What audiences don't know is that today's singer is not him. It's new people that they don't all care about.

The program was broadcast bit by bit, and soon it was time for bingnv to be eliminated.

At the moment of seeing the second round of votes clearly, everyone was shocked, and the fans of bingnv were crazy and cried out in the barrage.

"How can it be? How can I be eliminated? The opponent or a newcomer? "

"It's fake, isn't it? How could the new man defeat bingnv? "

"What's going on? I thought she was competing with king for the title of this issue again today, but now it's only the first half of the competition. How can bingnv be eliminated? "

"I'll go. It seems that the new man is very strong. I have a hunch that this issue will be very exciting."

However, what makes them even more unexpected is still to come.

After the first half of the game, it's the knockout. There's no doubt that the final winner of the knockout is bingnv.

She came back to this stage again, but this issue of her position with the king of songs completely missed.

Bingnv fans have to put their hope on Qin Zhao, because among the three people who are competing for the song king this time, Qin Zhao is the only old face, and the remaining two are new people who only appear in this issue.

Regular viewers will subconsciously regard Qin Zhao as their own people and the two new people as outsiders.

No matter whether the two newcomers sing well or not, they subconsciously hope Qin Zhao can win.

But this time, they are doomed to be disappointed.

"The old trees in front of the gate grow new buds, and the dead trees in the courtyard bloom again..."

Qin Zhao's sad voice came out through the computer, making tears slowly appear in the eyes of countless people.

The style of his song is different from that of the past. Instead of singing about love, he sings about family affection.

The sudden change, let the audience feel at a loss at the same time, he also aroused the love of parents.

"It's over. Listening to this song, I miss my mother so much. I'll go back to my hometown to see her tomorrow."

"Me too. I miss my dad so much, but I will never see him again..."

"When I went home a few days ago, I combed my mother's hair and found that she had grown several white hairs. At that time, looking at her white hair, I felt like crying, but I still could not help it, but now I don't know why I can't help listening to this song..."

"I haven't been back to see my mother for a long time. Recently, the company has been working overtime. I don't even have time to call her. Tomorrow I will ask for leave to go back to see her."

For a moment, there was no more chatting and joking in the barrage, and all of them were expressing their missing for their parents.


In an Internet bar.

A girl who seems to be 17 or 18 years old is sitting in a chair, looking at the computer seriously.

The page displayed on the computer is not like a common game in the Internet bar, but a popular variety show video.

Yes, that's right. This guy didn't come to the Internet bar to play games, but just to watch a variety show video.

She originally wanted to watch it at home, but because she was about to face the college entrance examination, her parents stopped her net and asked her to study hard. During this time, she was not allowed to touch the computer.

All of a sudden, she didn't have the Internet. After a big fight with her parents, she went to the Internet bar.

After playing the game for a while, she remembered that the masked song god would be updated tonight, so she watched it with relish.

Looking at it, Xiaoya takes a casual look at the rest of the computer screen, and immediately sees today's date, 9:20 p.m. on the weekend.

Thinking of the quarrel with his parents before he left home, young Arden was not happy again.

She decided not to go home tonight, just to make do with the night in the Internet bar, let her parents worry about it, so as to realize their mistakes.

In this case, maybe when she goes back tomorrow, they will let themselves continue to surf the Internet.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that her plan was very good, and she could play games in the Internet bar and get rid of her annoying parents. She couldn't help laughing.

Then she quickly took out her mobile phone and hacked her parents' phone, and sent them a text message saying that she would not go back tonight, so that they would not care about themselves. After sending the text message, she continued to watch the video happily.

And decided to wait for a while after watching the video, she would play a game.

Xiaoya, who is in the mood, doesn't worry about her parents' anxious and flustered mood after finding her missing.

Xiaoya is usually very obedient and clever, except that she likes to surf the Internet.

Usually, she seldom goes to places like Internet cafes, so she suddenly disappears, and her parents are frantic, for fear that a little girl might meet something outside at night.If something really happens, what can they do? They have only one daughter.

So, in Xiaoya happy watching the video Kung Fu, her parents have been anxious out of the door, began to inquire about her whereabouts around.

If it wasn't for her coming out for a short time, they would have to go to the police.

This big night, she is a little girl outside is really not reassuring, what's more, their home has always been a mess, sometimes there will be some small hooligans around in the evening.

Usually, if Xiaoya has self-study in the evening, it is one of the two of them to pick her up in person, so she doesn't dare to let her go alone.

But now, she ran out without saying a word, and said that she would not go back tonight. They called Xiaoya's friends and asked each other that they had never seen her. The more they thought about it, the more panic they felt, and tears came out quickly.

Xiaoya here is still looking at the video with great interest. After watching the knockout competition, after two minutes of boring advertising, the battle for the king of songs officially began.

This part is Xiaoya's favorite, because usually in this part, the players will try their best to sing in order to get the position of the king of songs.

Therefore, compared with the first two links, this link is also the most exciting.

But although it's wonderful, she doesn't feel any suspense, because almost every issue is king.

This issue may also be king, even so, but Xiaoya is still fascinated by it.

The next second, slow music, Qin Zhao's voice slowly appeared.

At the moment when she saw him appear on the stage, Xiaoya thought that he would sing some love songs as before, and she was a little disappointed.

Because she has never been in love and doesn't want to fall in love, although she thinks those songs are very nice, she can't fully understand the feelings that those songs want to express. So after listening more, she will be a little tired.

It's just different today.

"The old tree in front of the door grows new buds

the dead trees in the courtyard bloom again

many words have been saved for half of her life

hidden in her white hair"

when she heard the lyrics of the first paragraph, Xiaoya's eyes flashed and subconsciously wanted to turn off this webpage.

She didn't want to listen any more, or she didn't dare to listen any more, but there seemed to be another person in her mind telling her to continue listening.

"The little feet in my memory

the little mouth in my flesh

give my love to him all my life

just for my parents..."

Listen, Xiaoya's eyes gradually become moist. She thinks of her parents.

When her parents gave birth to her, they were very old.

So although she is only 17 years old, they are almost 50 years old, and their faces inevitably have wrinkles and white hair.

Usually, in order to look younger, they would dye their hair regularly and dye it black again.

Mother also every day to cover their wrinkles, but no matter how to cover, years will still leave traces on the face.

Usually she hasn't paid much attention to these, but now listening to Qin Zhao's voice, I don't know why her parents came out of her mind.

Both of them are old, and their parents are ready to retire at this age.

But in order to provide for their own study and support themselves, the two of them work hard every day and are busy taking care of themselves.

No matter how tired they are, there is a person to pick them up in person at the evening self-study meeting every day for fear that they will not be safe on the road.

And every morning will send themselves to school, food, clothing, housing and transportation, there is no less than her.

It can be said that I grew up spoiled. But she had forgotten one thing all the time. They were not born to be parents.

When they were young, they had their own thoughts and time, just like themselves.

But after they gave birth to themselves, their energy was almost all on themselves, but they were still so ignorant that they worried about them at night.

The more she thought about it, the more she regretted it. She could not help biting her lips and releasing the two mobile phone numbers from the blacklist. The next second she released them, the phone rang. She saw that the number was from her mother.

"Hello? Mother

As soon as she got through, Xiaoya couldn't help crying.

Hearing her voice, the mother on the other end of the phone immediately panicked and immediately asked, "what's the matter, girl? Have you been bullied? Tell us where you are. Your father and I will come to you right away. Don't cry. Tell your mother if you have any grievances... "

Listen to this, Xiaoya cry more fierce, she put the mobile phone on the table, tears up."Don't cry. Can you tell me where you are?" My father's voice also sounded anxious.

Xiaoya told them that she was in the Internet bar, and then she cried again.

The couple thought that she was bullied and rushed over. Because she was too excited, she was sweating when she came.