After leaving this oasis, move on.

The destination is the kingdom of shahara, an isolated territory. However, in the desert Gobi desert, Qin Zhao lost his way because he was not familiar with the road.

The moment he raised his head, he saw a huge sandstorm. This sandstorm is very similar to the fog. They are all monsters created by nature. They can swallow all the life around them in a moment, making people easily lose their way. Once they are trapped, the fate of waiting is only death.

The sandstorm in front of us is extremely powerful. It is called the "Death Walking desert" in the Gobi desert. This storm is like death, where there is no grass.

And straight toward Qin Zhao.

Devour it all.

Stand up to resist, Qin Zhao left quickly, want to avoid the sandstorm, but his action is still a little slow, was involved in the storm, consciousness gradually blurred, slowly closed his eyes.

Into a dark, I do not know how long, vaguely heard a crisp voice.

In calling their own names, more and more loud.

"Who are you? Why are you here? " Under the blue sky, there is a very pretty girl standing in front of Qin Zhao. She has a pair of big watery eyes. She stares at Qin Zhao like this. Her eyes suddenly hit. It's very cute. She looks about seventeen years old. Compared with Qin Zhao's age, it's several years different. You're a very beautiful looking Lori, wearing a pair of clothes It's similar to a windbreaker. The collocation is strange, but it's very good-looking.

With her round face, golden hair, white skin and charming eyes, she feels like a beauty from a foreign country. Yes, to be exact, she belongs to a foreign woman. But on the whole, it's not very close. Maybe it's a half breed.

In fact, these animals have ears. The point is not that they have ears.

Hairy, very cute.

Qin Zhao seemed to be lying on the ground, sleeping deeply. He felt very heavy.

It's a bit painful, too.

In this regard, we can see many other figures. These guys gathered together, as if they were watching Qin Zhao closely and regarded him as a monster. Qin Zhao looked around and found that this place is no longer the Gobi desert, but like a huge garden, surrounded by tall buildings, similar to castles. The most important thing is that most of the buildings are stone, which is very similar to the design features of Europe.

The architecture is very beautiful and magical, especially the features of the architecture are very beautiful, focusing on symmetry and various patterns.

The head is very heavy, especially when thinking about problems, the whole body feels as if it is about to collapse, and the whole body is weak.

Qin Zhao stood up and answered the woman's question while supporting herself, covered with scars.

"Did you just ask who I am? My name is Qin Zhao. "

He didn't hide himself, but gave his real name. After all, there are too many people with the same name in the world.

In this strange territory, no one cares about the special meaning of the name.

"Where are you from?"

"Why are you here? We are a goblin kingdom."

Goblin kingdom? At this time, the people around him gradually gathered. They seemed to care about Qin Zhao's appearance and her physical characteristics. They were totally different from the people around him. The man had no hairy ears, no tail, and the most important thing was that he had no golden hair.

It looks special.

But the general appearance was the same, which shocked everyone around. It's like treating him like an alien.

Qin Zhao was puzzled and thought whether he had arrived in the Sahara by accident.

Swallowed by sandstorms and blown to a special country?

"Linsna, what are you going to do with bringing back a strange looking guy? Don't you know that our goblin Kingdom doesn't welcome foreigners at all? If you do this thing today, if it spreads to the elders, not only the man can't live, but also you will become very dangerous.

They may even be punished together.

Do you have to consider these serious consequences.

"But he's lying in the valley. He's very weak. If he doesn't help him, he'll die there." The blonde woman squatting in front of Qin Zhao said in a gentle voice. It sounds very pleasant, just like a bell. To be honest, such a girl with such a voice can charm all living beings. She is the perfect female object that all men yearn for most.

Not only lovely, but also extremely gentle.

"What are you thinking, linsna? You have to know that you are a soldier of the goblin Kingdom, and you need to obey orders. ""And I'm your captain. What I say is military orders. I don't allow you to bring such strangers into our country."

As a sister, Linda said impolitely that she didn't give her sister a good face at all. Instead, she was warning her in an angry tone that she should not meddle in her own business and obey her own orders, otherwise she would be punished.

When it came to this, Qin Zhao could not hear it clearly, but he basically cleared the line. If he had not guessed wrong, the beautiful girl with golden hair in front of her should be called linsina. Just now, she scolded him as her sister.

Both of them are the strongest female soldiers in the goblin kingdom.

The reason why Qin Zhao came here is that this goblin woman, during her mission, inadvertently passed through a valley and found his existence. At that time, Qin Zhao was dying, and the signs of life were very weak. Out of kindness, she brought him back.

In a word, this beautiful blonde girl is her own savior, which is quite certain. As for other things, Qin Zhao doesn't seem to care.

Is this the Sahara? But it's not right, because all the people present have different looks from human beings. They seem to be a combination of human and animal. Are they mutants? Qin Zhao is thinking in his heart, looking for the answer.

But as mutants, these guys don't look so terrible and terrible, especially their breath is totally different from the cruel mutants who only know how to kill.

The gap is very big! However, Qin Zhao still couldn't understand where it was

"linsna! Don't be so headstrong

I scold linsna again, hoping that she can carry out her orders and not embarrass herself. Moreover, as a soldier of the goblin Kingdom, she comes from a famous family. Everything the two sisters do will be concerned by many people. When they go out, they should pay great attention to their words and deeds.

Even a little action can cause great agitation.

Linda leans forward and says solemnly that the woman with the same golden hair is wearing a silver armor. She looks very bulky, but it feels a bit domineering!

It's strange to dress. It's really like a soldier, but it looks old?

Originally heavy armor, in this woman's body is very light, the pace of walking does not feel very heavy.

Qin Zhao saw this scene, his heart suddenly began to hair! I feel shocked. Why is this place still dressed like this? Besides, the appearance of these people is totally different from that of themselves. Do you mean that you have no intention to cross again and come to other parallel universes, or that all this is just your own fantasy? Because it's easy to see mirages in the desert.

Qin Zhao once had such an experience, that is, the fog in the valley can make people hallucinate, as if they were on the scene. Once they are trapped in it, it is difficult to come out again, and basically they are only engulfed.

In a word, before fully understanding the current situation, Qin Zhao will not relax his vigilance and always maintain a high degree of nervous tension. He is very concerned about what all this is.

If these guys are too real and their voices are too clear to be true. They are real existence, not their own fantasy or some kind of fantasy.

The scolded linsna's eyes were trembling. She suddenly stood up and retorted to her sister: "sister Tali, I hope you can give me a chance. I will tell the patriarchs about this, and I believe the kind patriarchs will forgive me for what I have done. After all, this is a life. I can't watch him abandoned in the mountains In the valley. "

"And be devoured by hungry wolves!" Linsina expression seriously said, seems to be in the maintenance of Qin Zhao's safety.

Although they didn't know each other and met for the first time, what the girl did made people feel warm and lovely. For a moment, Qin Zhao was fascinated by the woman's smile.

She was like a golden goblin.

It's perfect.

"What do you want to do? If so! "

"You will die. Patriarchs will never allow such things to happen. I think you should know."

"Please, sister."

Seriously bowed her head, as a soldier, linsna had a great courage in her heart to make this action. She abandoned her pride as a soldier and pleaded for a stranger. In other people's eyes, this kind of action was amazing.