"These two names are so tacky. We don't have to worry about names before the baby is born."

"All right," Qin Zhao took out his mobile phone and said, "Xiao Jing, I've arranged a recipe for you. Let's see."

Li Jing read out quietly, "breakfast on Monday is mushroom corn porridge, lunch is spareribs soup and rice, dinner is mashed potatoes and cucumbers..."

As a cook, Li Jing has a lot of research on health preservation. At a glance, she can see that this recipe is tailor-made for pregnant women.

"Qin Zhao, you are so careful. Thank you."

"Thank you. You are pregnant with my child."

Song gently put down his chopsticks, "but you exaggerate too much. Today you bought food from a truck. Do you think we are pigs? When can I finish eating? "

Qin Zhao only remembers that he spent 60000 yuan when he swiped the card. He really doesn't know how much.

"It doesn't matter. Take your time. You won't have to go to the supermarket."

"You remember to prepare for the recent summit forum. Eddie Zhang is not an ordinary person. It's better to invite her to Daqin group to visit Tianyuan plan."

Qin Zhao was slightly stunned and asked, "xiaorou, do you also care about this talented girl?"

"What's the matter? She's excellent. "

"On the surface, it's true," Qin Zhao said, "don't talk about a little girl who has nothing to do with us. Please try my craft."

After dinner, monk Qin Zhao talked about how to please Lu Tonghai. According to Lu Sihan, Lu Tonghai likes antiques best, or he can suit the remedy to the case.

"Rich people like antiques, and your father-in-law is no exception. Ha ha, I have just a few things."

"Stop, he's not my father-in-law. I'm just helping. After it's over, I'm still a pure friend with Lu Sihan.

Don't give him the antiques from Wu Zetian's tomb. In case of being investigated by the higher authorities, we can't get away with it. "

Qin Zhao glanced at him and said, "I'm not stupid. Who dares to buy things from Wu Zetian's tomb? I gave him Tang Bohu's painting, two pieces of Hetian jade. "

"Well, I hope he's satisfied."

The next day, monk Qin Zhao put on his expensive casual clothes and went straight to Yuese restaurant.

Most of the Regal people choose ditaijiao club or Kaier hotel for their treat, while Lu Tonghai chooses Yuese restaurant, which focuses on the warm and simple style, showing that he has good taste.

Lu Sihan wore a white dress with ruffles. His long hair was slightly curled and a few strands of highlights were very eye-catching.

"Thank you. My father is in box one. Sven, answer as I said."

Shang Si Wen patted his chest and promised, "don't worry, I'm already familiar with the lines."

As they entered the box, Lu Tonghai immediately stood up from his seat and pointed to Qin Zhao, "are you Shang Siwen?"

Qin Zhao quickly said: "Uncle Lu, I'm Qin Zhao, the elder brother of gentle. This is gentle."


Lu Tonghai was surprised and looked up and down at Shang Siwen. He found that although the child was very handsome, his face was green and tender. He could not help doubting his daughter's eyes.

"I'm sorry, my eyes are not good recently. Please sit down first."

"Sven, how long have you known Han Han and how old are you this year?"

They had already discussed that Shang Siwen lied that he was 19, only four years younger than Lu Sihan, and the gap was not too big.

"I'm nineteen this year, and I've known Sihan for more than a year. I am a student of F University. I dropped out of school a year ago to start a business. I am honored to be appreciated by Daqin group. Now I join the Tianyuan project. "

Lu Tonghai ponders Shang Siwen's words, 19 years old is really a little small, Chinese tradition is that the south is bigger than the woman.

But the daughter likes it. He doesn't have much opinion. The boy looks very polite.

In recent years, there are not a few college students who have devoted themselves to the field of science and technology. A few of them have really made great achievements. Shang Siwen looks very smart.

At first glance, Shang Siwen passed the test.

"You are still young, so early in love, parents do not mind?"

"To be honest, I'm an orphan, funded by a kind-hearted person to go to school."


Lu Tonghai was very surprised. On second thought, the boy had no father or mother. He was just a son-in-law. As long as other people passed the exam, he would settle the matter.

"Mr. Qin, you're a nice person. You'll accompany Sven."

Qin Zhao said with a smile: "I've known Sven for a long time. I've been treating him as my younger brother. He came to see his father-in-law. Can I not accompany him?

Here are some small gifts. I hope you like them. "

Qin Zhao handed Lu Tonghai Zhang Daqian's painting and two Hetian yupeis.

Lu Tonghai has a lot of research on calligraphy, painting and antiques. At a glance, he can see that Zhang Daqian's landscape painting is worth 200000 yuan, and the two jade pendants add up to 100000 yuan at least.

Three hundred thousand is a drop in the bucket for the ten billion rich. It's not rare for ordinary people. Qin Zhao, as the boss, is so rich.

"Mr. Qin, you are too polite. You should take care of Sihan for a few days. I should give you a gift."

"Mr. Lu, you are a professional person. I feel comfortable with calligraphy, painting and jade pendant. It's just a small idea. Please accept it.After Sihan and Sven get married, we are all family. "

Lu Tonghai has been working hard for many years. He has heard of Qin Zhao for a long time, and he knows the relationship behind Qin Zhao. After thinking deeply, he can almost see that Shang Siwen is not an ordinary entrepreneur.

"Sven, can you stand Sihan's temper?"

"I think she's good."

"In those years, our husband and wife only focused on starting a business and ignored her. They only asked the nanny to pick her up and go to school. A psychologically deformed worker kidnapped her and stabbed our nanny to death.

Fortunately, the police arrived in time and saved Sihan, but Sihan has a strange personality since then. You must treat her well. "

Shang Siwen had never heard of it. He felt pity for Lu Sihan and solemnly said, "don't worry, I will protect her."

"Well, did she tell you? It's a burden... "

"No problem."

Lu Tong and Haydn burst into laughter, and Dong Sicheng, who was quite satisfied before, didn't agree to join the company. Since the young genius in front of him agreed, the marriage could be basically settled.

"Dad, when we meet for the first time, don't ask about it. Mr. Qin is still there."

Lu Tonghai didn't ask, but offered Qin Zhao a glass of wine.

Qin Zhao found that Lu Tonghai's face turned red, but his body was very weak. It seems that Lu Sihan didn't exaggerate his illness.

After three glasses of wine, Lu Tonghai's mouth didn't open the door. He revealed that he was terminally ill.

"A few days ago, I went to master Yuanxin. He said that I had done a lot of evil in my life. Maybe it came back to Sihan and scared me."

Which of their generation of entrepreneurs is not covered with blood?

Qin Zhao sighed and asked, "are you talking about the master Yuanxin in Taiwan?"

"Yes, that's him. He's much better than the abbot of Shaolin Temple."

Qin Zhao didn't comment on it. Shi Bizhen once said that master Yuanxin was not an ordinary person, and he was not good at it. But Qin Zhao didn't see a real person, so he couldn't comment on it.

Although Lu Tonghai is ruthless in shopping malls, he is not a unscrupulous businessman. He pays a lot of dividends to workers and helps his friends for many years.

Lu Sihan is really interested in Shang Siwen. Qin thinks about it and decides to help Lu Tonghai.

He uses Jiulong Qi to call Jinchan Gu to check Lu Tonghai's condition.

A moment later, Jinchan Gu gave some feedback that Lu Tonghai seemed to be suffering from a stubborn disease, but in fact he was entangled by a blood eating Gu.

"Uncle Lu, I've learned Chinese medicine. Let me feel your pulse."

"OK", Lu Tonghai reaches out his hand.

"Uncle Lu, which quack says you are incurable? I think you just need to recuperate. "

"Mr. Qin, don't enlighten me. I'm looking for the most authoritative doctor to check my body."

"Authority doesn't mean no mistakes. I have a prescription. Would you like to try it?"

Lu Sihan was overjoyed and said, "brother Qin, is that true? Give my dad a try. "

"Tomorrow, I'll buy some medicine first."

After another chat, Qin Zhao finds an excuse to leave ahead of time. Lu Sihan sends them out.

"Sihan, did your father offend anyone? Especially Miao people or people in the rivers and lakes? "

Seeing Qin Zhao's heavy face, Lu Sihan racked his brains and didn't come up with a clue, so he could only shake his head.

Shang Siwen said: "brother Qin, when you save uncle Lu tomorrow, he will tell you anything when he is happy.

As soon as you ask, I can see that uncle Lu's illness has something to do with Gu Du. "


Lu Sihan was shocked and covered his chest, "is this true? Is there really poison in the world

Qin Zhao couldn't bear to scare her, so he had to enlighten her, "don't worry, we just guess. I'm not afraid of any poisonous insects."

"Thank you."

"Go back first and watch uncle Lu. Sven and I will prepare some medicinal materials."

When passing the traffic lights, Qin Zhao joked: "Sven, your father-in-law is very satisfied with you. It seems that there is a play."

"After you save him, he must be more satisfied with you, and it's time for Lu Sihan to agree with you."

"Screw you. If I'm going to take Lu Sihan, do you have a chance?

Li Jing is pregnant. How can I have the mood to explore the harem? "

Qin Zhao parked his car in a big Chinese medicine shop and bought more than a dozen kinds of ground medicinal materials. These medicinal materials are just auxiliary. The most critical step is to suck out insects.

Early the next morning, Qin Zhao went straight to Lu Tonghai's hotel. Lu Tonghai was surprised and quickly washed to welcome them.

Qin Zhao handed the medicine to Lu Sihan, "Sihan, you can boil these medicine in a small iron pot, and it will be ready in about an hour."

Shang Siwen and Lu Sihan go to the kitchen to work together and leave the home court to Qin Zhao.

"Mr. Qin, I'm really troubling you."

"Don't mention it. Give me your hand first."

Qin Zhao grabbed Lu Tonghai's pulse and put a trace of Jiulong Qi into his body."Ah..."

Lu Tonghai only felt a heat flow along the meridians all over his body. He trembled and screamed.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?"

Lu Sihan rushed out and looked at his father with concern.

"It's all right. You'll get some medicine first."

Although Lu Tonghai didn't know Xuangong, he had donated a lot of money to master Wang before, and had more or less come into contact with this kind of Xuanqi skill.

"Did you use Qigong just now?"

Qin Zhao said with a smile, "almost. Don't worry. The insects will come out in a moment."