Alexander didn't know how long he had been running. He felt that the sky around him had gradually brightened up. He had been running all night in a state of high tension, but up to now he still didn't see the shadow of Jinling villa.

To tell you the truth, Alexander's heart has been a little disheartened now. If it was OK last night, the exposure maniac would still sleep after all. After he fell asleep, he would not find that he had left. But now that the sky is about to light up, his departure will be discovered. If he can't find him before the exposure maniac finds him, he will not be able to find him To Qin Zhao, his life is still under threat.

Of course, it was all imagined by Alexander himself. After all, he didn't know that the violent maniac had no intention of taking him back.

Although Alexander's physical strength has been seriously exhausted after a long night's journey, he dare not relax for a second when he thinks of what happened after he was captured and the result. Although the feeling of fatigue swept his whole body, his speed under his feet did not decrease, and he still maintained the speed just now.

As the saying goes, Kung Fu is worthy of those who want to. At last, when he is about to lose his persistence, he vaguely sees the looming villas in the distance. Although there are many villas in Ningcheng, there is only one villas in Jinling real estate in this direction. Alexander knows that he has not gone wrong.

"At last..."

Under the pursuit of the enemy he imagined, he ran for his life nervously all night. Now he finally saw the hope of life. In spirit, Alexander finally relaxed. It was because of the sudden relaxation after the high tension that Alexander fainted in the dark.

At this time, the sun is still hazy, hiding behind the clouds in the early morning, which seems so unreal. However, Qin Zhao has got up at this time. At this time of the day, he used to get up early to go out for exercise, and then buy breakfast by the way. But now there is no need to buy breakfast. After all, LV Donghai's girlfriend has come to work as a nanny at home, which is a big problem Qin Zhao doesn't need to worry about three meals a day. However, this morning's exercise can't be stopped. After all, it's hard to form a habit, but it's very easy to break it. As long as you don't exercise one day, this habit will be destroyed forever.

Qin Zhao doesn't want to die one day because of lack of exercise under the hands of others, or because of his poor physical quality, he can't save his beloved.

Just like every day, after a simple wash, Qin Zhao put on a sportswear and went out bouncing. However, today's situation is a little different. As soon as he walked out of the gate of the villa, Qin Zhao found that there seemed to be a man lying on the other side of the road not far away, motionless.

Maybe he was also curious. Qin Zhao had planned to run directly along the road of the gate and then come back from the opposite side. However, after seeing this man, he ran directly across the road.

Alexander fainted because he was overworked. Moreover, before he fainted, he kept walking towards the villa. So when Qin Zhao came, Alexander was lying face down on the ground.

Qin Zhao, who didn't see the other person's face, quickly helped him up, but when he saw the face of the person he helped up, he immediately stood still and said, "how can he be here?" Qin Zhao was very curious about the reason why Alexander appeared here in this state.

To tell you the truth, Qin Zhao didn't want to save him at the beginning. After all, to a certain extent, the reason why gamma technology fell into the current situation was all thanks to him. It's impossible to say that Qin Zhao didn't have any resentment against him.

However, this is also a human life after all. Moreover, Qin Zhao does not know why Alexander appeared here, what happened to him, and who is the person who has been acting as a military adviser to Alexander all the time.

In order to understand these things, Qin Zhao forbeared his resentment. He decided to cancel the morning exercise today and take Alexander home.

Qin Zhao decided to save him. On the one hand, he didn't want to see this life pass away in front of him. After all, he was not so cold-blooded. Of course, there was another reason for him to do so, which was to prevent him from going back to make trouble for Qin Zhao if he recovered.

"Alexander? Qin Zhao, what's wrong with him? What did you bring him back for? "

After Qin Zhao came back just now, he had simply shown Alexander that when he was in the special forces, he would perform some missions in the field more or less. If he was injured during the execution of these characters, he would have to tell himself. After all, he would not take a doctor with him at any time when he went to carry out the mission, so for these people Qin Zhao was able to diagnose and treat less serious diseases.

He found that this is actually excessive physical consumption, coupled with a long time did not drink water, so it will lead to fainting. In fact, in the essence of the body, there is nothing wrong, at least Qin Zhao thinks so. After feeding him some water, Qin Zhao sat next to him, waiting for him to wake up at any time.This waiting time is too boring. Just when Qin Zhao was about to fall asleep, Xiao Shiyu came down from the upstairs. She knew Alexander. After all, Alexander could appear in the territory of China, or she had traveled thousands of miles to invite him back in person.

However, since Alexander left the company, the relationship between them has been different. After all, Alexander has gone too far in the past period of time. Even if Qin Zhao wants to prevent her from being sad after hearing this, there is no impermeable wall in the world. More or less, she can know something.

Qin Shizhao is very surprised to see what she does not want to do when she comes back.

The reason why Xiao Shiyu thinks so is that Alexander is in a coma now. However, in her opinion, Alexander's present state is no different from that of the dead past. After all, she is far away from home and can't see clearly whether Alexander's chest is undulating.

This is what Xiao Shiyu is most worried about. She worries that in order to get rid of the idea of patent ownership of gamma technology once and for all, Qin Zhao will never have another idea, and then she will kill Alexander. So when she sees Alexander lying on the floor of the living room, she will be so nervous.

Qin Zhao is also very clear about Xiao Shiyu's concerns. After all, after living together for such a long time, he can't tell exactly what the other party is thinking. He can guess more or less.

"What do you think, silly girl? I'm like that kind of person. When I went out for exercise in the morning, I happened to meet him lying at the gate of the community. I picked him up." In order to reassure Xiao Shiyu, Qin Zhao quickly explained what just happened.


Just as Qin Zhao was talking to Xiao Shiyu, Alexander finally woke up. He clearly remembered that he fainted when he saw the Jinling villa. He didn't know what happened later, but he still knew that he should be on the road.

But now, when he opened his eyes, what came into his eyes was the ceiling, which really surprised him. After all, in his heart, he still thought that the exposure maniac would chase him all the time. When he woke up, he had already moved from the road to the house. How could he not be afraid.

He jumped up from the ground and had to run out without thinking about it. Although he also knew that if he was caught by an exhibitionist, he would have to die, but he still wanted to struggle.

His heart was filled with fear of death. Alexander didn't notice that the furnishings in the room were different from those in the exposed maniac's home. Qin Zhao and Xiao Shiyu looked at Alexander as if he were frightened. They didn't speak, and Qin Zhao was not worried. In fact, he had expected this for a long time.

He didn't worry that Alexander could really run away. He just watched him run out of the door, even if he could get out of the door, he couldn't go too far.

"Chief, this guy is going to run!" Sure enough, as soon as Alexander went out, he was caught by the soldiers who were constantly monitoring outside and threw it directly in front of Qin Zhao. They went out again under the sign of Qin Zhao.

In fact, when he just went out and saw that the scenery outside was not the same as before, Alexander was already a little confused, but he had been arrested before he made any response.

When he saw Qin Zhao and Xiao Shiyu sitting on the sofa, in front of the two people who had been regarded as enemies, Alexander didn't have any fear. On the contrary, his nervous tension just relaxed.

"Qin Zhao, it was all my fault before. Please accept me."