Although Luo Feiqi doesn't know much about Yun zhanxuan, she believes that Yun Qianmo will be able to handle it well.

Then she takes the initiative to change the topic, hoping that Yun Qianmo can also put down his worries and stay with him.

"Qian Mo, will you take pictures for me this afternoon? I think the desert at dusk must be more beautiful! "

"No problem!"

Yun Qianmo readily agreed, and his face gradually returned to calm.

The golden setting sun sank into the end of the desert, as if the two were integrated before the night came.

Luo Feiqi had a good time today, sitting under a tree with a scarf wrapped around her head, picking out the photos taken by Yun Qianmo.

"Qian Mo, what do you think of this one?" She pointed to the pictures taken by the two men while they were sliding in the sand.

"Not bad, but I didn't take this one." Cloud modest Mo indifferent smile, shrugged his shoulders.

Luo Feiqi continues to look at the photos. Yun Qianmo has been taking pictures for her for half an afternoon. All kinds of angles and scenes are very artistic.

"I like this one better. Your long hair is beautiful when the wind blows." Yun Qianmo also sat down and opened his slender arm to take her into his arms.

"Is it?" Luo Feiqi looked at it carefully. In fact, she also liked this one, but joked: "how do I think this picture has a strong style of village photo studio?"

After hearing this, Yun Qianmo frowned and obviously didn't agree with her. However, Wen Sheng replied, "if you don't like this shooting style, we'll shoot again tomorrow."

Two people chatting, the setting sun is gradually sinking in the embrace of the desert, this scene itself is a beautiful picture.

Because it's late in the west, it's already more than eight o'clock. Seeing that it's not early, Yun Qianmo gets up first and reaches out to Luo Feiqi.

"Let's go back to dinner first, and then sort out the photos in the hotel. It's still a long way from the town."

After listening, Luo Feiqi stood up, looked at the distant desert scenery, reluctantly responded: "so soon back, or we live in the home stay for lunch?"

Although Yun Qianmo could see that she wanted to experience a different life from the city, she was afraid that the poor conditions of B & B would affect her rest.

He gently and smile, patient persuasion: "or not, if you like to see the desert, tomorrow we come out early..."

Before the words fell, Luo Feiqi's eyes suddenly flashed a touch of surprised light, pointed to the distance and exclaimed: "Qian Mo, look! There is a mass of fog over there, which seems to cover the sky and the earth! "

Yun Qianmo followed her eyes, as she said, but the strange desert scene seemed to have some unknown warning.

"Are you sure the desert fogs?" He asked suspiciously, looking into the distance, thinking.

Just as they were watching, suddenly a little boy in a khaki shirt came running.

"Big brother and big sister, are you tourists?"

The clear and childlike voice interrupts two people's thoughts. Luo Feiqi first turns to look at the little boy, and can't help looking surprised.

It's not difficult to see that he is a child of herdsmen living nearby. But at this time, he suddenly came out to say hello. It's a bit abrupt and unexpected.

"Yes, we are tourists." Luo Feiqi replied with a smile, then took out a piece of chocolate from his pocket and handed it to him: "what's the matter, little friend?"

The little boy is about ten years old. Although he has a blush eroded by wind and sand all the year round, he has a pair of black eyes as clear as spring water.

"Thank you, sister, but I don't like sugar." Little boy toy Luo Feiqi's kindness, solemnly said: "you quickly leave here, in a little while the sandstorm will come."

When he heard this, he became alert and looked at the moving fog in the distance again. Then he suddenly realized.

"How long will the sandstorm come? Let's take you home first. " Yun Qianmo asked while carrying the backpack on the ground ready to leave.

Luo Feiqi was very surprised to hear the news, and at the same time, she had a little expectation in her heart.

Although sandstorm is a disaster, she has never experienced it, and she always feels frightened and excited psychologically.

The little boy also followed them back. His small body was as tough as a camel in the desert.

"Big brother, sandstorm may be very fast or slow, but it seems that it won't last more than half an hour today. I think you'd better go to my house to avoid it."

Hearing the little boy's invitation, Luo Feiqi's eyes brightened, blinked and asked: "go to your home? What's your name, kid? ""My name is Xiao sang. I'm in the fourth grade of hasanmeng primary school. Elder sister, please go to my house. This sandstorm looks very big..."

A tall and a short figure is talking while moving forward, while Yun Qianmo is left behind.

He looked at Luo Feiqi, who was walking in front of him, and looked at the dust storm group behind him. He also began to realize the seriousness of the matter.

If it's true, as Xiao sang said, it's really necessary to hide in the herdsmen's homes nearby.

However, in order to determine the truth of the matter, Yun Qianmo, who has always been cautious and meticulous, still dials the assistant's phone.

After inquiry, the assistant told him that the local government did issue a sandstorm warning today, but they had been playing and didn't pay attention.

"No wonder the tourists have gone before dark." Yun Qianmo shook his head and said to himself, then stepped up to keep up.

Under the guidance of Xiao sang, they soon followed him to a simple residence with a striking ethnic flavor.

"Is this your home?" Luo Feiqi looked around.

Along the way, she and Xiao sang have become friends, and they are obviously not as polite as they were just now.

"Yes, big sister and big brother, please come in." Xiao sang is still very polite. He opens the door and invites them into the house.

Before stepping into the threshold, Yun Qianmo looks back at the sky that is getting dark.

Although they are far away from the desert now, the sky has changed a lot from just now. It's dark and yellow, like heaven and earth are upside down.

It seems that the sandstorm is really coming.

When they came to the local herdsmen's home, Xiao Sang's parents were very simple people. After hearing the introduction of his son, they immediately gave them warm hospitality.

Luo Feiqi also felt grateful for this and had to keep thanking the herdsmen with Yun Qianmo.

But sitting in the tent, although they were given the most grand reception, she noticed another thing.

Luo Feiqi is drinking butter tea. The mellow milk fragrance glides between her teeth. She comes to Yun Qianmo's ear and whispers, "the herdsmen here are so kind. It's a pity that their living conditions are too bad."

Yun Qianmo nodded and responded with a helpless smile in a low voice: "yes, this is the place with the biggest gap between the rich and the poor, and the surrounding natural environment is also very bad."

Having said that, the two of them are agreeable to each other. This topic has not been carried on, but there is a tacit understanding between them.