Dark empire's game "100% hero" is finally online in the expectation of all!

Everything is working normally. As soon as it's online, the sales of this game have exceeded expectations, and Ou Tianqing can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

He looked at the evaluation of "100% hero" on the Internet, and everyone's evaluation of this game is still very high. After all, this game is also the painstaking effort of the technology department.

It's very wise to put you Changxu in the position of technical director. He has been in the test group before. He is really a genius. This game is his own design.

This is a very hot-blooded battle game, the picture quality is very beautiful, and very real, the game settings are also full of passion.

Ou Tianqing holding the coffee in his hand, his heart is finally set, according to sales expectations, this game should be able to make up for some of the previous losses.

He raised his hand and was just about to ring the bell to call Xu Lei in. He was ready to ask about his own arrangement. He needed to visit Tong Mo, so the time needed to be adjusted.

But before the bell went down, Xu Lei rushed in.

"Ou Shao, big things are not good!"

"What's the matter?"

Xu Lei is holding a broken poster in his hand. "There's something wrong with the posters we put up everywhere!"

He quickly handed the poster to Ou Tianqing, who took it over in a hurry and was shocked!

The original "100% hero" turned into "100% hero"!

The propaganda poster of the dark empire is wrong!

This is a very low-level mistake!

Ou Tianqing tore up the poster angrily and threw it on the ground, "what's the matter? How could you make such a low-level mistake

Xu Lei also thinks that this mistake is really too low-level, a word difference, the name of the game flavor all changed, it is estimated that many people will laugh when they see this poster, right?

He hesitated to speak.

The temperature of Ou Tianqing's whole body suddenly dropped to freezing point, and his whole body exuded a cold smell. Even the temperature in the office seemed to have dropped several degrees.

"Call me Yan Liang from the sales department right away!"

"This... Ou Shao..." Xu Lei was even more embarrassed.

"Why?" Ou Tianqing sensed that it didn't seem right.

"I just went to find general manager Yan. I wanted to bring him directly to work with you to solve this problem, but general manager Yan..."

Ou Tianqing's sharp eyes swept to Xu Lei, "don't prevaricate! Say it

"He asked for leave today." Xu Lei had to tell ou Tianqing this fact.

Considering that Yan Liang is also an old employee of the company, Xu Lei thinks that Ou Tianqing will be angry, so he wants to discuss with Yan Liang in advance. But who knows he went to find him, and he asked for leave. Xu Lei can't help him.

"At this juncture of the company, he asked for leave? Does Yan Liang feel that if he is the Minister of the company, he can ignore the company's rules and regulations and do whatever he wants? "

Ou Tianqing angrily patted the document on the desk.

At this moment, it should be the busiest time for the sales department. After all, the game has just been launched, which is a good time for sales. As the manager of the sales department, Yan Liang asked for leave at this time.

Even if that's OK, people above the manager level usually need to ask for instructions from Ou Tianqing. Especially when the company is busy, they have to report to Ou Tianqing in advance. Yan Liang left his post privately this time, because he didn't say hello to Ou Tianqing at all.

"I don't think he wants this job any more! Call the sales department for a meeting right now

This time, the dark Empire bought a lot of advertising spaces, in the subway, bus stations, and even on many street lights. But where posters can be put up, the dark Empire bought a lot of them. That is to say, these posters with typos have been put up in every corner.

If the words in all places are wrong, it's OK. But what they post on the official website is "100% hero", and the advertisements on the big screen of the shopping mall are also "100% hero", only the posters are "100% hero". This is to tell others that the dark Empire has written wrong words!

When ou Tianqing thought that many people were discussing this issue, laughing that such a large group of the dark Empire would write wrong characters, his back was cold!

Ou Tianqing called all the people in the sales department together to find a solution. All the people in the sales department were like enemies. This time, it was a big deal, because the posters had been posted in every corner and there was no way to recover them.

The meeting lasted for three hours. Ou Tianqing told the people in the sales department that this incident was caused by them, so their bonus should be forgotten, and they should solve the big problem by themselves!

All the posters need to be removed. In addition, the right posters need to be printed immediately and posted as quickly as possible. After all, time is running out. The golden period of online sales of the game is just a few days.

After the meeting, Ou Tianqing still had a headache in his office. At the meeting, Yan Liang was not there. Ou Tianqing also made it clear at the meeting that he would expel Yan Liang.

Now the sales department is like ants in a hot pot. Not only is the bonus gone, but if things can't be solved, they may also face the risk of being dismissed.

Cheng Jun, Yan Liang's subordinate, rubs his hands anxiously all the time. He finally can't sit still. He suddenly stands up and goes out.

Just out of the door of the sales department, he was stopped by Hu Mingyu, "now I'm busy. Why are you going?"

"I went to see Ou Shao, but Yan didn't mean to." Cheng Jun has a serious face.

Hu Mingyu quickly pulled Cheng Jun aside. "You're not going to die. Ou Shao is angry now. Now you go to plead with general manager Yan. I think you think you're living too well in the company!"

"No, Yan is always in trouble. You don't know that his daughter has leukemia. He is very busy recently, and he doesn't leave the post intentionally. Instead, his daughter is seriously ill. He can't help but go back. If something goes wrong, it's general manager Yan who doesn't think well of it, but he has to consider his family's problems. General manager Yan has never said anything about his daughter's illness."

Cheng Jun has a melancholy face. He really doesn't want to see Yan Liang dismissed. After all, his family is waiting for him to use his money. Isn't it killing him to be dismissed at this time?

"I know, but do you think Ou Shao will pay attention to you? You'd better take care of yourself! But I heard that Ou Shao is going to give the sales department a big change of blood this time. That's because he has to use you now, so he didn't announce the news. Now you're going to run into a nail and wait to be dismissed! "

Cheng Jun was shocked, "really?"

"I can still cheat you. More is better than less. Besides, President Yan has worked for so many years and earned more than you. People don't want anything. What about you?"