All this, Qin Zhao on the stage do not know, he just focused on singing this song.

"How many times have you never given up your ideal in the face of coldness and ridicule..."

"Forgive me for being uninhibited and indulgent in my life and loving freedom

I'm afraid that one day I'll fall down

and abandon my ideals. Anyone can

even if one day you're the only one with me..."

"Chasing in the wind and rain, I can't tell the trace in the fog

the sky and the sea are wide, can you and I change..."

With the sound of his song, people's expressions gradually changed.

On the jury, Mary looked at each other in shock.

"This is Rock and roll? " Mary cried out.

"Cantonese rock, I'm afraid." He Meng gave a bitter smile. King is really a musical genius.

"My God, he sang rock and roll, I didn't recognize it at first!" Tian Kexin exclaimed.

In the rest room, the expression of satisfaction and excitement on the eclipse's face had been frozen. His eyes gradually widened and he couldn't believe looking at King on the screen.

"It's impossible! How could this be a rock song? I don't believe it He growled.

But even if he doesn't want to admit it, he has to admit that it's really a pop rock music.

And listening to the melody and lyrics, he had a very ominous premonition.

This song is not simple.

The eclipse turned pale.

On the other side, in bingnv's lounge.

Ice girl, who has taken off her mask, looks at the screen unexpectedly.

"I can't believe it's rock music, too." Ice girl murmured to herself.

After that, she quickly took out her mobile phone and searched the lyrics of the song, but found nothing.

Although this song has not finished, but listen to the first half, she has been able to be sure that this song is definitely a classic.

If it's a previous song, it's impossible to find any information, so there's only one possibility, that is, this song is also a new king song.

It's terrible that this man can write such a song.

She thought her creative ability was excellent, but she didn't expect that this guy was even better than her.

She's just very strong in composing old-fashioned songs, but this guy seems to have no dead angle in 360 degrees and is very powerful in all aspects.

No matter what kind of songs he can sing and write, it's really terrible. Who is he?

Bingnv's face is dignified, because she won the song king in the last issue, and her complacency is gone at this time.

In the last issue, she won not because she was better than King, but because king didn't want to compete with her at all.

That's right.

If she had doubts about this before, and thought that she was real and beat the other side by strength.

Now, listening to King's singing, she has given up the idea.

It's possible that she can beat her opponent by strength, but it can't be in the last period. The guy didn't want to compete with her in that period, so he deliberately chose that song.

It's impossible to choose the wrong song.

As long as he wants, he can definitely make a big reversal like today.

Can write this kind of song, this kind of lyrics person, can be so easily defeated by her because of a small mistake?

Absolutely not.

King, you wait. One day, I will beat you.


Behind the stage.

Chen Gang and his assistant look wonderful.

"Brother Chen, didn't you say king would lose this game? But how can I feel wrong? " The assistant doubted.

Chen Gang's face was dripping with sweat.

"I guess wrong." Unexpectedly, it's also a rock song.


On the stage, Qin Zhao's singing continued.

"Even if one day you will be alone with me

still be free

sing my song forever

travel thousands of miles..."

"Forgive me for being uninhibited and indulgent in my life and loving freedom

for fear that I will fall down one day..."

Under the stage, the audience has been unconsciously immersed in the song.

"Damn, who just said this song is not good? It's a beautiful song, isn't it? "

"Yes, Cantonese songs. There are so many Cantonese songs!"

"Northerners can't understand the lyrics. Does anyone translate it?"

"The melody and sound are amazing! I want a single loop! "

"It's so beautiful. It's ten thousand times better than the one about the lunar eclipse. It's worthy of being the one who won the third issue of the song.""If you abandon your ideals, everyone can

even if one day you will share with me..."

With the end of the last line, the song is officially finished.

Qin Zhao exhaled, opened his eyes and stood still on the stage.

The music is slowly disappearing.

"Yes, did you write this song yourself?" He Meng clapped and asked.

Qin Zhao nodded, and then saw Ma Li make a sound.

"Cantonese, are you really from the south?"

"This can't be said." Qin Zhao said in a low voice.

Mary is obviously very disappointed, but also not much entanglement, "OK."

It's useless to know whether he is a southerner or not. There are too many Cantonese singers.

Even if he was from the north, he could study Cantonese specially.

"It's a great rock song." Bixuan thumbs up.

This is the first time on this program that Bi Xuan is so obviously optimistic about a song.

In the past, even if he thought you sang well and performed well, he would praise you at most, but there was absolutely no other action.

But now he gave a thumbs up. It's conceivable that in his heart, this song is more powerful than his previous songs.

"Thank you, Mr. Bi." Qin Zhao leaned over and said.

Seeing this, the host Wu Haoyan saw that the program was about to turn into Qin Zhao's personal show, and hastily announced the start of voting.

As soon as the voice dropped, their votes soared.

Eclipse: 46 votes

King: 42 votes

under the stage, the audience holding the voting instrument fell into a tense discussion.

"To whom?"

"It has to be an eclipse. Why not? His song really blew me up! "

"Yes, my heart is still beating violently. The atmosphere just now is so burning that I almost thought I was attending a concert of a foreign rock group."

"I also cast the eclipse. He is so charming, especially the rock song just now. After listening to it, I will fall in love with him."

"King sings very well, too. Cantonese rock is so tasty!"

"The lyrics of that song are also very good. Forgive me for being uninhibited and indulgent and loving freedom in my life..."

As time went by, their votes changed on the big screen.

Eclipse: 94 votes

King: 86 votes

at first glance, the number of votes of king is lower than that of the eclipse, and it is likely to be eliminated.

Many of you here are nervous.

Is king really going to be eliminated this time?

Will the man who won the third consecutive title fall down here?

Bingnu clenched her fingers.

Standing on the stage, the eclipse's heart thumped and sweat came out of his forehead.

Chen Gang at the back of the stage is staring at the stage without blinking.

Bi Xuan half lowered his head. He didn't seem to be interested in their PK results at all. He didn't know what he was thinking

There are three minutes to go before the voting is over.

Eclipse: 169 votes

King: 174 votes

two minutes

Eclipse: 178 votes

King: 185 votes

one minute

Eclipse: 201 votes

King: 219 votes

the voting ended.

"Well, audience friends, this round of voting is over. Now, please put down your voting device and look at the big screen with me. Let's see who the winner of this round will be!" Wu Hao said excitedly.

Words fall, he and everyone together, turn to look at the big screen.

It shows the final number of votes.

Eclipse: 234 votes

King: 266 votes

it's obvious that as time approaches, the voting speed of the audience also soars.

In the last minute, Qin Zhao had more than 40 votes.

"I declare that the winner of this round is our king!"!!! Let's give him the warmest applause Wu Hao took the lead in clapping.

The head of the eclipse hummed.

If he didn't have a sense to tell himself that he was recording, he would be angry on the spot.

How could that be?

You lost?

How is that possible?

He admits that his creative ability and singing skills are really not as good as king, but his selection of songs is good, and he has the advantage of being the first to appear, which has left a deep impression on the audience.

But this time, why is he the loser?

Eclipse of the stage, Qin Zhao also returned to the lounge, ready to face the fight for the song king.After squinting in the lounge for a while, Qin Zhao put on her mask and opened the door of the lounge.

He's a little stuffy.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or a coincidence. The next second, the door of bingnv's lounge was opened.

Then, the ice girl with mask came over.

"You're strong. You did well in that round." Bingnu stood in front of him and said.

"Thank you for your compliment." Qin Zhao is very calm.

"In the last issue, did you mean to let me Ice girl cold hum a, think of here a belly gas.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand Qin Zhao looked puzzled.

"Hum, just pretend. Sooner or later, I'll beat you with dignity." Ice girl said angrily.

"Just be happy." Qin Zhao shrugged and looked at Bing Nu's angry look. He didn't know why she was happy.

Maybe this is his bad taste.

"I hope you will do your best in the fight for the song king later." Ice female bite lip to say.

Although she wanted to be the king of songs, she didn't want to be given that position.

If that's the case, it's better not to. It's an insult to her.

"Don't worry, I will."

"I hope you do what you say." After that, bingnv took a deep look at Qin Zhao and went back to her lounge in silence.