Seeing this, Zhao Xin's face froze.

This can be said to be a rude question. Zhao Xin would have been angry if he had asked someone else.

But this is the God of the future. He has to hold it.

So he took a few deep breaths, lowered the pressure and introduced his website to Qin Zhao.

"Well, we are a website set up a few years ago. It is very rich in resources, and there are many gods in the website, and the strength is also very strong If you don't believe it, you can search the Internet. "

Of course, he boasted between the lines.

Here, Qin Zhao, looking at a large paragraph of words sent from the dialog box, looks confused.

What kind of ghost is this reading novel network? Why contact him?

"And then?" Qin Zhao asked.

This is a choking question for Zhao Xin. He says how this man can't talk. Isn't he a novelist? Don't you understand communication?

"I heard that the contract signed for you is A-level, isn't it?" Asked Zhao Xin.

"Well." Qin Zhao didn't hide it. It's no use hiding it. Anyone can see it by clicking on the front page of his book.

"It's a pity that such a good book was signed for Grade A. It's a pity. How can I do that to you! " Zhao Xin deliberately pretended to fight against injustice for him and said angrily.

He thought Qin Zhao would follow his words and complain a few words, but Qin Zhao didn't respond at all, which made him not know how to go on.

"Not bad." Qin Zhao light way back.

Zhao Xin was silent for a while, racking his brains to think about how to make Qin Zhao have more bad feelings for the sentence points, and by the way, have a good feeling for their website.

"This period will squeeze talents too much. It's not too much to sign a great God's signature for your book's achievements. You know, the last book with such an adverse result is a magic one. How can the period only give you A-level signature? Don't you look down on it?"

Make Zhao Xin some collapse is, Qin Zhao still only gave two words: "OK."

I'll go. Is this kid a robot? How can you only know these two sentences over and over again?

"In Qin Dynasty, the moon was very big. Aren't you angry? It's very unkind of me to treat you like this

Looking at Zhao Xin's words, Qin Zhao didn't know what to say, and continued: "it's OK."

Zhao Xin Is this kid stupid?

Is this a repeater? It only says these two words?

"In this case, let me be frank. I don't know if you have any intention to come to our website. We will pay the default fee. We can give you all the best resources of the website. We can discuss the specific treatment slowly to ensure that it won't be lower than the broken treatment given to you by the period. What do you think?"

"Sorry, I don't have any plans to change the website at the moment." Qin Zhao said without thinking.

Are you kidding? Let him give up the old website and go to a small website that has been open for two years?

He won't go unless he wants to die.

Where will he go to cry after the book is published?

Besides, he stayed well at the end of the day. Why did he leave?

His treatment is not as bad as Zhao Xin said.

"Don't refuse so quickly, or you can think about it again. I think we can communicate more..." Zhao Xin said.

"No more." Qin Zhao firmly refused him.

Zhao Xin had to give up bitterly.

Just after the chat with Zhao Xin, Mengmeng came to the news.

"Qin Shi, I have good news for you." Meng Meng's tone looks very excited.

"What?" Qin Zhao was inevitably affected by what Zhao Xin said just now, and his mood was not so good.

"The top management of the website decided to upgrade your contract, upgrade it to a big God sign, and asked if you have any other requirements. He said that as long as it's not too excessive, they can agree." Meng Meng said excitedly.

Qin Zhao's face was unimaginable.

I'll go. Is it true or not?

As soon as the front foot readers have finished the story, the period will come?

Are these people negotiated?

However, there are cheap bastards. It's said that after the upgrade, the proportion of subscriptions and rewards they can get will increase, which makes Qin Zhao a little excited.


"Specifically, you can talk to them, and I will not get involved. They said that they will contact you later." Meng Meng said happily.

Sure enough, not long after that, a person who claimed to be the editor in chief of the full stop novel network added him and began to discuss with him about upgrading and signing a contract.

After more than an hour's conversation, the two finally finalized the contract.

Now the A-level contract is upgraded to a big God contract. At the same time, the website will try its best to provide Qin Zhao with excellent resources, such as home page recommendation, blocking and pushing. The first choice is Qin Zhao's Douluo.And at Qin Zhao's insistence, his other copyrights have not been bought, but are still in his own hands.

After the conversation, Qin Zhao happily turned off the computer.

"Lao Qin, are you so happy? What's the good thing? " Liu Yang's eight trigrams come together.

"Nothing. I just saw a beautiful woman." Qin Zhao kept on telling lies.

"What? What kind of beauty? How beautiful is it? " As soon as he heard that it was a beautiful woman, Gao Yan came to her.

"Very beautiful, I did not save photos, want to see their own to Baidu beauty photos." Qin Zhao shrugged.

"Well, I thought you knew him." Liu Yang disappointedly dodged.

Li Junjie of the other bed looks at Qin Zhao coldly and doesn't speak.

The bedroom was quiet again.

After a while, Liu Yang began to talk again.

"Well, you know what? That Qin Sheng is singing a new song again! Call for the answer. I just heard it. It's very nice! "

"Is there a link? I'll listen to it. " Gao Yan said busily.

"Yes, ah, forget it. I'll release it directly. Do you have any problem?" Liu Yang can't wait to say.

"No Qin Zhao shrugged and played his song. What's his opinion?

Li Junjie had a cold face and didn't speak.

"Let's put on the ink now!" Gao Yan urgently urges a way.

Liu Yang carefully looked at Li Junjie, hesitated for a few seconds or released.

"Love is like a blue sky and white clouds

a clear sky and a sudden storm

nowhere to avoid is always unexpected..."

Affectionate male voice immediately filled the dormitory, Liu Yang can't help humming along.

"Sounds good, not bad!"

After playing a song, Gao Yan first expressed his opinion.

"I think it's absolutely nice to sing Qin Zhao." Liu YANGCHONG, Qin Zhao said with a smile.

Qin Zhao

That's the song he sang!

"Ha ha." Li Junjie gave a sneer.

"Liu Yang, you pay close attention to Qin Sheng. How do you like him?" Gao Yan said deliberately.

"Fart, who likes him? I didn't know the news from Yanyan's studio." Liu Yang didn't say well.

"What? Words? Is it that sweet looking voice in slow hand? " Gao Yan asked immediately.

"Yes, I usually like to watch her live broadcast. She picked it up this evening when she was live broadcast. After her live broadcast, I came to listen to it." Liu Yang said.

"I also like to watch her live, fate ah!" Gao Yan excitedly extended his hand to shake hands with him.

Looking at their funny performance, Qin Zhao remembers another thing.

Since he added Yanyan's wechat, he has not paid attention to it any more.

Just now, I have been busy dealing with the online affairs of period novels, and I completely forget this one.

Listen to Liu Yang, the female anchor seems to have been on the air now.

After all, I am a fan of myself, or a fan with millions of popularity. Do you want to say hello?

Qin Zhao thought and started wechat.

As a result, more than a dozen messages were received as soon as it was boarded.

He basically has no friends or family. He adds several former classmates to wechat, and he doesn't connect for a long time, so he has no information at all.

If people didn't like to use wechat for communication now, they would have unloaded wechat just in case.

I didn't expect that there were more than ten pieces of news just on line today. What's the matter?

Qin Zhao opened his eyes and found that the dozen pieces of news were all from the same person.

Yan Wei.

The anchor?

Qin Zhao picks his eyebrows and opens the dialog box.

The next second you see a full screen of messages.

"Hello, Qin Sheng. I'm the live speaker. Nice to meet you."

"What do I call you? Qin Sheng Da Da? Qin Sheng? Big

"It's so cold. Is dada very busy?"

"By the way, how loud are you? Have you ever thought about live broadcasting? You are popular now. If you live, it will be very popular. I can go to your live studio to play at that time. "

"Do you really write all your songs yourself? How talented! Worship the big man


Looking at a series of news, Qin Zhao was stunned.

I'll go. Is this speech a chatter?

He thought about it, picked a few meaningful words and answered them.

Just a few seconds after sending, I received a reply, as if the girl had been waiting for his reply in front of her mobile phone.

"About my age? Really? You won't lie to me, will you? But it seems to me that you are very young. ""People are younger." Qin Zhao added in silence.

"You sing so well, Dashen. I've always wanted to practice singing, but I can't sing well. Can you give me some advice?" The speech envies of say.

"Of course, I'll watch your live broadcast when I'm free." Qin Zhao said.

Hearing this, Yan Wei felt comfortable. She turned off her mobile phone and went to take a bath.

After turning off his mobile phone, Qin Zhao sleeps down in bed. He doesn't know that tonight, many people are excited or confused because of him.

The next morning, there was a class. They got up in a daze and walked towards the classroom with drooping eyes.

On the way, I met many roommates who came out to buy breakfast.

Qin Zhao lowered his head listlessly and yawned twice, holding a cup of soybean milk in his hand.

He picked it up and took two mouthfuls. The taste of soymilk with sugar made him feel better unconsciously.