It can be said that this song, she mercilessly dazzled a skill.

Her singing skills are very good. Qin Zhao is not up to her standard at this point. Therefore, after she finished singing this song, Qin Zhao could not help clapping her hands.

This woman is really powerful, better than myth.

In this issue, if he fails to win the song king, he is convinced to lose.

After bingnv stepped down, Qin Zhao took advantage of the host's speech and walked up to the stage with the microphone in her hand. She just ran into bingnv who had just stepped down.

Both of them were stunned, and then they went on walking.

When passing by, Qin Zhao heard the low voice of bingnv.

"Come on."

Standing on the stage again, Qin Zhao's mood is very calm. The song he chose this time is still a folk song.

The slow Prelude sounded, and the mood of the people unconsciously calmed down with Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao closed his eyes and beat in his heart.

I opened my mouth in the slow melody.

"Miss Dong, you never forget your smile

even if you are as eager to grow old as I am..."

All of them were stunned, some of them couldn't recover.

"Miss Dong? What do you mean

"I don't know. It's a good tune. It sounds good."

"Is that a folk song?"

"What's the matter with king today? Has he started to sing folk songs?"

"That sounds good."

Qin Zhao closed his eyes, and his sad and tender voice flowed out of the microphone like water.

"So those may not be true Miss Dong

you are not a female classmate without a story

falling in love with a wild horse, but I don't have grassland at home

which makes me feel desperate, Miss Dong..."

On the judging panel, the faces of the four judges were also full of accidents.

"King, what's going on today? Why are the two capitals folk songs Mary wondered.

"I don't know. I think it's a whim to sing." Tian Kexin said muddleheaded.

"The question is, how can he sing folk songs so well? What else can't he sing? " He Meng some crazy said.

Since his debut, he has sung a lot of songs, whether original or cover, at least dozens of them, but the range is not as wide as this guy.

How can this man sing anything?

Bixuan said nothing and listened to Qin Zhao quietly.

Qin Zhao has been fully involved in the song at this time, and has no idea what happened outside the stage.

"So those may be true Miss Dong

who will take the trouble to comfort that ignorant youth? I want to be the same as you

ignore those, so come with me Miss Dong

be impatient, Miss Dong..."

After singing the last sentence, everyone thought the song was going to end. Unexpectedly, Qin Zhao kept humming after two seconds of silence.

Hoarse people can not hear what the meaning of humming, with a touch of sadness and tenderness, although the tone is very simple, but still let many people red eyes.

As the song says, many people have a Miss Dong in their heart.

She may be the most beautiful and flamboyant girl in her class when she was a student.

It is also possible that she is an unimportant girl in the class. Apart from you, no one has noticed her, and no one has seen her uniqueness.

But it just caught your eye.

Maybe you didn't get together in the end, but she still became a very good memory in your heart.

Everyone has a first love, and most people's first love happens to be in their school days.

Although Qin Zhao's song has simple melody and simple lyrics, it is also very popular, which is the unique charm of folk songs.

As Qin Zhao's hum faded away, everyone began to whisper.

"I remember my first love. I loved a girl in high school for three years."

"Me, too. We survived three years of high school, but after graduation, we still went our separate ways."

"Well, she's Dong, too. It's hard."

"I finally understand why people like ballads, and I'm starting to like them."


After singing a song, several people simply gave two sentences.

Then, bingnv and mythology returned to the stage and began the voting of the song king.

"I vote for myth. Your Valentine's knot is very nice." Mary praised.

"I'll give it to bingnv. Gufeng music is great. I hope you can continue to insist." Tian Kexin patted his little hand.

"I also vote for bingnv. Hey, hey, I like your voice." He Meng laughed heartily.

“king。” Bi Xuan simply spits out two words.It's rare that king has the lowest number of votes, but Qin Zhao is not surprised, waiting for the audience to vote.

"Now I announce that the fourth phase of the masked God of songs, the contest for the king of songs, has officially started! Please vote for your favorite singer Cried Wu Hao.

As soon as the voice fell, there was a discussion under the stage.

"To whom? I'm worried. "

"I'm so worried. I have a choice problem."

"I have it too. Oh, forget it. I'd better give it to bingnv. I like her song very much."

"I've given myth to you. My hometown is in the south. I've spoken Cantonese since I was a child. It's amazing to hear Cantonese songs here today."

"I have to give it to bingnv. Her voice is so beautiful that she is just like a girl from ancient times. If only I could marry her in the future. "

"Stop dreaming, wake up!"

Time goes by bit.

There was silence on the stage.

Qin Zhao's face was calm, and his heart had been ready to lose for a long time.

Myth is tense all over, and his hands are unconsciously clenched into fists for a while, and then loosened again. Obviously, he is very nervous.

Bingnv pursed her mouth and looked at the audience in a daze.

Backstage, Chen Gang and assistant are also looking forward to the final results.

"Brother Chen, who do you think the song king of this issue will be?"

"No way." Chen Gang shook his head.

These three people are all very strong. He is just a director, not a professional. I can't see who is more powerful.

"If King can win, he'll be the king of four issues in a row." The assistant's eyes were burning on the stage.

Chen Gang remembers what Qin Zhao said before the program was recorded and shakes his head with a smile.

"I'm afraid he's out of date in this issue. I think that girl is very promising."

No matter how fierce Qin Zhao was, he won the position of the third stage song king.

If they win again, it's too much. Even if the crew wants to, the audience won't.

What's more, this time, Qin Zhao didn't want to fight.

Didn't you see the unexpected peace of his last song?

He admits that it's nice to hear, but it's a little bland on this round of PK. This kind of song is not suitable for this stage. It's too bland to let the audience feel any emotion.

Maybe after the program is recorded, they will repeat the song, but now, it's impossible.

In short, this song is the so-called one that is only suitable for listening quietly in the middle of the night. It is not suitable for competition. It has nothing to do with whether it is excellent or not, just the type is not suitable.

Behind the three, the number of real-time votes displayed on the big screen continued to rise.

Myth: 81 votes

ice girl: 107 votes

King: 79 votes

In the rest room, the wolf looked at the three people on the stage, especially Qin Zhao, in a trance.

He was born to sing folk songs, and after he joined this program, he often sang folk songs.

Even by the people on the Internet from the folk male god nickname.

Over the years, he has created many ballads himself, and some of them are lucky.

Folk songs are not popular in itself. Once a few big songs come out, they will be sought after by most of the people in the folk circle, and all kinds of titles will go up.

After being praised and flattered for a long time, he drifted away unconsciously, and his mentality changed, which was no longer as simple as before.

Without this most important thing, the ballads he created will be less like before.

In recent years, he has been on the decline.

But even so, he is still famous in the field of folk songs.

Just ask someone who likes to listen to folk songs. When Song Min is mentioned, few people don't know.

After being eliminated today, the wolf's mood has been very restless, and many small means have emerged in his mind.

Just now when he was recording the contest for the king of songs on the stage, he was still thinking about how to canvass later.

However, after listening to Qin Zhao's simple song, the wolf was stunned.

In this song, it happens that he has been looking for it in recent years, but he has lost it.

This young man can make such excellent folk songs

The wolf was staring at the screen, playing back Qin Zhao's song in his mind.

The more he thought about it, the calmer he was.

All those confused thoughts disappeared.

He thought that he understood why he was more and more unable to write good songs.

The wolf laughed at himself and wiped out all the ideas just now. He practiced his songs honestly.This time, no matter what the opponent is like, he won't do those little tricks in order to win.


At this point, on the stage, there are still three minutes before the end of the voting.

In the audience, many people have just made this crucial decision and are chatting with the people around them.

Some people are worried, still hesitating who to vote for.

Some people are in a trance, as if they are wandering. They don't know if they think of something after listening to those songs just now.

What should come or what should come.

Finally, the vote is over.

Wu Hao picked up the receiver and yelled loudly.

"The vote is over! Please put down your voting machine and look at the big screen with me. Let's see who will be the king of this issue? "

With that, everyone subconsciously looked up to the stage with him.

It shows the final number of votes of the three.

Myth: 163 votes

bingnv: 178 votes

King: 159 votes

the final song god of the fourth issue is bingnv!