The exposure of prehistoric civilization is a great sensation for the whole world. All countries have sent a large number of elite troops to investigate, among which there is a very large proportion of fighting smell.

And the reason why all countries attach so much importance to it is not to send scientific investigation teams, but to send regular troops, is because a big iron ball flew out of the gate of hell a few days ago. This big iron ball is so smooth, round and standard that people can't believe it came from a remote prehistoric world

"Iron ball" is actually not iron, but a kind of hard alloy. People's first impression of it is generally "iron ball", so this name has been implemented. It was originally captured by the Russian Caspian fleet. Of course, Russia was initially prepared to monopolize its private bag when it was in power. However, under the pressure of public opinion and the international situation, Russia gave up the idea and made it public.

The "iron ball" was finally placed on the Kuznetsov aircraft carrier by the Russian Caspian fleet. This aircraft carrier was built in the Ukrainian shipyard at the same time as the Varyag. At that time, due to the lack of funds caused by the space hegemony between the United States and the Soviet Union, the Varyag was scrapped. The scrapped empty shell of Varyag was sold to China by Ukraine. Last year, the kurznetsov aircraft carrier was abandoned It's scrapped. It's scrapped. Russia has no ability to maintain this aircraft carrier any more, so it has temporarily transformed it into a mobile Maritime Museum, and the "iron ball" is now in the maritime museum built by this aircraft carrier. In memory of the aircraft carrier Kuznetsov, the museum has been renamed "Kuznetsov Museum".

In recent days, the Kuznetsov museum is full of people all the time. People from all over the world come to see the "iron ball", which makes Russia suddenly happy, because such a huge flow of people has brought huge tourism revenue to Russia. Obviously, visiting the Kuznetsov museum is not free.

But people don't care about spending that money. It's a product of prehistoric civilization.

Chinese scientists were the first to visit the "iron ball", so the domestic media soon reported all the details about the "iron ball": the "iron ball" is a nickel chromium alloy ball the size of a basketball, and its outermost layer is wrapped with a thin anti-corrosion film that can be ignored by the eyes. The material of this film is still uncertain, only that it is as hard as a diamond (Chinese scientists sneak across it with a knife), and then it is its stable chemical properties that make the "iron ball" spend nearly ten thousand years in the sea, so that to this day, the surface of the "iron ball" is still as smooth as a mirror.

Although mankind has only got such an iron basketball for the time being, just this "iron ball" is enough to show that prehistoric civilization has at least reached the information age. That's why countries are sending large numbers of elite troops to replace scientific research teams into the Caspian Sea - there may be technology left over from prehistoric civilization.

Qin Zhao and his party arrived at Grozny port directly by military plane. When they arrived there, the thunder team had just entered Iran from Pakistan.

The thunder team doesn't need to follow her any more, because her goal is prehistoric civilization without any suspense. The thunder team doesn't need to follow her around the undersea tunnel.

And the coordinates are still underground. She first enters Afghanistan, then Uzbekistan, and finally Kazakhstan, and reaches the area near the Ural River. The Ural River is an inland river that runs straight to the Caspian Sea. Daliu records the whole process of coordinate movement, and the undersea tunnel will no longer be Gao commander's secret.

The gate of hell in the Caspian Sea is still roaring, and the residents nearby are almost scattered, because the impression of the huge disaster caused by the last gate of hell in the South China Sea makes the Caspian Sea daunting - too dangerous. In addition, the governments in this circle also asked everyone to evacuate from the Caspian Sea.

The day after Qin Zhao and his party arrived at the port of Grozny, the thunder team also arrived at the port of tolkaman. On the third day, the coordinates arrived at the Urals river.

Among them, the coordinates of Qin Zhao and Gao commander are the closest, only two and a half miles away from Shanghai.

The day before the coordinates reached the Urals River, Qin Zhao and his family arrived near the Urals river. They bought a small submarine to guard there and borrowed two intrepid destroyers from the Russian Caspian fleet through the relationship of commander Jiang.

Due to the emergence of prehistoric civilization, the naval forces of the countries around the Caspian Sea were in chaos, which provided Qin Zhao with an opportunity to take action. Otherwise, the two borrowed intrepid destroyers would not be able to get close to Kazakhstan.

When the coordinates arrived the next day, Qin Zhao and the Russian Caspian fleet launched an attack on the coordinates.

The name of the small submarine is "Liyan", and the two intrepid destroyers are "Don 7" and "Don 9".

Qin Zhao, Shang Siwen, electromagnetic female, Mike and Wang Zhesi are all in the Liyan number. Song Qingwen, Wang Zhengyang, Daliu and Daliu's heavy truck team are on the coast of atalau, while Zhenbo girl and Zhang Bin work with Daliu, song Qingwen and others. They have to protect the heavy truck people, especially song Qingwen, Daliu and Wang Zhengyang. These are all three important intellectuals. Wang Zhengyang is still a rare basic physicist. Personally speaking, Wang Zhengyang is the most precious. After all, there are few basic physicists in China.Liyan, the size of a medium-sized blue whale, spent a night waiting near the Ural River. At 3 a.m. the next day, the radar of Don River 7 found the target.

"Target found! Target found Said the crew of Don 7 in English.

Then, the two destroyers immediately headed for the target in an attempt to intercept.

"The target is ten kilometers away!" ten minutes later.

"The target is five kilometers away!" Twenty minutes later.

"The target is 500 meters away!" In 30 minutes.

Suddenly, a black sea appeared in the distance. As time went on, the black became deeper and deeper, and the boundary with the surrounding green ocean became more and more obvious.

Qin Zhao is very familiar with this feeling, this kind of more and more black, but he is still not sure. He is still waiting. He wants to see how fast the black floats up and whether it is the same as his impression.

Maybe he thought too much, maybe it was an ordinary submarine, just like the thing in his impression. At first, he thought it was a submarine.

But it is so similar to the thing in the impression

The crew of Don River 9 tried to contact the target ship, but they didn't get any reply. However, the communication crew of Don River 9 is still working hard, although it has been fruitless.

When it was only 200 meters away from the target, the crew of Don River 9 proposed to shoot

Qin Zhao doesn't answer

These Russian navies still respect Qin Zhao very much. If Qin Zhao doesn't give orders to attack, they will not move.

At 180 meters, don 7 also proposed to shoot

Qin Zhao doesn't answer

At 160 meters "It's a narwhal!" Qin Zhao recognized it and cried out! Start shooting. Before the nuclear weapons, natural disasters were the most terrible disasters, and this animal could cause natural disasters at will - tornadoes. Qin Zhao will never forget the huge waves stirred up by narwhals on Hainan Island. Now there is a big whirlpool in the center of Caspian Sea. If we don't kill it, they may die here today.

Don 7 and don 9 started the fire immediately.

"Russian navy, Caspian fleet, Don River series destroyers, 1349th conventional launch, authorization confirmation completed, countdown ten seconds!"

Four V3 rockets slowly tilted up from the decks of Don 7 and don 9, connecting the launch base and power supply

"Target category: 10 meters underwater; move or not: move; volume category: 300 meters long and 60 meters wide; coordinates: X degrees west longitude and X degrees north latitude; positioning calibration completed, countdown in five seconds!"

"Fuel system report, normal!"

"Power amplifier unit report, normal!"

"Code unit report, normal!"

"Two seconds, the program is irreversible!"

"Ignition on!"

The four V3 rockets are shaking violently, the missile's fixing device is released, the four giant pillars are rising slowly, and four long tongues of fire come out from below

The four V3 rockets are getting faster and faster, heading for the giant narwhal not far away

Qin Zhao leaned against the porthole and muttered to himself, "can't we not hurt it?"

"It's too late." Said Shang.

"If these four missiles go down, do you think she will die?" Qin Zhao said.

Shansven closed his eyes, made a rough estimate, and said: "first, the first V3 rocket will break her fins and shock her ribs, then, the second V3 rocket will move her body, and then, the third V3 rocket will knock her over. At this time, she has lost her swimming ability, and the last V3 rocket..."

Before shansven finished, several rockets had reached the sky of the narwhal, and she just jumped out of the sea

Qin Zhao can't see it any more. Such a great life is coming to an end, but it was ended by him

What a pity

Too ashamed

The crew of the Russian Navy climbed onto the deck together, like a group of giants. They silently looked at the giant narwhal that was about to die under their shells in the distance

However, a thing that made everyone dumbfounded happened. Those V3 Rockets did hit the narwhal impartially, but the situation was completely different from what everyone thought:

the first V3 rocket hit the narwhal's back like a float, then the arrow bounced upward, flew further away, and finally glided more than 1000 meters on the water Gradually into the water - this should be the most expensive one in history

The second V3 rocket hit the belly of the narwhal. Instead of drifting this time, it directly sank down without even stirring up a few drops of waves, just like an excellent diver.

The third V3 rocket was fired too accurately, it was bounced back directly, and finally sank to the bottom of the sea, as if a bird had hit the plane.

The fourth V3 rocket finally exploded impartially. However, after the formation of a small mushroom made of fire and smoke, the narwhal stood still and did not react at all. It seemed that what just hit her was not four missiles, but four eggs. Fortunately, the first three eggs did not break. Unfortunately, the fourth egg exploded directly, which was the first one Egg white and yolk make up a small mushroom cloud, and stir up a not too low water column."I know what that is!" Qin Zhao said.

"Me too." Shang said.

"What kind of narwhal is this! This is a super submarine fortified by a heteroatom reacto