abolition of Charlie's throne, and then acted frequently, as if to deal with Pak Hara Chong.

If he wants to deal with Ye Jianxi, he can't go back to Sweden in a short time, but he can't wait for the old king to pull him out.

So he recently contacted several people who were usually close to each other to discuss how to deal with the old king.

An Yishu thinks about things. He has arrived in front of the cherry garden. Before he opens the door, he hears the sound of the zither and the slight laughter of men and women.

An Yishu gently knocked on the door: "Mr. Bo, it's me, Yishu."

Voice down, the typical Japanese door, slowly open.

The scene in the box came into our eyes. A few blue eyed Swedish men were holding one or two women in kimonos, with ambiguous smiles on their lips, but there was no one around him.

An Yishu smiles and goes to sit down beside Bai Yuanchong.

The chubby Swedish man sitting on his left side joked in Strange English: "no wonder Prince Osten is not willing to find anyone else. It turns out that she has an appointment."

"This miss Yishu is really a beauty. She can fascinate us Prince Osten. You know, he is a famous spoony in our royal family."

Another said.

The two said in unison, but there was no expression on his face.

An Yishu was secretly happy.

Since Bai Yuanchong doesn't refute, he doesn't reject her. Maybe he is also gradually accepting her.

"Don't make fun of me, gentlemen. I'll drink to you."

An Yishu raised his glass and stopped them.

The two men smile knowingly, take the glass and drink it.


After eating and drinking with several Swedes for several hours, they took their female companions to the hot spring to have a rest. An Yishu sat next to Bai Yuanchong, with a few strands of hair hanging on the naked skin, which was deeply seduced.

He picked up a cigarette and hit it twice with a lighter in his hand.

"I'll do it, sir."

An Yishu took the lighter from his hand and lit it with a click.

The blue flame is beating, reflecting his pupils. Bai Yuanchong's face is always taut. He looks at an Yishu lighting the cigarette around his mouth, and then takes a breath.

The pale blue smoke diffused in the air and covered his face.

An Yishu puts the lighter into his pocket and leans forward slightly, sticking to his body.

"How is the investigation of the Mu family? Did mu Luochen show up

Suddenly, Bai Yuanchong made a sound and went to the window.

An Yishu suddenly fell empty. She was stunned for two seconds. Then she got up and chased the steps of Bai Yuanchong and said: "last night, our people were watching in and out of Mu's villa all night. Someone did go in, but it was Wen Ruyi and Rong Ziche. They were making trouble in Mu's house for most of the night. I've also asked people to go to the Rong family. Yesterday, the old lady of the Rong family made a scene, and she made a scene with the old lady. It's not a coincidence. "

"Sir, mu Luochen is really dead. He can't show up again. Believe me, let's deal with Ye Jianxi. Otherwise, if it's too late, she may run away. When she gets to the United States, I really can't do it. " An Yishu looks forward to Bai Yuanchong. With a cigarette in his mouth, Bai Yuanchong looks out of the window without saying a word. He doesn't believe that mu Luochen is dead, but all kinds of signs show that mu Luochen is dead. Maybe... His intuition is wrong. The cool wind outside the window was drawn into the room, and his face was as cold as ice“ Sir, we can go back to Sweden as soon as we finish the business here. Don't you want to see Sisi? She hasn't seen you for so long. She will miss you. "“ Just do what you say and arrange the relevant things as soon as possible. "“ Do you agree, sir? " An Yishu can't believe his ears. Bai Yuanchong nodded. Tqr1 an Yishu almost jumped up and held her hand tightly. Then she restrained her joy: "don't worry, sir, I will arrange things properly and make ye Jianxi's life worse than death." An Yishu said, stepping on high heels, pedaling out. Bai Yuanchong stood in front of the window, looking at the scenery outside, his face expressionless. When ye Jianxi's affairs are solved, he will not take an Yishu with him. Instead, he will find an opportunity to solve her. This woman is resourceful and ruthless. Taking her back to Sweden will only make her a time bomb around him. She must not be kept*** Ye Jianxi didn't go out for three days in a row. Besides taking care of Tianyou and Tianbao, he stayed in his room. Although Wen Ruyi hopes that she can stay at home honestly and not be harassed by those people, she can't help but shrink in her bedroom“ If you stay in your room all day, you won't be afraid of getting moldy. "