This problem made ou feel stiff in his back.

"Sister Mo didn't provoke you. I just want you to go to the concert and relax." Tong Mo feels wronged.

"Nothing. I just want to remind you to stay away from her." Ou Tianqing's eyes are deep and deep, which makes some people unable to understand.

"Why? She's very nice, amiable, beautiful and elegant, and has a great temperament. I really think she deserves the best words in the world. "

Zimo has completely conquered Tongmo. She is her idol, her good friend and her life mentor.

This makes Ou Tianqing feel a little bad.

"You can't always look at people's appearance. You are just too simple, so you are always cheated. Don't tell others everything without reservation, because you don't know when you will be betrayed."

When ou Tianqing said this, he was very serious.

"But I think the stranger is really good." Tong Mo pouts. I can't imagine what's annoying about Zimo.

"How long have you known her?"

Tong Mo broke his fingers and calculated, "in fact, the number of times we met was counted with one hand, hee hee."

Ou Tianqing put out his hand and patted Tong Mo on the forehead, "that's it! I haven't seen you several times, so I'll dig my heart and lungs out of others, and be careful that they will sell you! "

"You don't seem to like sister Mo very much. Do you have a holiday with her? Do you know her? "

Tong Mo suddenly feels very strange, before Ou Tianqing can never say similar words with himself, how to mention purple Mo, he will be so nervous?

"She and I used to be in the same school, but when we were in school, we knew that she was not good." Ou Tianqing answered lightly.

"Bad character? Why not? Why can't I see it at all! "

"If you want to have a heart, you should have a heart. Don't be confused all the time. If she hasn't done anything, she won't be said to have bad character. In a word, if you don't have any contact with her in the future, you'd better not. It's OK to listen to the concert, but people can't get in touch with her!"

Ou Tianqing is an ultimatum.

"You're so generous." Tong Mo could not help but make complaints about it.

"I don't care about other people! You are my wife

The child foam that this words says is in full bloom, that call a beauty, so see, she is in the heart of Ou Tianqing still quite have position.

Ou Tianqing turned over and pressed Tong Mo under his body, "you are my wife, so I have to control you, or I won't know if I was sold like last time!"

"Last time I didn't..."

Tong Mo has no time to refute, Ou Tianqing's hot kiss has been pressed down.

After the harvest, Tong Mo goes to sleep. Today's storm is relieved, but Ou Tianqing can't sleep for a long time.

Tong Mo and Zimo are entangled together. He still wonders how they know each other. He thinks it's impossible for them to meet each other. But from Tong Mo's words, it seems that they have a good relationship.

It's a tough thing to do.

But now he and Tong Mo have just registered for marriage, and their relationship has just been reconciled. It's not convenient for him to interfere with Tong Mo more, lest Tong Mo say something about divorce.

Once you come, you can be content with it. Let's take a step.

Tong Mo and Shangguan Yulin's movie "love" is finally on file!

The two men's film has finally passed the audit. Tong Mo doesn't know if it's because of Ou Tianqing. Anyway, "true love" is really going to be released.

However, people are looking forward to the release of this "beloved" and Quan Yufei's film "flowers of strangers" on the same day!

In the past, it's very common for movies to hit the schedule. After all, new movies are released almost every day. All movies like to be released at a better time, and they can also make a big impact on the box office.

But the collision between Tong Mo and Quan Yufei's films makes everyone full of expectations. First, Tong Mo forced Quan Yufei to win the Silver Elephant award. Second, during this period, their news is always related and often compared.

So it's natural to be full of expectations that two people's films will be released on the same day. Is it the old actress Quan Yufei's film or the new actress Tong Mo's film that is better.

But it won't be known until the movie is released.

In fact, the two people's films couldn't get together, because "true love" couldn't pass the censorship all the time, and the schedule had been delayed a lot. However, Quan Yufei's "flowers of strangers" had been choosing the schedule, and it was also a long time that the audience didn't want to release it, so it came together.

When she first learned that the two films collided, Jiao Yanling was very happy.

"Feifei, this movie is sure to sell well!" Jiao Yanling applauded.

Generally speaking, the film makers are the least worried about the schedule bumping, especially the star movies with topic bumping together.

The more viewers want to compare the two movies, the more they can make the box office of the two movies go up. As long as they sell well, no matter who loses or who wins!

Jiao Yanling thinks that as long as the box office of this film is sold well, what Quan Yufei lacks now is a film with high box office. The box office of her previous literary and artistic films is not very high. After a long time, people will feel that she is not worthy of her name.

Quan Yufei is not as open as Jiao Yanling.

"Isn't the film censored? Why is it that all of a sudden it's scheduled to be shown? "

Quan Yufei clearly dragged on several layers of relationship and asked the censorship team to get the film stuck. Who knows that the censorship passed so soon!

She's really not happy with everything recently. Even if sun Wang doesn't take Tong Mo to the village, she's still being watched. Once something goes wrong, sun Wang will give up. Sun Wang is a bottomless hole, and she's spending a lot of money!

"I don't know. It's said that the crew has specially added scenes, and the plot should also be deleted. Otherwise, there's no way to pass it. As soon as it's passed, they'll be on file immediately. It's probably a big happy event for us. Their deletion of the plot will certainly have an impact on the whole. It's certainly not better than your movie at that time!"

When Jiao Yanling talks, she looks very happy. This movie can finally be elated.

Otherwise this period of time is always suppressed by Tong Mo, she will suffocate!

"I hope so." Quan Yufei is still wringing eyebrows, not relaxed at all.

"You don't have to worry. Anyway, after their plots are cut, they will certainly make the audience dissatisfied. At that time, their reputation will decline, and Tong Mo's popularity will also decline." Jiao Yanling patted Quan Yufei on the shoulder. "We have a very hot topic in this movie, Feifei. A good day is coming."

Quan Yufei just wanted to say something when his mobile phone rang.