His eyes did not turn for a long time, as if he had been spirited away.

He stared at Ou Tianqing in amazement and couldn't believe his ears.

Although he has unshirkable responsibility for this incident, he will be punished too heavily if he is dismissed.

Why was he fired before the matter was fully investigated?

What's more, he is the Minister of the dark empire. Since the establishment of the dark Empire, he has been working hard in this company. His whole youth and even all his energy have been contributed to this company.

He can retire in a few years. How can he be dismissed at this time?

"The meeting is over." Ou Tianqing then stood up to leave the conference room.

"Ou Shao!" Yan Liang finally recovered. He quickly got up and rushed to Ou Tianqing, "there is something hidden about this matter. I can use my life as a guarantee. There is no problem with that poster, but I don't know what's going on. There is something wrong with it when it's printed. It must be someone trying to frame me!"

Yan Liang had to tell the story. He couldn't go away unjustly.

Ou Tianqing looked at Yan Liang unfathomably. He hesitated for a moment and said, "even if someone framed him, manager Yan, this matter can be completely avoided. If it is printed, you only need to have a look to know that something is wrong. There is still time to make up for it, but what are you doing?"

Yan Liang was not in the company at that time, but he was in the hospital all the time.

"Even if you don't check it when it's printed, you can find the problem in the process of posting, but still not. What were you doing at that time?" Ou Tianqing asked again.

"I..." Yan Liang really didn't know how to answer Ou Tianqing's question.

"These problems could have been completely avoided. Even if someone wanted to frame you, if you were a little more careful, you would not have been harmed. However, it happened, so I had to fire you. This matter has caused a very bad impact on the company, and our loss is even incalculable."

Ou Tianqing is selfless. Just because Yan Liang is an old employee, he can't ignore this matter. Otherwise, the company's employees will have no way to manage it.

What's more, the reason why he did this is to make a warning to everyone. Such things can never happen again!

In fact, Ou Tianqing can't bear it. Yan Liang once made great contributions to the company, and he has always been liked by his father, but he has to do so.

He walked over and patted Yan Liang on the shoulder. "Manager Yan, this is also a lesson in your life. Go to the human resources department to go through the formalities."

The whole room was very quiet, because everyone didn't expect that Yan Liang, as a minister of the company, would be expelled. Besides, when ou Zeye was still there, he always valued Yan Liang, and Ou Tianqing dared to expel him!

"I'm in the hospital..." a low voice came from behind.

Ou Tianqing stopped and listened.

"I'm in the hospital!" Yan Liang's voice suddenly became loud and resounded throughout the conference room, "my daughter has leukemia and is dying. I didn't leave on purpose. I went to the hospital to accompany her. The doctor gave her a critical notice."

Yan Liang has always been a proud man. In fact, he is very reluctant to take out his family affairs, so few people know that his daughter has leukemia.

Hearing these words, Ou Tianqing turns around and looks at Yan Liang blankly. What happened to the staff under his hand? Does he know nothing?

Yan Liang, who is 50 years old, looks as if he is nearly 60 years old. His daughter's serious illness has made him a lot older.

When he mentioned his daughter, he could not help but burst into tears.

"Ou Shao, I didn't mean to. It was because she was too ill. I didn't solve the problem in the company for the three days after the accident. It was because she was admitted to the ICU and the doctor gave three critical notices!"

Yan Liang took out several pieces of paper from his pocket as he spoke. He kept his daughter's critical illness notice all the time, because maybe that one represents her last time.

Although Ou Tianqing has been determined to kill, he always has a cold expression, but he is not a heartless person. It is inevitable that he will be moved to hear this.

In this company, many of the old employees in the period of ouzeye have retired. Yan Liang is one of the few to stick to. He is the most qualified. In the company, even people from other departments are respectful to him.

But at this moment Yan Liang shed all his pride and cried like a child.

"Ou Shao, I beg you to give me another chance. I really need this job. My children also need this job. I will definitely turn over a new leaf and never make such a mistake."

All the people at the scene felt sorry for Yan Liang. Even those in the sales department who originally had an opinion on Yan Liang were in a bad mood at the moment.

Even the soft hearted female employees have begun to shed tears and are still sobbing.

"Ou Shao, I've worked hard for the company for so many years. I've never made such a mistake. I believe that not only you but also Mr. Ou understands me. This is really an accident. Please don't fire me."

A big man, a 50 year old man, cried in front of all his subordinates and juniors.

Xu Lei looks at Ou Tianqing, who is also in a dilemma.

According to the company's rules and regulations, such a big event has happened. No, to be exact, this is the last major accident, or the biggest accident in the history of the company. This is much more serious than the problem of game loopholes!

Because it directly affects the reputation of the whole company, all industries of the whole dark empire will be affected!

"I feel great sympathy for what happened to you. However, manager Yan, the company's rules and regulations are there. If you are wrong, you are wrong. If it is your responsibility, you need to take responsibility. You are an old employee of the company. You should be very clear."

Ou Tianqing's words obviously less a bit dignified, "although there is a reason, but the law does not have the feeling, I still want to fire you."

His words are very slow. It seems that when he says them, he can't bear to.

But he has no way. If Yan Liang is not dismissed, he will have no way to manage similar things in the future.

Yan Liang nearly collapsed when he heard Ou Tianqing's words. He worked hard for the dark empire for decades, but he didn't expect such an end.

All the employees also think that Ou Tianqing is too much. Yan Liang's daughter has leukemia and even wants to fire him. Besides, he is the oldest employee and has made great contributions to the group!

What else does Ou Tianqing want to say, but he thinks it's not suitable to say it. He turns around and is ready to leave here.

"Ou Shao"

Yan Liang knelt down on the ground with a plop!