Then he will deliver the goods at the first time and teach him a lesson. In the same process, he is also worried about other killers.

Qin Zhao's identity is different. In addition, he was born as a special forces soldier before. After he came out of the army, his way of life became more cautious and careful. He had done many tasks and killed many important people.

It's normal to be retaliated.

"I've said that. I'll be right there. Don't knock any more."

Qin Zhao went to the hall and observed the outside through Maoyan. At this time, the bell suddenly stopped, and the action was very fast. Then I heard the more hasty footsteps, leaving quickly, as if I was deliberately avoiding myself.

"Gone? So fast. "

Because of his habit and identity, Qin Zhao slowly opened the door after confirming that there was no danger around him.

I found that there was no one in front of the door, looking around.

"What's the matter? It seems that something is wrong. By the way, what is this thing? " Qin Zhao noticed that the tire he saw in front of the door had left a mark, that is to say, someone gave him something.

A huge silver box.

Only for the reason of identity, I have always been very vigilant. Is it a bomb or something else? Under uncertain circumstances, don't demolish it at will, or the consequences will be very serious.

Qin Zhao's security system is very strong, and he is also very confident about his subordinates. Most people should not find his residence.

But now the biggest silver box on this side made her brow locked and worried.

"What's the matter?"

Who sent it to you and what's the purpose?

Qin Zhao's translation speed is very fast. He directly bypasses the silver box and comes to the outside of the villa. After looking at the surrounding environment, he really doesn't feel angry. That is to say, these guys are surprised and lucky.

Or they just send things.

Have received instructions from sb.

This conjecture is not unreasonable.

Qin Zhao looked more nervous, and then returned to the door, looking at this thing with a puzzled face.

I didn't hear any sound or sound. Judging from my own experience, it doesn't look like some kind of bomb.

"Open it and have a look. You can't keep it here all the time!" Although some doubts, but also afraid of the danger of this thing, but it is not decent to leave here, decided to open first to see what is inside.

Before that, Qin Zhao found Mia and, through some high-tech means, confirmed that the silver box was not a bomb before taking it back to the hall.

Decided to take it apart.

The box is very heavy, about a hundred jin.

"How heavy!"

Mia moved the box in. As a mature imperial sister, she has strong abilities in all aspects, but she can't keep up with her physical strength. In a word, she wrote several notes to relax. Inadvertently, she also saw that there was something on the express list.

It was sent by air, but the address was not left, and there was no other sender's information.

"It looks abnormal. I don't know what's going on."


But the name of the recipient is clearly written on it, Qin Zhao.

Including the address is also very detailed, it is impossible to cause the package to be sent wrong because of the duplicate name. Yes, this guy sent it on purpose.

The silver box says fragile.

No trampling and other words. As for what it is, no one knows.


The only thing that can be guessed is this. Qin Zhao was a little surprised after Lenovo.

Qin Zhao's current identity, can only think of these dangerous goods, but through the inspection of the instrument, has ruled out the possibility of a bomb in this silver box, which says fragile goods?

What the hell is that.

Our own security system is very strong. Outsiders never disclose their names, including their addresses and other aspects. Even if the anti criminal organizations used all their strength, they did not find out what they did.

Suddenly received such a strange thing!

It is impossible not to doubt.

Moreover, this mode of transportation is particularly mysterious, as if the other party is hiding in the dark and knows himself like the back of his hand.

Qin Zhao is very worried.

In case it's something bad.

Then it's hard.

"Chief, if you don't feel at ease, let me take this thing back to the base, let Dr. Tang analyze it thoroughly, and then open it. Otherwise, I'm worried about your safety."

Mia, as the manager of the whole organization, not only has a high identity, but also has great loyalty.

She didn't want that to happen. It was dangerous, to say the least.In case of explosion or hiding other harmful poisonous gas, Qin Zhao would be in danger.

Qin Zhao shook his head and denied the idea. The reason was very simple. He wanted to open the silver box and have a look.

What's in it.

Qin Zhao, as a leader, must be upset that the other party's action is a thorough provocation. If he agrees with it, it would be too humiliating.

"But..." Mia is really worried. She persuades Qin Zhao to give up this idea. After all, this kind of behavior is accompanied by great risks. The League of criminals is in a rising trend. No matter what, you can't have any mistakes.

Otherwise, if there is no leader, the whole organization will also be in the stage of decline.

"Don't worry. It'll be OK."

"You have to have confidence in me, and my body is not an ordinary thing, which can be easily invaded.".

Qin Zhao said confidently, then let the two women hide far away, and took the silver box to him.

Open it slowly.

It turns out that it's actually inside.

"This thing is..."

After taking it apart, I was extremely surprised that the whole person could stay in the same place, especially the eyes would not stare too big.

Different from my initial concerns, there was no huge bomb or poisonous gas in the silver box. It could be said that there was no harm at all. There was a piece of cloth in the box, which wrapped a tall woman.

Lovely face, a pair of clear eyes, straight nose, it can be said that the girl's facial features are simply beautiful to the extreme.

Very beautiful.

"No way! The most important thing is a girl with a clean face and white skin. I have never seen her before, but it's hard to understand why there are people in this box? "

"What the hell is going on?"

has been practicing countless thoughts and measures in his mind. But after seeing this delicate body, he has no idea how to make complaints about it. He has seen a mailing bomb but never saw a mailing man.

Still such a lovely girl.

Qin Zhao felt speechless, his head was very big, and he had a headache. He didn't know what to do. No matter who sent the box? For the woman with the black hair.

He felt unprecedented pressure.

I wonder if someone sent me the wrong mail? No matter how you look inside the silver box, it doesn't look like a "doll". It has black hair and is very soft. It lies quietly in the box and slowly closes its eyes.

That white skin, set off in front of people, very beautiful, a girl can have such skin Absolutely born.


It's a beauty.

Qin Zhao looked at each other carefully, and touched each other with his hand to confirm the touch of his skin, so that he could be sure that this is not the so-called doll.

It's the human race.

It's a lie.

The girl's age is not very big, and she is about 14 years old. Her delicate skin looks very beautiful from any angle. Moreover, she has made some make-up on her makeup, as if she had deliberately decorated it.

But with such features, even without these decorations, it is still very beautiful.

Appear in front of yourself, just like an angel.

Exquisite incomparable, but the girl looks a little dead! As if unable to breathe, the whole person seems to be in a vegetative state, has been sleeping.

Qin Zhao's action is very slow and does not cause any trouble to the girl as much as possible. He touches her with his hand and wants to feel the part of the girl's heart beating, but he finds that there is a pulse and the beating frequency is very good.

There was no death.

Is it the legendary human bomb? Qin Zhao coughed softly and planned for the worst.

After all, he is the leader of the League of criminals. He has offended a lot of people, and his head is very valuable, worth hundreds of millions. There are countless organizations and killers who want to get his information and then kill him.

In exchange for a big bonus.

These are normal things.

He's also alert.

"beautiful beautiful hair, it also has a unique flavor, this smell is not perfume, but the unique flavor of girls."

It's very comfortable.

Qin Zhao repeatedly confirmed that he did not feel any metal or danger. His sixth sense was very strong.

This kind of close, careful inspection, and did not find any suspicious place, finally relieved a breath, but at this time, the girl suddenly issued a voice.


The body shook for a while, and then opened his eyes, it can be said that at this moment, the surrounding air has solidified.Her voice is very gentle and very magnetic.

Qin Zhao didn't react. At this time, her hand was still on the girl's chest, and her whole face was extremely embarrassed.

Completely at a loss, will be the other side as a rogue, or other ideas?

"How did you wake up at this time?" Qin Zhao was a little flustered.

After a short sound, it was quiet again.

"Don't look at me like that just now?" Qin Zhao quickly comforted himself.