However, Qin Zhao didn't notice it, which doesn't mean that No. 1, who has been training Qin Zhao, didn't notice it. No. 1 always sees the changes of Qin Zhao.

Although Qin Zhao had been very surprised at his potential because of the speed of mastering the method of Gui Xi Tu Na before, when he saw Qin Zhao's physical changes after only running the method of Gui Xi Tu Na once, No. 1 had already summarized Qin Zhao into abnormal people in his heart.

However, although Qin Zhao's physical strength has been greatly improved, compared with No. 1 who has been practicing for many years, Qin Zhao's physical strength is much worse. Although this time he spent more time in the process of fighting, with the time gradually getting longer, Qin Zhao's physical strength showed signs of overdraft.

"OK, that's all for today. I'm really surprised by your performance. If you practice more when you have time, I believe you can do better than me in this aspect."

Just when Qin Zhao's body could not support him and let him continue to fight, No. 1 stopped his hand in time. After hearing No. 1's words, Qin Zhao felt as if he had been liberated and directly collapsed on the ground.

Although Qin Zhao's physical strength has been improved a little after he has just run the "turtle breathing and breathing" method, his physical strength is still much worse than that of No. 1, so when he is fighting with No. 1, Qin Zhao is still very hard. At the beginning, it's OK. Later, Qin Zhao is supporting himself with willpower.

Qin Zhao almost didn't hear what No. 1 said to him. After finishing that sentence with Qin Zhao, No. 1 turned and walked to the next room, leaving Qin Zhao alone to recover his strength in the empty hall.

While recovering his physical strength, Qin Zhao found that this method of "turtle breathing and breathing" is really a good thing. It can not only improve his physical strength, but also speed up his recovery.

Originally, Qin Zhao needed at least an hour to recover when he was exhausted. However, after he just followed the route recorded in the law of turtle breathing and breathing, Qin Zhao recovered in less than half an hour.

If it wasn't for Qin Zhao's clothes, now they are all soaked with sweat, would anyone believe that he had been fighting for such a long time just now.

Qin Zhao didn't look for No. 1 after recovering his physical strength. Although he didn't hear what No. 1 said to himself before he left, he knew that since No. 1 had disappeared from his face, it was estimated that today's training was over.

After his physical strength recovered, Qin Zhao left the two cities guild hall directly. However, he did not go home directly. He had planned before he came. If he had time, he would buy a car. Otherwise, it would be very inconvenient to take a taxi between his home and the two cities guild hall.

When he came out of Ercheng guild hall, Qin Zhao used mobile phone software to make an appointment for a car on the Internet, and then went straight to the car sales center in the main urban area.

Qin Zhao doesn't have so many requirements for the price and brand of the car, but his only requirement is that the formalities must be handled quickly. After all, he needs a car very much.

After learning about Qin Zhao's requirements, the online car Hailing driver took Qin Zhao to the nearest domestic car sales center. It's not that the driver didn't want to drive far away, but the main reason is that the sales center really meets Qin Zhao's requirements.

"Welcome to guanglinben auto sales center, No.04 salesperson is at your service." As soon as Qin Zhao entered the auto sales center, a sales lady came to receive Qin Zhao warmly.

To tell you the truth, Qin Zhao often came into contact with all kinds of cars when she was still in the special combat forces. However, Qin Zhao really didn't know much about this aspect. Therefore, when the sales lady came to receive Qin Zhao, Qin Zhao went directly with her.

"I don't have high requirements. The car has good performance. It doesn't matter whether it saves fuel or not. The only requirement is that there are few problems and the procedures are fast."

After hearing Qin Zhao's request, the sales girl was already happy. You know, there are few customers like Qin Zhao. Now that he has said that the price is not considered, she can naturally introduce a relatively high price car to Qin Zhao.

However, when she saw that the clothes Qin Zhao was wearing were not the so-called famous brands in her mind, she was very worried that Qin Zhao just came here to dress up. If that's the case, after she introduced many high-priced cars to Qin Zhao, Qin Zhao would not buy them because she was not satisfied. That would be a waste of her efforts.

You know, it's not easy to do sales. In order not to waste your efforts, the car sales lady specially confirmed it after hearing Qin Zhao's words, "Sir, I'll confirm it with you again. The price is not a problem. As long as the formalities are handled quickly and the car performance is good, it's OK, right?"Qin Zhao also understands her confirmation very well. After all, he once played the role of a salesman when he was on a task. He understands the difficulty of being a salesman. Although he wants to get the car done quickly and then go home, after hearing what the car salesman said, Qin Zhao didn't get angry because of this, but determined patiently once.

After hearing Qin Zhao's almost no hesitation answer, the car sales lady was relieved to take Qin Zhao straight to the high-end car booth in the mouth of the sales center.

Here, almost all of them are more than one million cars. Although she had confirmed with Qin Zhao before she came here with Qin Zhao, she still had no bottom in her heart when she saw that Qin Zhao's clothes were all from the stall.

In fact, it's not just her own heart that thinks so. When Qin Zhao just came in, all the salesgirls present thought so. If she hadn't sold a car this month, she wouldn't have come to receive Qin Zhao.

"Sir, how about this Lexus? High end atmosphere, very in line with your temperament, and.... " When the sales girl just came here with Qin Zhao, she directly selected the car with the lowest price and introduced it to Qin Zhao.

In fact, she also wants to introduce Qin Zhao with a very high price car, but to tell the truth, she is still not sure whether Qin Zhao can afford such a price. She is also worried that if she introduces Qin Zhao with an ultra-high price car, it will scare Qin Zhao away. In this case, her bonus and achievements this month will all be ruined, so she chooses I bought this Lexus.

When she introduced Qin Zhao, she showed her specialty 100%. No matter what questions she asked, she could easily answer her questions.

Of course, when Qin Zhao asked questions, he didn't have any professional knowledge about cars. After all, he didn't understand these things. What Qin Zhao was concerned about was the performance of the car. If he bought the car, how soon would he be able to complete all the procedures.

In this process, Qin Zhao has never talked about the price. The car sales lady worried that Qin Zhao didn't know the price of the car she was introducing to Qin Zhao. In order to avoid any trouble when it comes to the payment, she finally introduced the price of the car to Qin Zhao.

However, what she didn't expect was that Qin Zhao didn't pay any attention to the so-called "1.03 million" price he said. He always stressed that the car settlement procedures must be completed as soon as possible. If Qin Zhao's requirements can be met, he can pay now.

When the car salesman heard Qin Zhao's words, she immediately felt that she had considered too much just now. Since she was able to buy a car here, she should not be a fat face. To tell you the truth, at this time, she already regretted that she didn't introduce a more expensive car to Qin Zhao.

However, while regretting, she was very happy in her heart. After all, if such a big client could fall on her head, her salary this month would be very considerable.

As for the situation of Qin Zhao, all the salesgirls in the car sales center have been paying attention to it. Of course, they want to see how Qin Zhao is disgraced for a while. They never thought that Qin Zhao is really a rich man.

At this time, since Qin Zhao came in, the sales lady who had received him had an idea and thought of a good way to make her get more commission on Qin Zhao's order.

"I'm sorry, sir. If you want to buy this car, it will take at least a month to go through the formalities or pick up the car. Can you wait?"

Qin Zhao was a little sorry to hear that from the sales girl. He didn't want to wait that long. "Well, please change a car for me, thank you."

Qin Zhao didn't say anything about the situation just now. She just asked her to introduce her next car. Anyway, Qin Zhao just wanted to pick up the car quickly. As for the time when she bought the car, he didn't care.