Yes, they quarreled, and Shang Sven kept silent.

It's like, in one go, in another go, in three go. The five vajras have been angry once. If they do it a few more times, they will have to break up and flee like in the fable.

Unexpectedly, after a while, the five King Kong hung up the phone.

It must be that they also realized that they were too anxious and passive to call so soon. So they have to hang up the phone, discuss how to deal with it and how to speak. After they reach a consensus on a certain strategy, they will call back, so that they can have the upper hand in their words.

Shang Siwen is calm and not in a hurry. Now Qin Zhao takes the initiative.

After waiting for a while, before the call came, Shang Siwen didn't wait to watch the news on his mobile phone.

He found a striking headline with the headline: suspected ancient remains in the Caspian Sea. Ah, it's this kind of news that swindles the number of views again. I don't know how many times I've met. Shang Siwen glances at it wearily and jumps over directly.

Then I saw an incident about AI in the United States. Last time AI killed people in Silicon Valley, the company that provided AI equipment came forward to clarify that it was not the machine that failed, but the virus that invaded it. According to some clues provided by the company, the U.S. government, together with the company, used human and financial resources to search for the virus and its disseminator, but only found the virus in the end, which shows that the transmission mode of the virus is very clever.

During this period, another AI attack on humans occurred in another part of Silicon Valley. Fortunately, everyone had been on guard for a long time, and no one died this time: the most seriously injured one lost an arm, of course, a whole arm, not a fracture; the least injured one just dislocated his right thumb.

According to the news, the virus was first born in China on February 14, 2010, called "Xinyu".

The author of "Xinyu" is a girl who has just come of age. Her name is "Dan Dan", which is obviously a nickname. And the initial target of "Xinyu" attack is a man, his name is space! It's space! The mysterious and powerful information technology genius in big Liu's mouth has disappeared now Was it killed by this virus? Should not, if it is so, then how powerful the person who do the virus, even big Liu heart "world first" can kill!

U.S. officials have released a picture of this man named space, which is an Asian face. The picture is in this news, and it's high-definition. Shang Siwen shows the news to big Liu, but big Liu's heart is sinking. Shang Siwen knows that this must be a mysterious person in big Liu's mouth.

At the bottom of the news, U.S. officials announced the relationship between egg and space and their experiences. In fact, it's no wonder that after a series of things about feelings, eggballs hated space, and then "heart language" was born.

According to the survey conducted by the United States and other major countries in the world, it is found that 40% of the terminals (computers, mobile phones and robots) in the world contain this virus, which is undoubtedly the most successful virus in history. From the beginning of door-to-door popularization of computers to the arrival of the era of AI, this whole history is accompanied by this powerful virus. After such a long time, it has not been discovered until today, thanks to the two characteristics of "Xinyu":

1. In the process of transmission, it does not damage the terminal, which leads to the successful neglect of its existence by major anti-virus software.

2. Even in 40% of the infected terminals, it will not appear easily. It will only appear when it finds that the user behavior of the terminal meets a certain standard, which only accounts for about 10% of all poisoned terminals (all sentimental girls with the same experience), and the way it appears is very simple, that is, a typesetting appears on the screen:

"space" It's stupid.

If you click on this typesetting, a story will pop up, which is about space and eggs. It's very touching. Ninety five percent of the people who open it will not resent its appearance.

Then, it's gone.

The original purpose of "Xinyu" was just to call space a fool

However, a few years later, the virus passed through the hands of many girls, and the story was modified into many versions. Finally, it came to the second generation of "Xinyu" virus, and the nature of the virus changed. The function of "Xinyu" is no longer to tell stories to girls of the same kind, but to boys like space.

Then, in the next generation, "Xinyu" was renamed as "mantra". All the stories have been deleted, because the author thinks that there is no need to tell a story to the heartless men, which is like casting pearls before swine. Instead, make the terminal explode, or make the robot attack the heartless man.

The virus is finally aggressive.

"Curse" can't kill people at first, but thanks to its characteristics, it can spread on a large scale all over the world, and gradually becomes smarter, just like the lovely and dangerous girl "Skynet" in the movie terminator. Finally, after the accumulation of technology and wisdom to a certain extent, it evolved into the ultimate virus that can kill dozens of people in Silicon Valley by AI. From then on, mass murder began.And the author of this ultimate virus is a Chinese American girl named Zhang Yunjie, who is now being arrested by the United Nations However, Daliu speculates that Zhang Yunjie is at least Daliu, and the United Nations will not be able to catch him unless space takes action.

Just then, Qin Zhao received an encrypted email.

The encryption level of this email is not high. Of course, this is only relative to what Qin Zhao said. This encryption level is as strong as the great wall of steel in the ordinary people. It can be seen that the technology of this e-mail sender is a little inferior to that of Da Liu.

The content of the email is:

take me in, do things for you, anything, including bed.

From: Zhang Yunjie.

Qin Zhao frowned uncomfortably after watching it, as if he saw a fly winking at him. Moreover, it was a fly in the toilet, and it was a mother.

However, looking at the picture, it looks good, but it's too coquettish in the heart.

"This woman has enough personality. She is still so rampant in asking for help." Big Liu said with a smile.

"Brother Qin, take her." Shang Siwen encouraged.

"You want me to die." Qin Zhao said that he thought Shang Siwen had asked him to accept Zhang Yunjie as a woman.

"Brother Qin, where do you want to go? I'll let you accept her, do business, do business!" Shangsi Wen said, in fact, the slip of the tongue was intentional, making fun of Qin Zhao.

"Yes, there may be some information about space in the database of mantra. Pull her over and we can hope to find space." Big Liu said.

Qin Zhao looked at big Liu and Shang Siwen, not joking, OK, he said: "OK, since you all like it, take it. It's better to find something, um, space."

With that, Qin Zhao edited an email shorter than a telegram and replied to Zhang Yunjie: come on.

Immediately, another email came, which was Zhang Yunjie's: "thank you."

"Congratulations, brother Qin. Another general." Shang Siwen said, "still a female general, Mu Guiying, ha ha."

"Oh, I'm afraid it's an embroidered pillow."

The next day, there was a knock on the door outside the villa.

I thought it was Zhang Yunjie, but it turned out that he was a worker in green overalls.

Before the worker spoke, Qin Zhao asked him, "who are you looking for?"

"Your letter, sir." Said the worker. He turned out to be a postman. He was very polite. His voice was very comfortable. The postman handed Qin Zhao a letter, which he opened on the spot. Inside the letter was a piece of beige parchment. It looked very old. It was like a thin crispy skin baked with rice washing water. It broke when touched. But if you look at it carefully, it's actually new. It's a delicate birch bark, which says:

"to mantra cottage in the west city."

After the postman left, Qin checked the mantra cottage. It was a Qing bar in the West City, which was owned by the French.

"It's Zhang Yunjie." Shang said.

"Sure? Not commander Gao's men? " Qin Zhao asked.

"They're going to invite you to places like mantra? You think too much. It's a place for dating. If you don't believe it, let Da Liu investigate and you'll know. " Said Shang.

Then they went to find Daliu. Daliu quickly knocked on the computer keyboard, found the IP of the Qingba, hacked into the restaurant's monitoring system, and found that it was Zhang Yunjie. She was in a corner, looking around, like an agent who wanted to do something.

"Oh, it's so powerful. Let's go to see her in person. Don't forget it!" Song said softly. In fact, she was looking at Zhang Yunjie's good looks. After staying in the United States for a long time, she didn't know if she had a whole face. Her nose was high and straight, and she had a unique charm of a foreign girl. Song Wenwen was afraid that Qin Zhao would be seduced again.

"Leave her alone, she will certainly come in a moment." Said Shang.

As a result, an hour later, the postman knocked on the door again. Qin Zhao goes to open the door.

"Your letter, sir." The postman said, still very polite, as if it had just been re engraved, even the position of the station did not change.

"How did you deliver the letter so fast?" Qin Zhao asked.

"Well, sir," the postman said with a smile, "the woman who wrote the letter sent me two letters. She said that if you haven't gone out for more than five minutes after the first letter, I'll send the second one."

Qin Zhao took the letter in silence and went back to the house.

According to the letter, there are some things that are inconvenient to talk about at President Qin's home and can only be discussed alone.

Qin Zhao said helplessly, "OK, I'll go."

Qin Zhao went to the tavern in Xicheng alone and let others stay at home. Now he doesn't dare to let song Ruan alone. Everyone of rainbow team is at his home, just to protect song Ruan. And Daliu is also at Qin Zhao's home, because it is much more convenient to assist Qin Zhao in this way. A lot of work of the company can be done by Daliu's team on the heavy truck, without any inconvenience, because the heavy truck is a mobile studio.