But before they had time, Wen Ruyi struggled desperately. While struggling, she cried hysterically, "I beg you, let me die..."

The doctor and the nurse came forward to suppress her, but Wen Ruyi didn't know where the strength came from and pushed them away.

Seeing that she was about to jump out of bed, Rong Ziche came forward to help the doctor.

But at the moment when he stepped up, Wen Ruyi jumped out of bed and ran in the direction of Ye Jianxi.

The doctor gave a low cry, "be careful!"

In the past, Wen Ruyi was struggling and often hurt the nurses unconsciously. Several nurses could not stand quitting.

But the doctor's reminder, ye Jianxi did not listen, in the moment when Wen Ruyi ran to her, she opened her arms, tightly hugged Wen Ruyi. tqR1

Wen Ruyi's hand, clenched into a fist, raised high.

Seeing that she was about to fall heavily on her back, ye Jianxi suddenly cried out, "Ruyi!"

Wen Ruyi's hand movement.

"Ruyi, did you forget to promise me and Peina? You said that you would live well and protect us... "

Ye Jianxi's voice trembled in the middle of his speech, and he couldn't say a word more.

Wen Ruyi looks at the white wall in front of her.

After a long time, her clenched fist slowly dropped down and gently laid on her back.

Feel her quiet down, ye Jianxi tears how can't suppress, keep falling down.

Later, doctors and nurses come forward to take advantage of the opportunity to pull away Wen Ruyi, but after they have just taken two steps, ye Jianxi shakes her head.

She knows that Ruyi won't hurt her, even when she is in a daze.

Ye Jianxi raised his hand, gently patted Wen Ruyi's back, and said in a low voice, "Ruyi, I know that you are suffering in your heart now, but you told me that no matter how hard it is, as long as you stick to it, everything will get better... Ruyi, for me and Peina, how about living well?"

"If you're gone and we're bullied, who else will stand for us?"

Ye Jianxi kept talking, and Wen Ruyi kept quiet all the time.

After a long time

Ye Jianxi gently opened the distance between them, looking straight at Wen Ruyi's eyes.

Wen Ruyi also fixed looking at her, eyeground does not have any clear, only at a loss.

"Ruyi, if you hear me, just call me back, OK?"

Wen Ruyi has no echo.

Ye Jianxi bit his lower lip, and tears came down. Still can't he

The doctor and nurse saw that Wen Ruyi didn't have any reaction, so they went forward and took Wen Ruyi back to the hospital bed.

Wen Ruyi lies on the bed and closes her eyes, obviously exhausted to the extreme.

When ye Jianxi saw her like this, he was heartbroken.

Ruyi, Ruyi

What should she do to make Ruyi forget the past and return to her normal life.

The doctor began to check Wen Ruyi's physical condition, and the ward was silent.

Rong Ziche looked at Wen Ruyi for a long time, then took back his sight. He walked to Ye Jianxi with a stiff step, "go out and talk about it."

Ye Jianxi wiped away his tears and nodded.

They went out of the ward one after the other and stopped in the next ward. After sitting on the sofa, Rong Ziche picked up a box of cigarettes on the table and pulled out one of them. After a loud light, he took several deep breaths.

Wenqing stands behind Ye Jianxi and wants to remind Rong Ziche that ye Jianxi can't smell the smoke now.

But before she spoke, she was stopped by Ye Jianxi.

Ye Jianxi looked at Rong Ziche and said, "how is Ruyi's condition? What did the doctor say?"

Rong Ziche didn't speak. After smoking a cigarette, he lit the second one.

Soon the room was filled with smoke. Ye Jianxi noticed that the ashtray on the table was full. Rong Ziche should have smoked a lot after Ruyi was ill.

Rong Ziche was silent for a long time, and said in a hoarse voice, "the doctor says she has autism and depression now."

Doctors can cure her physical trauma, but not her psychological trauma.

Although Ye Jianxi had a premonition for a long time, he could not help shaking when he heard it. "Did you invite an expert in this field?"

"It has been invited. Experts say that heart disease should be treated with heart medicine. If it is to be treated, people close to her need to accompany her."

That's why he invited her.

Ye Jianxi dropped his eyes, staring at the lines of his palm for a long time, and said, "I'll let people send Tianyou and Tianbao here, and I'll come to accompany her every day in the future."

She wants Ruyi to get better.

Since Ruyi needs company, she calls all the people close to Ruyi.

"Tianyou and Tianbao are too small." Rong Ziche said that he didn't want to pick up the two children. Even the doctor said that the main cause of Ruyi's depression is miscarriage. It's better to have children around. The only ones close to Ruyi are Tianyou and Tianbao. But he thought Ruyi was good, but he was also worried that Ruyi would hurt his two children“ It doesn't matter. I believe in Ruyi. " Ye Jianxi shook his head, the club's determination. Ruyi will not hurt her, nor will it hurt Tianyou and Tianbao. Rong Ziche hesitated for a moment and said, "well." That's a promise. Ye Jianxi said to do it as soon as possible, and immediately called Guo Sao to ask her to bring her two children. After hanging up the phone, ye Jianxi wants to know about depression and autism, but seeing Rong Ziche's irritable look, he knows he doesn't want to talk to himself, so he stands up and says to Rong Ziche, "I'll go next door and have a look." Rong Ziche didn't answer. Ye Jianxi gets up and goes to the next ward. After she left, Rong Ziche went to the French window and opened it. Autumn wind Xiao cold, cold wind blowing face to face, but he did not feel cold. Ruyi... Get better soon. If it goes on like this, I'll be crazy... * ye Jianxi goes back to the next ward. The doctor has finished the examination and nods. Ye Jianxi asked, "how is Ruyi's situation?" Ruyi? The doctor was stunned and reacted. What she said was that Ruyi was Shen Mianmian, so she said in a low voice: "Miss Shen's situation is still the same, nothing has changed." Ye Jianxi's expression was dim for a few minutes, but he still said politely, "thank you, doctor."“ You're welcome The doctor said something and quickly walked out of the ward. Ye Jianxi sits down in front of the hospital bed and looks at Wen Ruyi in a trance. Imperceptibly, the corner of the eye is moist... Time goes by bit, the door of the ward rings knocking again, and one of the nurses goes to open the door. The door opened and Mrs. Guo stood at the door with her two children in her arms‘ Ah, ah -- 'God bless sees Ye Jianxi, excited voice.