"Even under your deep affection, Sara reluctantly agrees to be with you, but she does not belong to this era. How can she adapt to this era?

In the past few decades, the world has changed dramatically.

Are you sure she can take it? "

Nangong Yan stares at Sara in the crystal coffin tightly, "I can take her back to the world of vampires. There's no need to think about the times. "

"But it's another world. She can't accept the changes of the times of one world. How can she accept another world?

If you tell me who you are from the beginning, it might be possible.

But you never told her that she became a vampire all of a sudden. Are you sure she can accept it? "

Tong Mo's questions confused Nangong Yan.

"My mother told me that our grandfather is a vampire, and our grandmother is a human, but grandma knew it all along, and she wanted to become a vampire and stay with her grandfather forever.

So when she had a hard time giving birth to her father, after she became a vampire, she could accept it, because she had made psychological preparations in advance. But... "

Tong Mo's words suddenly changed.

Nangong Yan didn't interrupt Tong Mo this time.

His father didn't succeed in turning humans into vampires, so he didn't know what would happen.

"My father said that grandma once regretted turning into a vampire. Vampires will never grow old or die. They will always stay at the moment when human beings die. Every day they live is repeated.

For a long time, she was depressed. She didn't like that kind of life, so she decided to let her father become a real human, aging and dying naturally.

Grandfather and grandmother once argued, because they only have this one child, they naturally hope that the child can follow them, but Grandma firmly disagrees, he wants his son to live a normal life. "

That day, ou Zeye and Tong Xiaoman told Tong Mo about the family for a long time.

Tong Mo remembers every detail clearly.

"So my grandparents have made a lot of efforts to make dad a real human being. They have been working hard, and their efforts are no less than you and your father.

So you can think about whether Sara will accept it? "

Nangong Yan suddenly silent, do not know is speechless, or thinking about what.

"May I ask you a question?"

Nangong Yan raises his eyes. The blue pupil has a gentle light.

"You ask."

"When Sara died, why didn't you ask your father to turn Sara into a vampire? Wasn't it simpler then? "

Nangong Yan sneered coldly, "do you think I don't have it?"

"Why on earth?"

"My father didn't want to, I begged him, even knelt down to beg him, knelt down for three days and three nights, he didn't promise me."

Because of this, the relationship between Nangong Yan and his father was once very cool. Nangong Yan even ignored his father for more than 20 years.

"Then why do you think your father won't agree with you?"

"A vampire transforms a human into a vampire, and the transformed vampire belongs to the vampire itself. That's how the vampire family comes to be.

Once Sara is transformed into a vampire, Sara belongs to my father, but I am still a half human and half vampire. My father feels that kind of relationship is very embarrassing, so he doesn't want to.

His long cherished wish in his life is that I should become a human being, which is also my mother's instructions before she died, so he doesn't want to be responsible for Sara. A newborn vampire is a burden. "

For these children foam naturally did not understand.

"No, you only said part of the reason."

South Temple Yan but inclined Tong Mo one eye, "don't you know even more clearly than I?"

"I'm not your father. I don't know what he really thinks, but I guess one of the reasons is for your good. It's not that you don't want to be responsible.

Father thinks that even if Sara is really transformed into a vampire, you may not be happy. "

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

Nangong Yan already knows the intention of Tong Mo, she wants to persuade herself to give up and become a vampire.

"You and Sara should not have known each other for a long time. At that time, you were only 18 years old. Your father came from the past. He didn't think you could be together forever."

"What do you know?"

"Ou Tianqing and I met when we were young. At that time, I was 19 years old. We always quarreled. After only one year, our marriage broke up.

Later, we met again, but also kept fighting, I even want to leave him countless times.

Later, you also know that I have been away for four years, and we have been injured by each other. I am 27 years old, and he and I have been together for eight years.

Eight years is a long process. We have just run in well.

You and Sara have only known each other for a few months, when you were young and didn't know what love was. Over time, you will have a deeper definition of love.

Two people need to run in slowly. "

Recalling the past of himself and Ou Tianqing, Tong Mo's eyes were covered with a layer of fog.

Some of the past is very painful, but the good thing is that they are willing to work hard.

"If Sara opens her eyes and finds herself a vampire, it will take her a long time to accept her new identity, not to mention whether she can accept it.

She and you need a long period of time to run in, there are a lot of couples running in and then break up, because they didn't know each other at the beginning, and when they really know each other, they will find that they are not suitable. "

Tong Mo suddenly felt very cold, her teeth even trembled.

She began to stamp her feet to relieve the cold.

"The reason why your father didn't want to turn her into a vampire is that your father didn't think the love between you two had reached that point, maybe it was just a joke."

"Shut up

Nangong Yan freezes Sara's body for decades. How can he allow others to say that his love with her is a joke!

"Whether you accept it or not, that's the truth. The reason why you freeze her is that men can't forget their first woman and their first love.

The most unforgettable thing in a person's life is that he can't ask for it. It's not how good it is. It's just that he doesn't want to get it.

It's just your career, not love. "

Tong Mo's last sentence is like the last straw to defeat Nangong Yan.

He grabbed Tong Mo's neck at once!