"Yes, I was so stupid that I left later. But what I didn't expect was that we met again in three years. Ou Tianqing lied to me that he didn't sign the divorce agreement, so we were still husband and wife."


This word, ah Cai how also have no way to contact with the body of Ou Tianqing.

"It was when I promised him that I would have a baby for him that I realized that we were divorced."

Tong Mo put his hand gently on his belly, "but where did I think it was really..."

Why does God like to joke with her so much?

"What are you going to do now?"

In the face of such a thorny problem, Acer has nothing to do.

Tong Mo straightened up and looked at ah Tsai, "ah Tsai, do you know? After I left him last time, I found that I was pregnant. Unfortunately, I found that child too late. Four months later, when I died, I had induced labor

This incident is a great shock to Aceh!

"Mo Mo, you can't do anything about this child. My college classmate had a miscarriage before, and now she's married. She can't conceive. She always has habitual miscarriage. The doctor says it has a lot to do with her first miscarriage."

"Then I'll keep him?" Tong Mo looks at a CAI in shock. According to a CAI, she seems to have no way back.

"Go to find ou Tianqing. In fact, from your description, I don't think Ou Tianqing doesn't have you in his heart. If he doesn't care about you at all, why did he marry you?"

Tong Mo didn't dare to expect so much.

"In this way, it can also explain why ouyingdi will put down his price to accompany you to make a low-cost online drama, and why he has repeatedly made exceptions. Think about it, he said he would not make intimate drama, but he did it with you in online drama. He said he would only make one drama a year, and in the end he made two more with you. He said he would not make Qing palace drama, and in the end he came to play No.2 for you..."

Occasionally Tong Mo will think of these, just because the injury is too deep, dare not think so much.

"Since he is married to you and wants to have children with you, I think he wants to have a good life with you. Now that he has children, why don't you tell him? This child belongs to both of you. He has the right to know. "

Tong Mo is still silent, but she seems to think that a CAI's analysis is reasonable.

"Mo Mo, let me say something you may not like to hear. You were so infatuated with him and paid so much for him. Why did you leave later? It's because you want more than before. "

Tong Mo turned his head and looked at a CAI, "what do you mean?"

"A person will not pay unconditionally forever. When she pays more and pays for a long time, she naturally wants to pay back. Think about it. If you had been married that year, you would never have paid unconditionally, maybe everything would not have happened later. "

These words entered the heart of Tong mo.

"One person is used to another person's kindness, so he is used to it. In addition, Ou Tianqing is always cold. He is probably the kind of person who is not good at expressing himself. He is used to it and doesn't think there is anything wrong with it. But your psychological imbalance is the reason for your separation."

From achai's apartment, the moon has been hanging high in the sky, there are no stars, the moon seems a little lonely, even the light seems to be covered with a layer of fog.

Cold wind bursts, Tong Mo subconsciously hugged his arm, unknowingly already winter.

She came out in such a hurry that she couldn't bring herself any more clothes. Achai's apartment is warm on the floor and doesn't feel cold. Now when she came out, she felt that she was blown through.

She was driving her little red BMW, and her head was full of the words of Acer.

Is it true that she is greedy and wants too much that leads to the breakdown of their marriage?

Recalling the situation when she was with Ou Tianqing, Tong Mo was very hard and careful at that time, but she was happy every day at that time.

Later, the idea changed, and it seemed that I was not happy until I left the divorce agreement.

Thinking and driving all the way, I drove to Xingyue Bay unconsciously.

Maybe she can only find Xingyue Bay by following the navigation, but she came here by mistake.

Maybe that's the will of God.

Tong Mo bit his lip and stopped the car and went straight to the house he used to live with Ou Tianqing.

When she came to the door, she remembered that she had returned the key to Ou Tianqing when she left. She couldn't get in.

Standing at the door for five minutes, she summoned up the courage to ring the doorbell.

Ou Tianqing is sulking because of the scandal between Tong Mo and Shangguan Yulin these days. He is immersed in a lot of work every day, and even his subordinates become workaholics with him.

When the doorbell rang, he was in his study dealing with the papers he had brought back.

Tong Mo is not here. It seems that his home is just a place to sleep. Apart from work, he really can't think of what he can do.

Hearing the doorbell ring, Ou Tianqing thought that he had a hallucination. Who would come here so late?

When the doorbell rang three times, he finally determined that it was his own doorbell.

Tong Mo is tired of waiting outside the door. He thinks that it's not a coincidence that he may come. Today, Ou Tianqing is working overtime or going home. Just as she is ready to leave, the door opens.

Two people, one standing in the door, the other standing outside, you look at me, I look at you.

No one spoke. They all froze.

For a long time, Ou Tianqing saw that Tong Mo was wearing so thin, and then he said: "come in, you're not afraid of freezing to death!"

Tong Mo followed Ou Tianqing and entered the room. The warm air came to her face. She didn't feel so cold at last.

Ou Tianqing flushed a cup of hot milk for her and put it on the table. Tong Mo picked up the cup and felt the heat, but still didn't say a word.

In fact, Ou Tianqing is really not willing to pay attention to her, isn't there a Shangguan Yulin? If you have something to do, go to Shangguan Yulin. What are you doing here?

In the end, when something happened to her, she didn't come to him. Hum!

He should have done nothing!

Just hang her out!

"What can I do for you?" Ou Tianqing's voice was cold, even with a condescending attitude.

It's not the time he chased her a few days ago to let her listen to his explanation!

Tong Mo still didn't open his mouth, just blowing air from the milk cup.

Ou Tianqing just stares at her like that. Wasn't she so intimate with others on the plane a few days ago? Now I'll show him the air bag. What's the meaning?

Tong Mo sipped the milk and left a white mark on his upper lip.

"I'm... Pregnant."