However, it was just a little thought in Qin Zhao's mind. He had no way to find someone to ask. Of course, even if he asked, people would not tell him.

Surrounded by Qi Tianming's subordinates, Qin Zhao got out of the car and went straight to the courtyard. I don't know whether all the furnishings of the courtyard are the same, or because Qi Tianming's habits are the same as his son's, Qin Zhao felt familiar as soon as he came in.

Qi Tianming, like his father, was also lying on his back in a rocking chair under a tree. Next to him was a wooden tea table with several cups on it. It seemed that he didn't notice Qin Zhao's arrival at all.

"Boss, we've brought the person you want." See Qi Tianming false sleep appearance, his hand in time quickly walk to his side, ear up, quietly remind.

I don't know whether Qi Tianming wanted to show his momentum in front of Qin Zhao, or whether he really fell asleep just now. Until his subordinates came to remind him, he opened his eyes and stared at Qin Zhao. At this time, he couldn't see how much hatred there was in his eyes, just like an ordinary old man.

Not long ago, Qin Zhao had just experienced such a scene. At that time, Qin Zhao was "invited" by Qi Tianming's father and only son because he had just blocked a child snatching incident. At that time, he was as leisurely as Qi Tianming is now.

When he opened his eyes and saw Qin Zhao, Qi Tianming stood up from the rocking chair. With the help of his hands, he walked slowly to Qin Zhao. He almost said in a tone with no emotion, "sun Honglong, do you feel very familiar? Do you feel like you've seen this scene before? "

It's not that Qi Tianming didn't want to make any response to what he said. The main reason is that Qi Tianming didn't give him this opportunity.

At the moment when Qi Tianming finished his words, before Qin Zhao made any response, he saw that he seemed to have suddenly changed into a person. He suddenly pushed his hand away, his eyes wide open and staring at Qin Zhao.

"It's all you! It's all because of you, my son, my grandson, all dead, you murderer

To tell you the truth, seeing him like this, Qin Zhao's heart is full of feelings. If we temporarily ignore Qi Tianming's hurtful deeds, and then ignore his attempt to hurt Qin Zhao's woman, he looks like an ordinary helpless old man, an old man with white hair giving black hair away.

However, this is impossible after all. Although Qin Zhao sympathizes with such an old man who lost his son in his old age, he will not pity Qi Tianming, because Qi Tianming is not a good man.

Just at the moment when Qi Tianming roared at Qin Zhao, those people who were still standing quietly just now all moved and rushed to Qin Zhao. However, they didn't use any hot weapons, which may be what Qi Tianming specially ordered. After all, he didn't want to see his enemy die so easily, at least before he died He will torture Qin Zhao severely.

Qin Zhao felt that he was a little bit cruel to the old man when he brutally killed Qi Tianming's son and grandson. Therefore, when Qi Tianming's men just rushed towards him, Qin Zhao didn't make any resistance or evasion.

Although all these people should die in Qin Zhao's eyes, Qin Zhao still has some principles. He wants to bear the attack to repay the damage to Qi Tianming. When Qin Zhao feels sorry for him, he won't wait to die.

Of course, Qin Zhao is not stupid enough to bear the fatal injury that the other party may cause to him. In fact, Qin Zhao has been optimistic about the situation for a long time. Qi Tianming's bodyguards not only didn't use hot weapons, but also didn't use cold weapons. In this case, Qin Zhao doesn't need to worry about anything. Anyway, Qin Zhao is the best When I came in just now, my observation of these people showed that they could not do much harm to themselves.

What's more, Qin Zhao chose to do this because he was selfish. After all, he learned from the books he brought back from sun Wenhai's home that the strength of the real people who have practiced dragon Qi is also improved.

Although sun Wenhai has definitely told Qin Zhao that the weak green light emitted from his body in the j Bureau before is dragon Qi, and when he read those books, he found that the green light emitted from his jade pendant conforms to the standard of dragon Qi in all aspects, but Qin Zhao still can't believe it.

Now, he is able to test again whether the faint green light emitted from his jade pendant is the so-called Dragon Spirit in the mouth of sun Wenhai through the beating of Qi Tianming's men.

Qi Tianming and his subordinates don't know what Qin Zhao thinks. Seeing that Qin Zhao has rushed to him under his own hands without any reaction, Qi Tianming thinks that he has been shocked by the current scene.Seeing this, the old man, who was eager to pay, was even more happy. After all, it was the happiest thing for him to see his enemy show such an expression.

Of course, while he was happy, he was also very angry. However, the anger was not caused by Qin Zhao, because he thought of his son and grandson who had been killed by Qin Zhao. He did not expect that his son and grandson, who had been valued by him, would die in the hands of such a person. This kind of situation is very important to him in society It's a kind of humiliation for the social bigwigs for many years.

As for Qi Tianming's emotional changes, all his subordinates have noticed. Since their boss is angry, their actions are more spicy and tricky.

However, at this time, Qin Zhao has passed the test just now and got the result he wanted. For the next attack, he will not bear it as silently as he did just now.

To tell you the truth, when Qin Zhao had just been beaten, there was no such situation as he imagined. He was more or less disappointed in his heart. After all, when he was beaten by Qi Tianming's men, the jade pendant didn't send out green light to protect the Lord as before. Moreover, Qin Zhao didn't do it either Feel how much change your body's ability to fight.

Now that the results have been obtained, there is no need for Qin Zhao to test anything at the cost of being beaten. In addition, Qin Zhao's heart has already paid off the blow of being an old man at dawn.

"That's it. It's my turn."

Qin Zhao was not a surprise attack on them. Before he was ready to fight back, he made a sound to remind them that as soon as his voice fell, he disappeared from his previous position.

For this kind of situation that the target just in front of him suddenly disappeared, Qi Tianming's subordinates were all muddled. Just now, they were still furious, and they were at a loss.

Although Qin Zhao took the initiative to bear their attacks just now, those attacks had already hit Qin Zhao, and he would not forget it. After Qin Zhao disappeared from them, he rushed to Qi Tianming's side.

However, just when Qin Zhao arrived at his side, he suddenly regretted that since Qi Tianming wanted to play with himself, he couldn't let him go so easily. After all, Qi Tianming had more or less affected the lives of Zhang Xiaoyi and Li Jing during this period of time.

You know, Qin Zhao is a very short guard, for this kind of people who have hurt their family, Qin Zhao is absolutely not easy to let go.

In addition, he knew that the hatred between him and Qi Tianming could not be resolved. As long as Qi Tianming was still alive, Qin Zhao would bear endless revenge. In order to prevent future trouble, Qin Zhao just now finally made up his mind to eliminate Qi Tianming and his forces, and let them disappear from his own eyes forever. This is very important Only in this way can we ensure that the same thing will not happen again.

Since Qin Zhao has made such a decision, he can't deal with Qi Tianming first. After all, Qin Zhao is not sure whether his subordinates will fall down like Qi Qi's father's bodyguards after his boss dies.

Qin Tianming just turned his hatred to Qi Tianming's hands, because they didn't give up.

Just as Qin Zhao rushed from Qi Tianming's side to his men's side, there was a continuous howling sound in the yard. Qin Zhao didn't keep any hands every time he started. Every time he started, he was dead handed. Now he won't pay attention to whether he would kill the other party. After all, his purpose is the same This is it.

In just a few minutes, Qin Zhao's performance has undergone earth shaking changes, for all this, Qi Tianming all see in the eyes.