Zheng Biao's clothes for Tong Mo are braces, jeans and a simple white T-shirt. The size is just right. With Tong Mo's short hair, it looks young and beautiful.

And he asked Tong Mo not to make up at all. Tong Mo was happy. Anyway, on such a hot day, she felt even worse if she put on a layer of cosmetics.

It was not until he got on the bus that Zheng Biao told Tong Mo that it was the launch of Firebird directed by Nanshan.

"Didn't director Nanshan say that the investment in this film was very small? Why do you have the money to hold a press conference? " Tong Mo, this is a little unclear.

At the beginning, director Nanshan made it very clear that because the theme of this film is too unpopular and the investment is very small, the film's remuneration is also very low.

Director Nanshan himself also said that in addition to the filming process for the sake of film effect, other aspects are to save.

"It's investment." Zheng Biao an eyebrow, there is a God in, still afraid of no investment?

"Then can my film pay rise so much?" Tong Mo immediately smiles and looks at Zheng Biao.

"I didn't say that."

"It's not interesting enough. When you get the investment, just give me some money. I'm tired every day."

By the time Tong Mo arrived at the set, the others had already arrived, and the press conference was about to start.

As No.1 girl, Tong Mo sits next to director Nanshan. There are only a few poor actresses at the press conference. Tong Mo takes a look at them. They are all new people with no face.

It is estimated that she is the only one who has been familiar recently with "my dear prince".

When the host announced the start of the press conference, the questions of the media reporters came to Nanshan director like a barrage of bullets.

"Director Nanshan, why did you choose such a theme this time?"

"There's no reason. I just feel that as a filmmaker, I should dig out more unknown things and show them to the audience."

"I heard that there is no emotional line in the theme of female special forces this time. Don't you think it will affect the box office?"

"If I joined the emotional line, I would be very sorry for those female special forces who are still fighting in the front line. They live on the edge of life and death every day. How can they have time to fall in love! As for the impact on the box office, I am more concerned about restoring reality. "

At the beginning, the questions were quite regular, but in the twinkling of an eye, the media reporters were all aimed at Tong mo.

"Director Nanshan, you have always been very unique in selecting people. Can you tell us why you chose Tong Mo as the number one actress?"

Nanshan and Tong Mo look at each other. This is a problem that we have to face sooner or later.

Before director Nanshan answered the reporter's question, another reporter could not wait to stand up.

"I wonder if director Nanshan has paid attention to the recent online drama starring Tong Mo? Do you think an 18 line star who makes online drama can be competent for such an important role? "

This problem makes Tong Mo feel a little embarrassed. She is still sitting beside her. Can she save some face?

Nanshan is very calm.

"I'll first answer the first reporter's question, why I choose Tong Mo, because the first time I saw Tong Mo, I decided that she was my heroine."

Simply! Neat!

There seems to be no answer to this question, but after careful deliberation, you will find that Nanshan means that he has identified Tong mo.

"Then I'll answer the second question. I've seen online dramas. I think Tong Mo can release such wonderful acting skills in such a poor drama group. I have more confidence in her."

Nanshan's two answers suddenly lifted Tong Mo to heaven!

"Director Nanshan, there are some pictures about Tong Mo in the past on the Internet recently. They are very ugly. Do you understand them? We all know that you always pay great attention to character in selecting actors. I don't know why... "

The reporter didn't finish what she said, but everyone on the scene understood what she wanted to say.

Tong Mo is still guilty. The photos and news are still fermenting these days. She tries her best not to look at them, but she can't help looking at them every day.

Everyone's evaluation of her is really poor to the extreme!

Fortunately, her face has not been so familiar with people, otherwise she was worried that she would be beaten when she walked into the street!

Tong Mo is also curious whether director Nanshan has paid attention to this aspect.

"It's a very good question. I always pay attention to the quality of actors. I think that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, I will never use his bad character in life, because I always think that character and character are equally important."

Nanshan's face remained unchanged, and Tong Mo on one side lowered his head with a guilty heart.

"Tong Mo has taken many detours when he first entered the entertainment circle. Everyone who just entered the circle will have a necessary process. He doesn't know where he is going. Before he decides to use Tong Mo, I have done a lot of investigation."

The scene was silent. Nanshan is the authority in the circle!

What he said basically determines the life and death of Tong Mo!

"This little girl has no background, and she was very young when she started her career, so she signed a contract with the company at the beginning, and was also led by the company. The company didn't understand her, and it also packaged her according to the market demand, but the effect was very poor."

"The photos you see on the Internet are all the packaging positioning given by the company. The little girl is young and so obedient, so she has to do it. Fortunately, she got out of the misery in time and finally found her own positioning and started filming. Otherwise, I really don't know who my girl is looking for to play!"

Nanshan said at the end with a smile.

Tong Mo is deeply relieved. It turns out that director Nanshan has investigated her for a long time.

Reporters at the scene are constantly pressing the shutter to take pictures of the scene.

"In addition, what I can also reveal to you is that Tong Mo is also a female number two in Zhao Yanliang's crew, and her acting skills have been recognized by director Zhao Yanliang. Director Zhao Yanliang and I think this girl is very good. I think it is because she suffered a lot in the past that she treasures the opportunity now."

"In the end, I believe Tong Mo will show you a perfect role!"

Voice down, the scene is warm applause.

It seems that we all believe in director Nanshan's vision.

At the end of the press conference, the media reporters wanted to stop Tong Mo and ask her to say a few words, but Zheng Biao kept winking at Tong Mo and told her not to speak, and then left the scene in a hurry.