"Who are you and what do you want to do?"

After hearing what the middle-aged man said, Qin Zhao roared angrily at the air. Obviously, he was a little flustered because he was completely in a passive position.

After all, up to now, he didn't even know what his opponent looked like or where he was, but his every move was monitored by the other side. This kind of situation, when fighting, was like giving his life to the other side directly. This situation made Qin Zhao feel very angry and uneasy.

For Qin Zhao's words, the other party didn't mean to answer at all, as if it had been recorded. No matter what Qin Zhao was saying, the other party just said what he wanted to say.

"Oh, by the way, I'm very interested in that gamma technology. I don't know if you want to give up?"

No matter what Qin Zhao was saying, the unknown mysterious person on the other end of the phone didn't respond to him. However, Qin Zhao didn't take out the Bluetooth headset in his ear because of this, just waiting for him to say his ultimate goal.

In Qin Zhao's opinion, since he took so much trouble to bring himself here, he certainly didn't just want to talk nonsense to himself.

In fact, since he just saw through the driver's behavior, Qin Zhao has been speculating that this time's opponent is likely to have some connection with Zhu long, who was just arrested by him. Although there is no inevitable connection between the two, and Qin Zhao has not found any clue to confirm his conjecture so far.

Even Qin Zhao doesn't know why he suddenly feels like this. Of course, if his conjecture is true, the purpose of the people who are talking about these things with him now should be to run for gamma technology.

Since that is the case, now no matter what he says, it has no meaning for Qin Zhao. After he finishes speaking, he will enter the theme. Qin Zhao just needs to wait for this moment.

Of course, if Qin Zhao's conjecture is wrong, and this person or organization has nothing to do with Zhu long, then Qin Zhao doesn't need to worry. Anyway, as long as the other party has tried his best to bring Qin Zhao here, it must have his purpose.

In a sense, Qin Zhao is at a disadvantage. After all, he doesn't know the most basic information such as who his opponent is and where he is now, and he doesn't have any chance to take the initiative. Now he has only one choice, that is to wait patiently for the opponent to finish what he wants to say, and then say his own words Just the purpose.

Sure enough, just when Qin Zhao was about to fall asleep listening to his chatter, the words Qin Zhao had been waiting for finally came out of the Bluetooth headset, and the other party was really running for the gamma technology.

However, although Qin Zhao already knows the other party's purpose, he still has no clue whether they have any relationship with Zhu long. However, since Qin Zhao already knows the other party's purpose, whether they have any relationship with Zhu long is meaningless to him.

If this person happened to instigate Zhu long to capture gamma technology and give Zhu long so much help, it would be even better for Qin Zhao. After all, it saved him a lot of time to investigate. You know, for Qin Zhao, time is very precious now.

Qin Zhao has to deal with the person standing behind Zhu long. After all, when Zhu long first met Qin Zhao, Qin Zhao appeared in front of him as sun Honglong.

Since Zhu long was able to find Ningcheng and know about the gamma technology of Xiao's group, he must also know the true identity of sun Honglong.

However, Qin Zhao doesn't believe in Zhu Long's ability. After all, Qin Zhao remembers his cowardly appearance when he first met him in Guodu.

It's absolutely impossible for such a person to have the idea of doing things right with himself. Moreover, Qin Zhao knows more or less about Zhu Long's power, and he has no ability to do such things.

Obviously, before Qin Zhao caught Zhu long, the mysterious man behind him ordered all the things he did. Moreover, even Zhu long already knew Qin Zhao's dual identity. In this case, the mysterious man would know.

If Qin Zhao tried his best to protect Zhang Xiaoyi in order to help the superior leaders and Jiang Renguo, now Qin Zhao is standing in the position of a man and must take the responsibility of protecting Zhang Xiaoyi.

In this case, Qin Zhao must solve these potential people or factors that may affect his plan as soon as possible. In this world, except for the superior leaders, Jiang Renguo and Zhang Xiaoyi, Qin Zhao does not allow anyone else to know that sun Honglong is his Qin Zhao.Of course, in addition to the mysterious dragon totem that both the superior leaders and Jiang Renguo were afraid of.

In a word, no matter what the person who wants to have a conversation with Qin duosecond is, the person who doesn't know what the danger is is.

Just in time, he has made it clear that he is running for gamma technology, which is a very good opportunity for Qin Zhao. He can take this opportunity to get close to the mysterious man.

"I don't know where I am now, and I don't know whether you have any ambush around me. Do you think I have any choice now?"

What Qin Zhao said is exactly his real situation now. However, even so, this situation is not as dangerous for him as he just described. For him now, even if there are several shooters around and he wants to escape here, there is no problem. After all, his abnormal speed is there, As long as he wants to run, few people can react before he runs away.

However, Qin Zhao didn't make such a choice. For him, taking this opportunity to accept advice, he can just get close to the mysterious man. Even if he has nothing to do with Zhu long, Qin Zhao won't leave him in this world. After all, he or his organization has moved his mind to the last thing left in front of Xiao Shiyu, which is no different from touching him It moved his scales.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying that when a dragon goes against the scales, he will die if he touches them. For Qin Zhao, his family, his family's things, his brothers, all these are his scales. As long as someone dares to challenge them, Qin Zhao will wave the scythe of death in his hand and reap each other's life without hesitation.

Qin Zhao's plan is very perfect, his choice now, in any normal person's mind, will not hesitate to believe that Qin Zhao, this is really a compromise.

However, when Qin Zhao's words went out and quietly waited for the other party's response, the Bluetooth headset was silent. At this time, a very bad feeling suddenly appeared in Qin Zhao's heart, and he didn't know why.

"Ha ha ha Sun Honglong, oh, no, it should be said that Qin Zhao, you look down on me too much. Do you think that if you act like this, I will believe you? However, it's a waste of talent if you don't enter the performing arts circle. I'll give you another chance... "

Qin Zhao didn't listen to the following words at all. The other party's reaction was too shocking for Qin Zhao. When the jeering laughter came from the Bluetooth headset, Qin Zhao was already in shock.

Who the other party is, why he knows himself so well, how long he has been investigating himself, and how he knows his dual identity.

Just after Qin Zhao knew that his plan had been seen through, these problems kept turning around in Qin Zhao's mind.

However, for Qin Zhao, these problems are not so important. Now Qin Zhao is most worried about whether the other party will tell the story of his dual identity because he has just cheated them.

After all, in Qin Zhao's ideology, the gamma technology left by Xiao Shiyu will not be taken away by others in any case, so he is not worried about it.

"Have you thought about it well, don't you care so much about identity exposure?" Just when Qin Zhao was struggling, the voice from the Bluetooth headset suddenly increased by a decibel, and Qin Zhao's thoughts were also pulled back by this voice.

Although Qin Zhao didn't think of any good countermeasures just now, Qin Zhao has a clue about this mysterious man. After all, among the enemies Qin Zhao knows so far, only Zhu long and the mysterious man behind him know his dual identity. Just now, he has broken this matter, which is just like telling Qin Zhao who he is .

After Qin Zhao came to his senses, he came to realize that he had just deliberately pointed out this matter. It seems that his purpose is to restrain himself with his own identity. He is giving himself a multiple-choice question to force him to make a choice between Zhang Xiaoyi and gamma technology.