"Well." The next moment, he bent down to pick her up, the noise around the moment reached the peak. Everyone came forward and escorted them out. Outside the villa, famous brand cars spread from the door to the invisible place. After two people get on the bus, the car slowly drives out of the community, and the traffic police open the way in front. From the villa to the Wedding Church, the motorcade along the way attracted countless onlookers. Almost in a few hours, the news that mu Luochen married Ye Jianxi with a grand ceremony spread like wildfire. The reports about the wedding came all over the place without any omen. Almost all the reports on the day replaced the reports on the wedding scene. At half past eleven, the motorcade arrived at the church on time. The long red carpet stretches from the car to the entrance of the church. Muluochen holds her hand tightly and walks slowly to the church. Before the ceremony, the two separated briefly. Ye Jianxi was taken to a rest room of the church, while mu Luochen was in another place. Ye Jianxi sat on the chair, palms nervous sweating, on the side of the Ye family sister-in-law to comfort, "don't be nervous, I accompany, wait for Luochen will accompany you, huh." Originally, it was her parents who took her and sent her to Lu Yicheng. But her father died long ago and her mother didn't communicate with each other. So the old lady arranged for her and her great grandfather's sister-in-law to do this instead of her parents. Ye's sister-in-law was picked up yesterday, but ye Jianxi was busy all the time, and they didn't talk much. Now I've got time to say something. Time passed quickly. When the clock rings at 12 o'clock, Ye's sister-in-law slowly walks out of the auditorium holding her hand. In the cheerful and passionate Wedding March, ye takes Ye Jianxi to walk slowly from the entrance of the hall and into the auditorium. Behind the long wedding dress, a pair of jade like five-year-old children are holding each other carefully. People in the church saw her enter the moment, involuntarily began to applaud, so big church, applause for a long time, such as the tide in general, wave after wave. Walking to the front of the church, mu Luochen holds Ye Jianxi's hand, and they stand side by side in front of the priest. The blonde priest opens the Bible, looks at the two and begins the formal ceremony of the wedding. After a long prelude, the priest looked at mu Luochen and said, "Mr. mu Luochen, please tell me that I mu Luochen will marry you wholeheartedly as my wife. No matter in adversity, prosperity or adversity, wealth or poverty, health or disease, happiness or sorrow, I will love you unreservedly. I will try my best to understand you and trust you completely, Will you be my wife? " According to the priest said, muluochen solemnly repeated. Ye Jianxi looked at his dark eyes and nodded: "I do."“ Ms. Ye Jianxi, please tell me... "Ye Jianxi repeated the priest's words and asked softly," would you like to be my husband? "“ I will Murochen's voice reached every corner through the microphone in the church. The priest looked at the people present and said, "now the bridegroom and bride can exchange rings." Two little flower children gave the rings to Ye Jianxi and mu Luochen. After the exchange of rings, the priest announced: "now, if no one present objects, I will announce that mu Luochen and Ms. Ye Jianxi are married." In such a big church, no one spoke. After waiting for a few seconds, the priest said again, "I now announce that mu Luochen and Ms. Ye Jianxi are married!" At the end of the speech, the whole audience stood up. Tqr1 and just when everyone is blessing this wedding, in the corner of the church, a person's face is not a trace of joy, staring at the bridegroom and bride in front, which is out of tune with the atmosphere at this moment.