Chapter 739

He hoped that the Soviet Union would participate in the mediation of the civil war in Yugoslavia, rather than let the European Community and the United States extend their tentacles to the Balkans. You know, the civil war in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia lasted until after 2000. At that time, many years of war caused countless deaths and injuries, and the hatred between all ethnic groups in Yugoslavia could not be reconciled. As the main ethnic group, the Serbs have blood feuds with Croats, Slovenians, Kosovars and Bosnian Muslims. Milosevic was finally sent to the International Court of justice for crimes against humanity by the multinational force led by the United States, and finally died in prison.

But in 1991, the civil war in Yugoslavia just broke out, and only concentrated in Slovenia, Croatia, and the autonomous province of Kosovo. The opportunity to resolve Yugoslavia's civil war by peaceful means still exists. He does not want the United States to intervene in the unified market of Eastern Europe, and Yugoslavia's accession will give the unified market the crucial right to sea in the Mediterranean.

At the United Nations, the United States once again launched a proposal to send troops to intervene in the nasraf civil war. Because of the precedent of the last successful mediation of the Kuwait crisis and the fact that Yugoslavia is a socialist country. Therefore, the attitude of the Soviet Union on the issue of Yugoslavia is crucial.

This time, he once again convinced Gorbachev to take the initiative to intervene in the Yugoslavia crisis. At the United Nations, the US led NATO group's attempt to intervene directly in Yugoslavia was once again rejected by the Soviet Union. This time, the United States no longer intended to give the Soviet Union a good look, and they immediately cancelled the massive aid plan originally agreed by Bush and Gorbachev. The differences between the United States and the Soviet Union, which were originally due to the issue of Kuwait, have now become more serious.

Just as yazov and kluchkov were planning to get rid of shariosha, shariosha left the Soviet Union again and flew to Sarajevo to meet Yugoslavia's leader Milosevic. He was followed by the United Nations Observer Mission on human rights in Yugoslavia. It is obvious that the United States intends to observe the military operations of the Serbs in Croatia and Slovenia under a microscope, in case of civilian death or accidental injury. The United States has an excuse to send troops again. At this moment, Milosevic knows that the arrival of shariosha represents the only voice in the world who dares to compete with the United States. On the other hand, the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia are facing almost the same dilemma. However, Gorbachev chose to compromise, while Milosevic chose to suppress by force.

As soon as the cabin door of his plane opened, he quickly stepped down the spiral staircase. Milosevic came forward and hugged him warmly. Although he and Milosevic were the next day after the banquet, he finally found the opportunity to interview Milosevic alone. When seryosa opened his mouth, Milosevic realized that he was completely wrong.

"What? Did the Soviet Union suggest that we abandon Croatia and Slovenia? How dare you say it? Is that how you Soviets solve their own problems? "

"President Milosevic, as one of the few countries in the world that still adhere to socialism. Our situation is almost the same. The main ethnic group of the Soviet Union is Russian, just as the main ethnic group of your country is Serb. Our old economic system is in a complete crisis, facing the impact of the aggressive commodity economy of the West. Our economic system makes people miserable. The economic downturn is the reason for the intensification of ethnic conflicts. For the domestic ethnic minorities, if you help them too much, it will not only cause the dissatisfaction of the main ethnic groups. If you do not fundamentally solve the problem, the ethnic minorities will still not show gratitude for your concession. However, if you blindly favor the main ethnic groups, the ethnic minorities will feel that you are depriving them of their citizenship. As for the government, a bowl of water should be scolded, and it will lead to more discontent if it leans to any side. When there are only so many cakes, no matter how to divide the cake, some people will feel dissatisfied. "

In the past Tito era, the Serbs made many concessions for the ethnic minorities in Yugoslavia. For example, the priority of joining the party, the priority of work, the priority of promotion and the priority of education. However, when Yugoslavia faced the impact of drastic changes in Eastern Europe, these preferential policies in the past did not let the republics and Yugoslavia stand together. At least, there is one thing that Milosevic agrees with. There are so many cakes now. It's impossible to satisfy everyone. It's better to give these cakes to the Serbs who always stand with Yugoslavia.

"Mr President, in any case, the western human rights observation groups can not be underestimated. Without the support of the United States and the European community, Slovenia and Croatia will never dare to take a clear stand to demand independence. Therefore, I suggest that you withdraw the army first, and the most urgent task is to stabilize your basic situation. With all due respect, Bosnia and sevina, Macedonia, and Kosovo are in danger of independence. It's better to sit at the negotiation table with Slovenia and Croatia, and let's have a communication first. "

Milosevic looks at seryosa with a serious face. I don't know how to answer. To put it bluntly, Milosevic doesn't want to have a firefight between Serbia, Slovenia and Croatia. Slovenia and Croatia are rich provinces of Yugoslavia. Once a war breaks out, it will definitely be a fatal blow to Yugoslavia's economy. All the contradictions are rooted in Yugoslavia's poor economic situation. A large number of unemployed young people have nothing to do and become keen on street politics. It seems that the economic problems are all political. However, they did not even think about why in the past, Yugoslavia could create a record of 6.9% of GDP per year in the era of higher pressure in titona, and maintained a high growth rate for ten years. Politics is just an excuse for some people to encourage ignorant young people to make trouble in the streets. Economic problems, in the final analysis, need to be adjusted by economic means.